The first time I entered it, it was by Zora's Domain, the first I entered to get the intro scene was as an adult to get the eyedrops.
Because this game wasn't meant for pussies. I hope you kept the receipt.
I know what you mean, I think I must've been confusing it with the trade off for that other sword in Majora's Mask.
I think they made Dark Link easier this time round. Either that or I had more magic.
People keep saying use the Megaton Hammer, it just doesn't work for me. It's so slow he keeps jumping, and whenever I can land a hit he has his shield. So I return to my original strategy all those years ago. Fisting him with ten tonnes of Din's Fire until I can Din his ass no more. Then one final Biggoron strike and he's done.
Even though you're meant to go to the Shadow Temple next, I've gone to get the Requiem of Spirit first. Get the gauntlets now!