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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I had a spot on my balls recently. That was bad. Just thought you ought'a know. You took your finger off the shift key too quickly my sweet, it's PMS.
  2. They are depressingly slow. I don't mind using the motion for fine tweeking, but in a hectic boss fight I'm not going to have my arms held parallel with each other and twirl around.
  3. He's the YinNut to chair's YangStun. Soon they will join and become....
  4. I'm just getting tired. Sadly that last vote count of the hut is misleading. He only has eight, not nine. We are now at ten.
  5. I see....... Fuck it. Vote Remix: Dazz
  6. I thought we were meant to lynch the baddies?
  7. Vote: No Lynch.
  8. You're an info-hungry fucker, aint'cha Esequiel? :P Almost too much of an info-hungry fucker....
  9. Close in a good way?
  10. Do people not have just one/two powers and that's it?
  11. But to be fair, the fire temple is the least greatest place to warp to as a child.
  12. That would make you René Mathis then... You remixed the redirection on your results on Dannyboy! You sneaky git. We probably wear the same aftershave.
  14. Don't mention music to them again, the tension is unbearable.
  15. I made my Scarecrow Song LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA But with only seven A's. There's a shrotcut to Goron Village via Lost Woods, as is one to the fountain outside Zora's Domain.
  16. Like many here, I've not noticed much/any of these rising tensions. Nothing which warrants it's own thread.
  17. Lube? Depending on how you give it him his surprise may not be an act.
  18. How big a fish do you need to get a Gold Scale/Piece of heart/useful shit? Because I spent ages and the biggest I got was 9 pounds and was given five Rupees. Fucking hate fishing... Do I need the sinking lure?
  19. You may as well add http://www.gamefaqs.com/ to your favourites now.
  20. Just say what I was saying previously: Their breasts look amazing.
  21. Anyways, I got my Dad a pint glass which says "My Dad is Cool". I know, amazing. And step-daddy an apron/hot sauce set.
  22. I think I must've been one of the only people who was never that bothered about the fishing...
  23. The first time I entered it, it was by Zora's Domain, the first I entered to get the intro scene was as an adult to get the eyedrops. Because this game wasn't meant for pussies. I hope you kept the receipt. I know what you mean, I think I must've been confusing it with the trade off for that other sword in Majora's Mask. I think they made Dark Link easier this time round. Either that or I had more magic. People keep saying use the Megaton Hammer, it just doesn't work for me. It's so slow he keeps jumping, and whenever I can land a hit he has his shield. So I return to my original strategy all those years ago. Fisting him with ten tonnes of Din's Fire until I can Din his ass no more. Then one final Biggoron strike and he's done. Even though you're meant to go to the Shadow Temple next, I've gone to get the Requiem of Spirit first. Get the gauntlets now!
  24. I was amazed when I found out Penn was an actual magician. To me he was always Drell from Sabrina the Teenage Witch.
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