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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Well if we need that kind of proof... Only one twat to turn to.
  2. Even though I'm not partying I can certainly see the cause for happiness. Remember the end of Independence Day anyone? Aliens die = celebration. Just because Bin Laden wasn't an alien* means we can't be happy? *Mad Monkey may say he is.
  3. You forgot your brother.
  4. It was good but it was let down by a shitty ending. Although I have an idea how it may start up, although it has one massive flaw. Did they ever explain how the taxi driver always lived in the first episode? My theory was that he built up an immunity, a concept they stole from The Princess Bride.
  5. All Columbo needs to do is take away his lolly and he'll cry like a little bitch.
  6. Only one man has the power to defeat the trinity's combined power. He's only pretending to think to give them the impression they still have a chance. He's already thought of ten ways to fuck them over. Twice.
  7. Couldn't you wait to get her home?
  8. UK: Get to the choppa!
  9. Sounds like good news. Obama did a jov job rubbing salt in the wounds of the friends/relatives of 9/11 victims at the beginning.
  10. That is one cracking rack.
  11. I find the Law and Order series to be most entertaining. Even the UK version, which I wish they'd do one which wasn't based on someone else's story.
  12. I thought that was what ReZ was trying to convey, massive balls and a tiny cock. In the form of an artichoke.
  13. I think he was interpreting Nicki Minaj as being a woman (which she is), where you implied she was manly.
  14. Someone had to crack in the end.
  15. Break it down for us.
  16. I only recognised a handful of those films, I saw Face/Off, Ghost Rider (I never understand how happy he seems to look in his first transformation), and I think Wicker Man, what were the others? Also, the video deserves credit for recommending this right at the end.
  17. I'm sure it'll borrow some elements from this. Skip to around 6:30
  18. I like the way his boyfriend kills people who can't swim in him. I'll see myself out...
  19. Because then we'd all seem like perverts like ReZ, when we're really not as bad.
  20. We're leaving them for Goafer and Wham.
  21. Cut the bullshit for Christ's sake! "he and other group members planned to pull out megaphones as the royal procession approached." I think we can all assume these won't be heartfelt congratulations. And you call this entertainment? That's asking for trouble, plain and simple. You don't put a fox in the henhouse, watch the carnage ensue and say: "Wow, that was surprising and totally unexpected." "He was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to cause public nuisance." So to answer your question on can someone be arrested of an offence without committing said offence is yes. I know you've danced around the issue of attempted murder and conspiracy to commit terrorism etc. by the logic that "They are more naughty" but that's not the point. The severity is not the issue here, public nuisance is a crime. The police had reason to believe some bad shit was going down and felt they had to sort it out. Deal with it. "More than 60 people arrested in recent demonstrations have already been banned from central London on Friday as part of their bail conditions." Man, these likeminded individuals sure sound like swell guys.
  22. Or Either's good.
  23. Bought a Pokémon booster box last week which came with a Victini box set for £90. The Victini box set hadn't been released when I ordered it (despite being displayed a package deal) so I got sent the booster box early, with a note mentioning the Victini box will come later. Fine. This morning Victini arrives with a companion, another booster box. SCORE.
  24. It's like a wedding dress and a judge's wig fucked and had an aborted foetus.
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