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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Yep, hopefully this will make him realise there are serious consequences. But I daresay my mum will buckle and allow him to stay since he probably won't get off his arse and find somewhere to live. This is why he never learns.
  2. My brother has fucked things up again and is being kicked out the house! Huzzah!
  3. Awesome dude, I just came. Fixed it a treat. Remind me to buy you a drink.
  4. Any associations? The rest of that window has associations, there's around 15 which don't. We're talking at least 100 and I have to delete them all?! And now it can't find my rundll32 thingy. I'll have to try this tomorrow if it'll do any good.
  5. I'm on XP, having a look at what to get instead if I have to. Not having much luck.
  6. Where was that bad boy from?!
  7. Whilst trying to find a nice picture of Rayquaza I find AVG telling me there's a virus and it needs quarrantining. I do so and it seems everything goes back to normal. When I try bringing firefox back it asks what to open it with, and it's done the same to other programs on my PC. I've tried Googling it but have had little success. Anyone come across this before?
  8. You? Taking something at face value? Get away... Even so it still means boringness wasted on origin "snippets"
  9. That's not Connors, that's the Hulk! LOOK HIS HAND IS GOING GREENY! Plus Andrew Garfield still looks like a complete tool. Tight trousers, rolled up at the bottom AND the wrong socks?! they're going all out.
  10. We need variety! All he's given us recently is artichokes!
  11. I hope GLaDOS rapes you for that.
  12. "Aaahahahah."
  13. Time to ressurrect this classic: He even made a video comeback, the original one with it's amazing profanity and incitement to gang war was for charity!. Although it's not been remixed with awesome images so at the moment it isn't as good. As usual, gotta love the top comments: this is the most terrible piece of horseshit i've heard ever. You sad twat. SycophantJeff Don't you know when to lie down and stay down you fucking twat? withnail555 DICKO IS BACK RETURN OF THE GODFATHER BACK TO GAIN RESPECT FOR KILLING ANOTHER TRILLION DICKHEADS YumexLaUrauTM WE DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS DICKO! WE JUST WANT TO HERE MORE OF YOUR RAPS ABOUT BITCHES AND GUNS. propjam2
  14. I hate to say it, but I semi-agree with the man. I don't think it's fair people give special treatment because of that. Sort of an inverted racism.
  15. Is king of queens Graham Norton narrating again?
  16. Have they lowered the price on some items? Because I can see I can afford more than just the shitty ringtones/phone wallpapers. Plus, it was awesome when they gave you desktop wallpapers for each game.
  17. How do you mean?
  18. A case which contains a bomb underneath the seat of a Government official?!
  19. Mwahaha, my vote won. Makes a change. I've only seemed snippets of How I Met Your Mother so I could be mistaken, but I don't believe they normally cover "important news". Ashmon?
  20. Ha, you got screwed over mate. I not only won his national lottery but helped him extort money from his life insurance. Too bad the exchange rate blows... I ended up with a fiver, a toffee crisp and some blu-tac.
  21. But do you play hard?
  22. I know there's no spoon.
  23. Pretend away sparky. Doesn't make it any better.
  24. Editing/quoting yourself to find the url is a surefire win. User CP > Edit Options, scroll to the bottom.
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