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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I do commend you for wanking over the pretty pictures before reading it. Not at the same time.
  2. I have been semi-planning on joining one of these sites, just so I can check (for "free") my potential "compatible" matches. For some reason my girlfriend is opposed to this.
  3. I do hope you washed your hands afterwards, the pages will stick together.
  4. Not sure if this is a good thing or a depressing thing, but for the moment I'm being positive. Got some family round to stay for the weekend, which includes my cousin Scott who thinks he can try to hit my brother or I and not have it returned tenfold. A good thing was that I managed to get him to spend more time playing Streets of Rage 3 on the Mega Drive Collection than he did playing shortly purchased Quantum of Solace. It took some explaining for the kid to realise that this collection was actually a collection of Mega Drive games, then the first kill shot: "What's a Mega Drive?" I felt a part of myself and gamers around the world die at that moment. He's not that young and should at least know what one is. Previously that day I had to explain the backwards compatability between the Xbox 360 being able to play Xbox games, not the other way around, and I had the unfortunate mistake of mentioning the same concept with the Wii and Gamecube: "What's a Gamecube?" To be fair he did tell me he owns about 7 years worth of Fifa games so he can't be that much of a gamer. So maybe he's a Sony guy, I know he had a PS1, surely he must've heard about its rival... After showing the box... "What's a Nintendo 64?" Boom. Headshot. This should've gone in the negative topic... But at least he's learnt something, so that's alright.
  5. Do some drawing or some shit to improve yo' artist skills, draw what you see. No logic, just for fun. "I'm not your buddy, friend." Rants are for the weak. Just ignore them chap.
  6. Free medication, Woo.
  7. You agree with me dammit! So the speculation begins, how does he get his powers now? A good armpit raping would be original.
  8. pr0 more market research. They want me to visit a forum an hour a day for three days. For £50. I'm in.
  9. And pump up the bass on any song = Bam. Instant Cascada.
  10. Capital selection S.C.G, I promise I will listen to it shortly, just need to finish this essay. If it keeps you quiet for a little bit, it'll be worth it. I said I'd give the lass a chance and I did. Hounds of Love: Not bad, didn't help with the video being complete shite. Running Up That Hill: Better, video's still wank. Cloudbusting: Stupid song, worse video. Donald Sutherland yay! Breathing: Again, not bad. It was a shame that the music drowned her out too much. Some alright songs, but I wouldn't go out of my way to listen to any of them again. Anyways, back on topic. Pop into Rock: [Depending on one's definition of rock]
  11. I'll take that bet.
  12. I'm sure Kate Bush made them disgusting to begin with. But Nightwish's attempts on Phantom of the Opera/Walking in the air are not bad. Albeit neither pop or RnB.
  13. This is horseshit. Too many unanswered questions and replacing/remixing the continuity. Marvel love doing alternate realities, maybe the Maguire series was a fucked up version of what we're getting now.
  14. I only go to the gym to collect badges to qualify for the Pokémon league.
  15. Was this kid rather eccentric?
  16. The Daemons have finally be dispatched and I keep thinking about the position which is all well and good, but then I keep forgetting it also needs to be in relation to the base and would like to get a start on it before the princes arrive. EDIT: Need some help with the scenary, I'm hoping to have a small stream leaking from the upper tier, however this would mean it would suddenly cut off as it reaches the ends. Would this look alright?
  17. This one with the leaves? http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat470007a&prodId=prod240001a Not bad, I could actually use those leaves for Venusaur (would save me sculpting them out of green stuff), how big are they?
  18. Very awesome. What did you use for rocks on the base?
  19. I thought you were going for the "I'm with stupid >>" pointing at the right nut.
  20. I have a Shaymin and Jirachi availables.
  21. Won £80 on craps* at casino last night. Get in. I've taken a liking to this game now, mainly because if you bet and your number doesn't come up (unless it's a 7) they don't take your money away. *Magic Dice they call it.
  22. Whoa, thank God I didn't ask for a picture. Then I would've looked silly. Seriously though - How's the contemplation going?
  23. Working my way through this thread. It's beautiful http://www.boards.ie/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=2054974268
  24. PRIME BEATDOWN AT WORK TODAY!!! Bloke comes into work asking how he's meant to get the 5p off a litre when you pay at pump at the petrol station. My coworker tells him we can only do it when you select to pay at kiosk and come inside. Customer starts getting a little aggressive: Man: Well it doesn't say that on here [indicating voucher] and it doesn't say it out there. Me: [points at voucher] It says "excludes pay at pump" there. Man throws the voucher on the floor and walks out shouting "Fuck Tesco!" Arsehole, if you're not going to check the print then don't bitch. This was initially going to be in the negative thread, but it had led to positive results. I ordered some sculpting tools for the grand Pokémon project: http://www.waylandgames.co.uk/Privateer-Press/Paints-and-Tools/FP3-Sculpting-Set/prod_3856.html And recently got an email saying they had to refund the monies for it since they couldn't get it. Looking for an alternative I found this 12 piece bad boy: £8.95 for 12. Awesome. No way I'm paying for Games Workshops' "official" version. £4.10, for one. Fuck 'em.
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