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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Some of us enjoy not having to stare at pure white all the time on this forum. I myself have the Mario Galaxy background.
  2. I've seen that episode so many times. Along with episode "201", which I had to go back to watch Scott Tenorman Must Die to fully understand it. And Passion Of The Jew was amazing. Mel Gibson is a genius.
  4. Spent my breaks at work sleeping, which you may consider a good thing, but the reason for it is rather distressing. Having to wake up at 5:30 for work I find my brother trying to enter my room at 12:30 asking for condoms. I told him to piss off (rather loudly) and it turns out sexual protection means nothing to him, for he went at it with this lass anyway. He makes too much noise, I don't think the women enjoy it.
  5. Winamp is sexy. Fully recommended.
  6. Awesome. Simple as. Fucks sake, it was bullshit when they blamed Batman, I never thought they'd try it in real life.
  7. I love South Park, I'm currently going through them from the beginning to catch up on the seasons I missed. Later episodes are even better now they've stopped beeping everything. Freesh.
  8. Because the bitch stopped the flow of awesomeness:
  9. Quick question Monkey, I'm not sure if it's been covered, but if Osama was dead for ages, why didn't al'Queda say anything? Were they doing the Dark Knight approach of "people will lose faith and turn into pussies if they know the truth"?
  10. Not a fan. Her voice is alright but found the songs uninspiring.
  11. He should be more nicer to H'will H'wheaton.
  12. They should just make the whole series CGI, Toy Story, in a galaxy far far away. I believe the shitty Rocky Horror Picture Show holds the record for constant cinema release.
  13. Capital! Just returned from voting also. They wanted me to vote for two different people already... It's already started!
  14. We play a shitload of Mega Drives in some sort of league/tournament format. There's also a separate knock out tournament. They also did a Street Fighter 2 knock out tournament last time. Community centre, village hall... Pretty much same thing. But yes. Should be in the Bramcote area in Nottingham. We didn't have any teenager taking piccies. We had this bloke going round filming stuff and everything, saying it was going to go online, video interviews etc. It's been two years and I've not seen anything.
  15. Wouldn't it only get transferred if Lib Dems had the lowest number of votes at the end of the "round" and were thus eliminated?
  16. It's not as if they just fucking started looking for him. They've been at it for ages. Damn them terrorists, they're always in the last place you look.
  17. This is just a quick topic to see if there are any members here (Tell others if you really care ) who are interested in participating in this years Mega Drive Championship tournament. Those wishing to enter would enter in Division 2 (out of 2) where they must win into Division 1 to earn the title of "Champion". However if there is that much demand I was told they may consider a 3rd Division. I did ask if I could spread the word here and the organisers allowed me, I also asked them for a date but the best they could give me was "20th July". Whether it'll be actually around that date is unknown. So I ask thee, people of N-E. You wish to give it a go?
  18. Perhaps, I'm always still lost on the concept of left-right wing [i was told at college around 8 years ago and forgot] but that image over generalises to the max. Another example would be you and I: You on many forums or me on one. You do the same on every forum and the same for myself. Based on First Past The Post I win. Let's say these are all in Nottingham, you would still get the more votes on a range of forums. In theory you would win. However I'm so popular on this one forum, where they enjoy swear words and random use of the word 'Shabba' (Albeit I've not used it in awhile) That I win overall. But these parties don't do the same thing as you would on each forum. As such they will not do [Let's face it, they won't.] any/every promise they made in each constituency, but that's not the issue. The issue is that the people of each constituency votes for the policies they want for their neighbourhood, I'm going to go far as to say that many residents are selfish and want only what is best for them and not the country (even with regards to public services). In which point alternative voting will more than likely fail. They should call it "The lesser of X evils" vote, because that is what it is, if their party X of choice won't win they would prefer party Y to Z as it's the lesser of two evils. Granted I've limited to three parties, but that's it's all it's ever been... (This makes me think of an issue actually. As we know Conservatives/Liberal Democrats "won" this election, with regards to the Labour et al. areas, how much power/ability/funding were they given to fulfill their aims laid out in their manifesto [assuming they give a shit]. Either way, even if alternative voting wins there will obviously be areas where another party "wins", how much support will they get?) This is where my amazing compromise comes in which I mentioned earlier.
  19. YouTube was absolute shit for this video. Either that Cat border or a shitty shaky video. This is what I managed to find, not sure how/if it embeds. I'm priding myself on "knowing about this ages ago" but the potential for it/the past/future songs* is so immense it's unreal. *However the majority of them will be [to the tune of the song] "shot of fit girls dancing. Close/long shot of girls dancing. The lead singer attempts dancing in a club/alleyway". Point is, many music videos are shite.
  20. Beautiful. I'm gonna have to remember this when I mention I'm going to the next Nationals. I'm 25 and in the Masters Division and I consider myself young, there are a shitload of older people, fathers and mothers of "normal" age. The main factor is that people use/are trained to use meta-decks which win games. Age doesn't matter when you've copied from the internet.
  21. I feel that, it looks fucking awesome. Not long after watching the South Park with the Plane-arium. It was low-ish, but it had spikes and some black dude loitering around as if he was some sort of undercover park ranger.
  22. I agree, I was expecting such an outroar. But the loveliness of television has shown much worse things. It's numbed my reception to such things. Someone with slight burn marks on the news? Compare that with Del in The Green Mile and you find yourself not caring as much*, even if the former is not fictional. *Assuming you don't know them.
  23. Depends what you consider working class. I know our local MP (I don't believe he's been voted out yet) used* to come down the pub where I worked quite frequently. He was addicted to whatever fruit machine we had. Not something upper class. *I believe he still does, he just came in when I worked. I don't go when I used to work anymore. So basically overall second place wins the election and people think "They did alright", not knowing what their first choice could've achieved, because let's face it - manifestos mean fuck all, meaning they'll vote for them next time. See this is where I'm not sure where you're going: A] People who vote for their main party but have their second choice voted in and find their experience enjoyable, thus voting them again next time. B] People who find the current Parliament enjoyable and voting them again next time. There's not really much difference. More than likely people will vote for the name only. At this moment in time it's just a simple battle of spite. People voted Conservative because they couldn't stand Gordon Brown (Who, in my opinion never got a chance to get going himself), and now people are considering voting something other than Conservative just to spite David Cameron.
  24. Let's not fuck around here Michael. It's not a shadow and it sure isn't facial hair. And no matter what you say and zoom in we can tell it's not artichoke. A pussy mark. Try jumping over a fence at the N-E Meet and ripping your jeans in two leaving one massive bruise. :P
  25. Fuck it. Russian Roulette. It's win-win. Kinda.
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