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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Law essay 2 handed in today! Not feeling as good as I did about the first one, but here's hoping good comes of it.
  2. He was too busy holding the camera.
  3. No where near as much as I should. Pretty much the same as brushing my teeth.
  4. We already have Band Aid. And a fraction of A Perfect Day.
  5. Just had some similar pr0 beatdown today. On the pay at pumps we have a slot for the payment card (obviously) and a small scanner right next to it for Clubcards, but dipshits still think they have to stuff the tiny keyring fobs in the card slot. As such we get some terminals offline. Today we had such an example. We coned the pump off, just to get the message across. However one dumb fuck thought he'd give it a go. *Bloke walks in store* Man: I've just tried paying with my card in that pump and it just keeps getting stuck, not going in. Can you reset it so I can pay in here? Me: Pump 2? Man: Yeah. Me: That pump's broken. That's why we coned it off. Man: But it doesn't say it's broken. Me: We coned it off so it couldn't be used. He gets angry, moves the cones so they stick out a bit more, because bright orange cones don't show up well against dark metallic surfaces unless they're a metre away, then drives off. It's not fucking rocket science! Cones = No.
  6. She looks like prime peedo fodder.
  7. Because it's fucking awesome. People think that electric types aren't that great against grass. Suddenly ten tonnes of flaming fuck you is thrusted right up their arse.
  8. I thought that was going to be a song Cascada would be proud of until the shit went hardcore.
  9. Watching the advert with that bloke blowing his load over his 3DS makes me feel ashamed to want a 3DS.
  10. So Pokémon has made it less stunning?
  11. The adverts to Magnums are severly misleading. To get the smooth bite they do in the advert the thing must be hard melted. No chance in hell it's going to make that hard cracking sound. It will only do it when it is frozen to fuck, and only then can you get a proper bite if you're Jaws. :p
  12. Really Shit Ruby. So Shit Sapphire. This is why my Reshiram will be called Kaiba when I catch it. That and Reshiram sounds shit.
  13. Because they're high value stealies. Like razors etc. Just walk to the counter with your head held high and demand cashback when you buy them. You better buy them in packs of 18 or above.
  14. I'm disgusted by the downplaying of some of the old moves.
  15. It doesn't fucking help that our boss has been off for ages and seems to be on indefinite leave. Just as she was about to start after having two weeks holiday we get a phone call saying she's going to be off another two weeks because her daughter's broken her leg, fine. Then it came to light boss has hurt her back whilst she was off. It's been almost two months since we've been expected to handle everything. We've started not giving a shit and stealing stuff. We need till rolls/pay at pump rolls for outside, no matter how many times we phone up we get nothing. So we go over and take them. If the checkout supervisors have a problem they can phone up the managers and explain why we've had to shut down the petrol station due to lack of paper.
  16. I don't know what time it is... Rebecca said nothing about this... Moonneee daaiiyyeee? WHEN IS IT GOING TO BE THURSDAY?! BECAUSE THEN I'D KNOW TOMORROW WOULD BE FRIDAY!
  17. How do you think Moogle ever gets laid?
  18. I feel this. At the moment it's always "Price's gone up again" ... Yes, I've not heard that one before. "I remember the day when I could fill my tank with just 2 pounds and a drawing pin, and get change!" Now it's "Why is the Tesco in {X} cheaper than here?" Because Tesco have this amazing strategy of only pricing competitively locally. I think their master plan is to undercut whoever's nearest, but by the smallest margin possible. Do they make you do fuel surveys Goafmon? They keep harassing us to phone up local petrol stations and bug them for their prices. Every Tue/Thurs before midday [Always keeping them guessing] and once again they think we can drop everything* to phone around which most of the time they don't tell us. Which at present is hampered by the nearest Saisnbury's closing their petrol station for renovations so we've been inundated by their people. All complain over the payment system. *Last situation: [at 11:57 last Tuesday] Someone - "Who does the fuel survey over there?" Me - "Whoever is here whenever we can." Someone - "Ok can you do a fuel survey please? There should be three of you there." Me - "At the moment, but one is going in the next 2 minutes" Someone - "Can you get it done in the next 2 minutes?" Me - "Probably not, one of them has gone over to the main store" Someone - "Errm... We kinda need it done before 12..." Me - "I'll see if I can make time" I had no intention of trying to make any time. We were too busy anyway.
  19. True. We should make an award next time around (I'm not sure if it exists) "Outstanding Contribution to a Single Cause/Thread" Daft would win this year hands down. Then becomes perplexed when many ask to dance with her... REZ! I know you've made a dancing video. Especially for her, let's see it. [Link her to the Spin Dance.]
  20. When it's coming to drinking I'm starting to become more of a lightweight. I'm hoping it's because I'm tired but I've found myself being unable to drink as much as I once did. Last night I had only 3 pints and felt awful. Even woke up to go to the head and almost thought I'd throw up.
  21. That signature still around? It's heee-oouge. True. But the ending took it to new levels of crapness.
  22. I doubt it could match the shitness that was the finale to Everybody Loves Raymond.
  23. Depends if ones of equal quality were available cheaper.
  24. Astounding.
  25. I've just gone through the Twirl/Twist/Shabba Mountain and come out looking as sexy as ever. Current squad, all around 40-43: Emboar, Carracosta, Zebstrika, Excadrill and Tranquill. Position Six is still unknown. Having fun pimpsmacking everyone. Only 2 more badges to go!
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