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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Hahaha, Slayer Sword. Not a chance in hell. Not at the moment anyway. I actually entered Golden Demon about 8 years back. Didn't get anywhere. Thinking back part of the model I did was complete wank. Was a Terminator Command Squad based on my ancient Egypt chapter. And on the top of each armour was the head of a God. Made out of blu-tak. The main one, Pharoah Tamose looked/and still looks alright today. I ripped the other ones off. My Sobek was the worst. Quality images on that link though. I always love it how all the models have to stand on some form of rock.
  2. Do you ever touch it and then start running around singing the theme?
  3. If you don't want to survive then you're ending your life anyway. Although some people may consider religion/all that jazz greater than life. If they wish to delude themselves that way so be it.
  4. Delightful! Also I like the Starman t-shirt you're wearing also. Very uniform. I should get a Venom t-shirt.
  5. For some reason that was my favourite bit. Even being an Elton John fan.
  6. Not really. Not sure if I'm that good. My next project is an Ork Battlewagon. One again I've tried cramming as much of the material as possible. My future plan is having 3 monsters in a deadlock battle, using the colourscheme and [hopefully] likeness of Charizard, Venusaur and Blastoise.
  7. Would explain the shitty dancing.
  8. I was waiting for some golfers to bash the shit out of him for trespassing.
  9. I personally gagged wondering when the action was going to start. It's just that I'm yet to encounter a "nice" bounty hunter.
  10. She killed him in Metroid too, but didn't piss herself when seeing him with the baby Metroid in Super Metroid. As Goron mentioned. A human with Chozo infused DNA and special abilities and has no problem being a bounty hunter, which by most definitions means cold and merciless*. *This may be the exception since she's a woman :p
  11. Is that just for Inception or is everyone dumb/distracted if they don't spot every little detail in one viewing?
  12. No idea. I'll let the advert do the talking. http://www.jmldirect.com/Sit-Right-PS1002/
  13. Get the JML Sit right!
  14. So what does that mean and how much of that was influenced by this topic? [i'm not sure about the first question but I'm expecting "fuck all" for the second]
  15. I'm wondering this also. It seems a poor costume otherwise.
  16. Unless there is a game/s that interest me I'll venture into its relevant forum. For example the Golden Sun topic, since I'm playing that I'll venture into the thread. But once I've finished I probably won't return. No no. Having you in one place where we all can keep an eye of you is fine.
  17. Dude. If they don't come it's probably that they're not that interested. They're not dumb, they know where it is.
  18. Glorious, I wish my mannequinn would pose like that, the arms don't go anywhere near a 90 degree angle.
  19. That was shite, but it has inspired me to check out the original review.
  20. I do recommend. Got it for £16 off Amazon.
  21. At least he did the ultimate pimpsmack when he did. I always love how Rangers just look at their hands after an upgrade/just been downgraded.
  22. If you find it interesting you'll find yourself putting more effort into it and probably won't find it as difficult as you initially believe.
  23. Power Rangers was genius until Turbo, when a littly boy grew into an adult when he morphed into a Ranger. Bullshit.
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