Gutted, had monies on Santa's Son who was in the lead for awhile but failed.
Also had some bets on Comply or Die, Backstage and Arbo something. I only bet on it because it reminded me of Arbok.
I like how it's like you're telling us to screw ourselves as if we don't want you to play Super Metroid because it's obviously the better choice.
A wise decision though mate. Go forth and Shabba'ise.
Saw this in an episode yesterday and know it needed sharing.
Although it deserves to be in the "pr0 stuff thread", were it to exist. I love Homer's voice in his fantasy.
Non-event?! She's walking like a pro and shaking her head as if she was in a Herbal Essences ad. And that bit where she walked up the stairs at the end... Inspiring stuff.
Let's not forget the bobbing on the spot.
[she does have a mic on]
Anyone else get such tempting recommendations?
Sue Pollard for only £40? Very tempting indeed. Also comes highly recommended in their reviews.
Wow. I thought I'd seen it all with the Paul Ross print but MirrorPrintStore have excelled themselves once again by producing a truly fantastic canvas of my favourite female celebrity!
I have just placed an order for 2 prints of the esteemed actress; one for myself (obviously) and one for the small Ethiopian village of Hamer. I regularly donate £2 a month by Direct Debit to Oxfam so that they can catch their own fish, this has now been cancelled so that they can savour the splendour of Sue Pollard in her pomp for a whole lifetime!
That you could actually hear them for a change?
The only ch00n I remember from Other M is the "briefing" music you get each time before starting. I have that on my desktop, you should try playing it alongside another track. It goes surprisingly well if you get the volumes just right.
[For me I have briefing playing in Windows Media Player and the other track in Winamp]
I'm going to record some now for the sake of it.
Picked two random songs from my collection that didn't have much of a prominent beat to them:
If you do not wish to download them, just slam a weird piccy and put it on j00t00be!
Simply beautiful.
This came up on the playlist and thought I'd give this a go also. Worked so well in many places I decided to do the whole song:
The key time to strap yo' shit on (unless you're a pro) is at a time when the lady is preoccupied. In my case it's when the lady is immobilised after a session of hardcore bean licking.