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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. So you're saying it's Raining... Again?
  2. I have a gmail too, it's just my Yahoo one is my original and most trusted friend. Had it since the beginning (bordering on 15 years I think) and gives power to my MSN.
  3. Yahoo's new inbox design. It's shit.
  4. It's amazing how the social boundaries get shat on after entering college. Some people who considered themselves "above" myself and my friends suddenly love us and we're all friends in perfect harmony.
  5. I was bullied also. This one prick made infant and junior school hell for me. Now all these years later I find out my brother may be moving in with him... fucking prick. Physics was a good lesson at comp though, we could get the teacher talking about random stuff for the whole lesson. When he tried getting back to the lesson subject we'd just enquire more about the random subject and off he went. Brilliant.
  6. Don't use this bullshit as an excuse.
  7. Uh-huh. I feel the astonishment of logic though. Smart = outcast, Rebel = cool. Written beautifully by Maddox: http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=dumbassjocks Although round here the results have been in reverse.
  8. Well fuck on a pogo stick, I'm in the minority! I read reviews because I'm interested in what is being said. On several occasions I know for a fact I won't buy the game but there's no harm in seeing what they think. I'm not going to check out a press release because it's not going to be a secret that it's going to be biased as fuck.
  9. You're describing a game, not a full bodied wine.
  10. I always keep thinking how I'd do if I went back in time and took school knowing all the stuff I know now. Especially with the ladies. I await the jokes. That and American school. And to be a teacher and tell the athelete's to sit the fuck down, they're not getting out of my classes to "run laps".
  11. You don't conside that some form of assault?
  12. What amazes me is in stuff like CSI they don't enhance it to begin with. They spend around five minutes squinting then suddenly they decide to use the anal leakage algorithm which solves the case in under ten seconds.
  13. I've got it on Wii (As Rival Swords) and I don't recall any Papyrus font telling me anything like that.
  14. Taking these comments from this article: "It’s incredible to think that reviews were able to have such an impact on the company" I don't understand how you're so amazed by this, people have already mentioned movies and their reviews. What about cars as well? If they get a bad review, people won't buy them. If people won't buy the product the company suffers and their stocks will fall. For some reason this astonishes you? Read the review and make your mind up. Don't just go for the climax, have the foreplay. That's just them trying to use an out-of-ten system and being pussies about it.
  15. Same here, also whenever the name came up whilst loading I kept thinking "That's meeee!"
  16. Must've done.
  17. Just completed it. Under 7 hours as well, I thought I was taking way too much time, especially on one bit. pr0 game. Merchant was a fuckload better than I thought it'd be, but with my surname at his side he couldn't do wrong. Are the overgrown portions in the co-op only? Because I keep seeing screens/videos with vines and shit all over the place, but didn't really encounter any, except when GLaDOS said she saw a deer* *How does one pronounce her name? Glad-os, Glay-dos?
  18. Same here, if I hadn't booked it off as holiday I'd end up working. The main store will close but the pr0 petrol station remains open.
  19. I don't work Fridays or Mondays, but I've booked next week off for the general sake of it. Means I've got Sunday off, but they pay you a Sunday premium, they won't add another time and a half bank holiday pay on top, the stingy fuckers. Either way, I will be doing nothing special. I may have the Royal wedding on whilst I'm doing something important, but may have to change channels if Neighbours is on.
  20. To spice things up just add a few random ones in the bottom right corner. Instant techno beat.
  21. The moment I get Portal 2 it messes me around: http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1308326#post1308326 I need help!
  22. Can anyone on the PC [Or possibly the other consoles] help me with the menu? For some bullshit reason the resolution is massive, and I can see the option to change the size but not any of the options below to actually change it because they're off screen. How many buttons must I press?
  23. I know, only a D-, no way you could miss out getting a First with a reassuring mark like that.
  24. Just hand in this classic, maybe reword a few sentences so it doesn't seem plagurised.
  25. I know why the wand backfired. But I wouldn't consider it "cool", more like a cheap way out for Rowling.
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