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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. People actually caring about the special features? I thought that was just a myth. Anyways, since I got paid and didn't get raped by tax as much as I have been. Time for a treat.
  2. Well the Carnifex normally has two "normal" legs and the other four limbs are for various weapons. For example here are two others I have done: I just felt that it looks a little lop-sided and wanted to do something different, as well a lighter colour scheme. Most of my things end up darker than I originally intend.
  3. My latest minature creation. I was never feeling the legs on these things and saw potential for something really pointy. I took all the spiky carapaces I could find and saw places to stick them. I think it's come out alright. I'm not sure if these look more like breasts or testicles. I wasn't planning on it being either but they just hang there.
  4. I admire escapism/immersion. It's always made a game/book/movie work well for me. If I can't get into the world the author has created then I can't enjoy it fully. Stolen and slightly edited from a piece of academic literature, mainly concerned with video gamings:
  5. Because my girlfriend and I won't see each other Christmas Day, so we decided to swap gifts last night. I'll be with Mummy and step daddy tomorrow. Then working on Boxing Day then going to see Daddy and step mummy. Busy busy.
  6. Where do you put yours?
  7. My girlfriend and I don't do the face eating in restaurants. We're too busy attacking the mixed grill. We do the voice thing though.
  8. What exactly do you do in that Jay? If that's what the man wants to call rhino shit, so be it. :p Thus far I've gotten Donkey Kong Country Returns and these weird heart things which if you snap the metal in them crystals form and it heats up.
  9. I can't be bothered to check the past couple of pages to see if this was covered, but did Santa molest you or something? Since we've all got these rose tinted glasses on due to enjoying that aspect of our childhood, something must've happened for you to discard the notion of having the same done to any offspring you may have. I've not looked in too much detail the history of the man, but from what I've seen he's generally an all round nice chap. He does seem to go "Shhhh" in many adverts which does grate.
  10. So Santa Claus isn't fantasy? Thus you consider Santa to be real. Works for me.
  11. Wouldn't last as long. I'd take that over being buried alive anyday.
  12. How will you cope with other parents living the lie? You'd have to train your kid to deal with this. Diageo Jnr: Daddy got me a Chaka Khan CD this Christmas. Other kid: Santa got me one too, why didn't Santa give you one? Diageo Jnr: Because he isn't real, it's bullshit. Tell everyone else on the playground. There would be many crying 5* year olds at the end of school that day. *whatever.
  13. I'm sending my ashes to Santa. He'll then feed them to his reindeer who will promptly do a shit on Diego's bed on Christmas Eve. Failing that, stick a nuke in my stomach and airbomb me somewhere. Like in Con Air but with real results.
  14. We haven't had snow here for about a week now, it pissed it down Wed night and tried snowing the next day but ground was too wet to settle. Since then it's just been a big freeze with frost covering everything.
  15. I had a bad throat last week, which started leading into the generic drained feeling, stomach ache etc. But these (coupled with some Lockets for the throat) worked a fucking treat:
  16. And when everyone gets older they do good things for rewards, it's a magic preparation for their growing up into the world of ass-kissing.
  17. Billio needs more exposure.
  18. I am curious as to how you came to this conclusive point. Surely the same must apply to us men. Are we condemned to Hell* because we haven't infiltrated a female with our seed/or you for not accepting one? *Insert your bad version of afterlife here.
  19. I don't have a problem with women not wanting to breed. But I do suspect you may when you're older* [:p] just based on that many women who have had children said they didn't want to when they were younger. Will you be one of them? Fuck knows, time will tell. *People say alot of things they won't do when they're older but eventually find themselves doing it anyway. Evidence showed in this amazing topic: http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21174
  20. And I'm willing to put good money on those people not giving a shit who gets to number one any week.
  21. It's all about trying to stay PC nowadays, which is why you'll find more and more people saying "Happy Holidays" or something to that effect.
  22. But it's only one point where the true appreciation lies.
  23. My only fond memory of Prince was when one of his songs was used at one point in Batman.
  24. Fuck yeah. Try this instead then, just for the awesome editing: Or the original site for better quality. http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/yatta
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