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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Playing Final Fantasy XIII and being quite disappointed the black dude isn't a Chris Tucker from Rush Hour character.
  2. For 99p and Super Paper Mario.
  3. There's just something with the flavour which isn't doing it for me. Adding the H2O makes it more bearable.
  4. There's been a can of Guinness in the fridge for about a week now. Since the bottle of wine I swiped from mumsie has been assimilated I thought I give this a try. Never really been a fan of Guinness. But it does alright if you mix it 50/50 with water.
  5. I don't want to hear this bullshit. Vs. This badass: Plus this makes fucking perfect sense.
  6. I don't get it. Are you saying he's Nick Fury?
  7. Yes... both at 1:21... What an amazing coincidence. Comedy Drought. Don't worry, I'm sorting this out.
  8. They can watch it right now! Laura Laverne doing fuck all and David Mitchell doing the boring political stuff.
  9. Yeah, I'm feeling making it some form of bramble attack, like you'd see in Golden Sun, massive thorns and maybe some blood. The thing I keep coming back to is the size of the base. That and the visuals of the attacks. The vines/brambles are easy. It's water and fire which will prove challenging. I have a few ideas though. EDIT: Here is a Techmarine I did years ago. I'm very proud of the human portions I did:
  10. Hopefully Game/station will offer me more than £2 for Lost Magic smong others. I've got them written down so I imagine I'll be flitting between the stores tomorrow.
  11. Here is the blueprint prototype for the project I'll be working on as soon as the models arrive: Wondering with Venusaur whether to have the vines straight from the fingers or have him reaching into the ground and then rising up from under Blastoise. Would use a lot less green stuff.
  12. Also pretend you're talking to someone on the phone. Naturally you'll have to keep it up a while after for maximum effect. I almost fell pray to some of them. Whilst at uni they came door knocking. I made the mistake of being the one to open the door, then saying I kinda believed in God. One of them proper tried weedling their way into the house by asking for water. I left them on the doorstep and got a glass of water and brought it to her. Cheeky bitch. I then told them I was busy and come back tomorrow, and that my name was Steve.
  13. You could try Mario 64 DS to compensate, but it doesn't have the same charm.
  15. Aaah the sex shop (as we called it in Leicester), it seems we have on in Notts. Time to check the prices. EDIT: Christ they're bad. Sadly I can't see Game/station doing any better.
  16. I wasn't sure if this would go in the trades/bargain section since I'm not exactly offering anything. Plus this has more exposure. Tomorrow I'm planning on taking in some of my old cube games, and some Wii/360 games I know I'll never play again into town to sell/trade for new shizzle. The main places in Nottingham are Game and Gamestation, even though they're owned by the same corporation I once heard they varied in their trading in/buying prices. So based on the lovely peoples experiences here, which would you recommend?
  17. Fuck yeah.
  18. Power to the people it seems: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/22/20110211/tts-uk-egypt-ca02f96.html Now hopefully we can go back the age of Pharoahs.
  19. Pretty much any Forumla One game or "serious" racing title.
  20. That reminds me of Super Paper Mario. Although the mechanic was new for me, I just didn't like it.
  21. Halo. I gave it a go and it didn't seem anything special at all.
  22. That was genius. The only thing which I was expecting which didn't deliver was the Lakitu choppa not dropping any bombs.
  23. The main mystery here is how Charles is going to go bald. His psychic powers get too much they literally fuck his hair folicles out?
  24. Have to concur. I bought mumsy a Bruce Springsteen collection for Christmas. About 10 albums for £15. Lovely.
  25. Just Yahtzee really (If you call it a videogame show) I tried watching the live one with him and some others but they couldn't stop giggling for it to be any good.
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