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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I guess I do. I stand by what I said though.
  2. Just seen the new Tomb Raider movie game trailer. http://uk.videogames.games.yahoo.com/blog/article/26010/new-tomb-raider-trailer-oozes-quality.html This has to be one of the most uninspiring trailers I've ever seen.
  3. Probably more educational than funny. Was disappointed to see a threat from Gone in 60 Seconds missing.
  4. If I worked at Game and someone came in to trade two copies of Puzzle Bobble, I'd tell them to sod off. I would take advantage of the system but it's too much effort, after buying them plus the bus fare it's just cheaper to order from Amazon. I would ask at work what they're selling it at, but I'm sure it'll be £35-40.
  5. I thought it was to stop screen burn. I just don't understand why it's happening now. I've had this PC for years and it's never done it.
  6. Normally when you make something full screen, like a movie or whatnot the screensaver doesn't come up. But recently it's started turning itself on. So I have to go into the settings and turn it off and then reactivating it after I've finished watching whatever (Which at the moment are many episodes of South Park) Is there a remedy for this?
  7. I missed the results, who went through/got knocked out?
  8. Preordered. Still need a 3DS though. Payday soon!
  9. Sounded too slow to seem "pop" to me. But no doubt our definitions of genre differ.
  10. When I saw the recap they mentioned he did nursery rhymes to pop music (I think they said), but all he did this time was sing a medley to slow music. I was expecting something more special.
  11. She should've stayed on the piano, which I did expect she would but agree with the judges that she shouldn't have come off. Once again another bloke so camp he thinks he needs to shove it in your face, because you may not have noticed. He needs shooting.
  12. There's no mention of him not being a carpenter either. He's a student, possibly a carpentry student.
  13. That was one fucked up latest episode. Alrays rove the Chinese broke. But they need to stop finding "problems" with Butters and stop showing his parents.
  14. Hell yeah, everyone knows the iPad 2 is being replaced by the Human CentiPad.
  15. I had the bloke who wrote Captain Corelli's Mandolin at my graduation. I didn't pay attention to a word he said.
  16. Must confess, it's the first time I've seen it. I did expect it to be more Jordan-esque so was pleasantly surprised by the result.
  17. T'was most fun. Much more action than knocking on doors and then running away to see 5 seconds of bewilderment. That and Wall Ball. Kick a ball at a defined wall portion. Miss and stand by the wall and people will then kick the ball at you. That brick wall the Sun reported about would've done nicely. But we used the side of the community centre. Plenty of wall to go around!
  18. Anyone play this game called "Kerby" I think that's how you spell it, pronounced like Kirby. Involved two people on opposite sides of a road. Each person takes turns to throw a ball and hit the kerb at such an angle that it bounces back to you. When you do you take a step forward. You have to get to the other side to win. If you're on the road and you miss your opponent can grab the ball and throw it at you before you can make it back to the pavement you get sent back to the start. Obviously a good game to play on a not so busy road.
  19. Go to uni, then find the situation ten times more depressing. It's just a case of whoring yourself out to the max.
  20. I see. We called it Knock-A-Door-Run.
  21. What did it entail?
  22. I've never heard of 40-40 in game, but it sounds awesome. I invented a game called Jungle, which follows the hide-and-seek (Which we shortened to "Hido/Hydo, because we're dope yo'!") formula, but you need a very long grass field for this. One plays the Lion and must catch everyone. Everyone is crawling in the field so you don't know who is near. Also, playing Tracker at one of the N-E meets was genius.
  23. Oh great, that's just what a conspiracy nut needs.
  24. I know! I'm just as disappointed in myself. I think it's just because I was tired as fuck. I went to sleep the moment it finished. I'm confident a later viewing when more refreshed will be much better.
  25. I watched Wall-E today and found it to be very disappointing. I just didn't see why people enjoyed it so much.
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