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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Gotten to Ganon's Tower. Can I be bothered to hunt for Skulltula's? Doubtful. I've gotten over 50 so all the kids are fine. The Dad only gives you money, and I'm full of it. Tis possible. If you get the Song of Storms of the Windmill guy then go back as a kid. Or does Shiek still be an annoying git and stand in the way of the pedastal? Should be interesting. To be honest after all this ejaculation about fully orchestral soundtrack I haven't noticed any difference. Or is this just on the CD?
  2. We've just been fucked 3 players down. Silencing one to restore some confidence sounds like something they'd do.
  3. Does that mean they wouldn't turn on one of their own to gain the town's trust? Speaks for itself.
  4. There's no way Sharpe can be considered Neutral. He has to be mafia.
  5. How the fuck can Trevelyan be considered Neutral?! Robbie Coltrane was Neutral. Bean was a badass.
  6. That doesn't stop you from revealing yourself.
  7. Being shot in the face by Ouromov can do that to you.
  8. What videos were you looking for?
  9. Which bit? At the beginning they were meant to set the timer for 6 minutes but Bond became a rebel and remixed it to 3. Later on Alec returned the favour by giving Bond 3 minutes but saying he had 6.
  10. Is this going to be a problem for you Flinkmon?
  11. If j00 is not willing to share... We cannot follow suit.
  12. Exactly. Vote Eenuh
  13. Alec Trevelyan?
  14. 3 people gone in one night? And we're allowed to lynch one person a day... Is this even winnable? We're being raped.
  15. Posted because Mad Monkey got banned: http://uk.movies.yahoo.com/21062011/35/dunn-death-sparks-hoax-rumours-0.html CONSPIRACY?!
  16. True, he hasn't attempted to make a case for himself, more than to poke holes in the defence. But he does make some good points. And now the same can be done to him. What are your arguments? I really need to look into these guys. I find out Drell is actually a magician, and now he and his buddy do more than just magic.
  17. I didn't mean on the video I posted, I mean more on the link.
  18. Which bits was he wrong on? As is mentioned he isn't the most savoury character around, but with his regards to Vegetarians he raises some nice points. http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=grill Ignore the insults [which cuts around a 1/3 off] and it still makes sense.
  19. Word. ...
  20. I think this video can answer all your questions.
  21. Looks more like Ben 10.
  22. You can do better than that ReZ. Something like:
  23. I did once when my coworker broke her wrist crossing the road coming back after her break. Took about 5ish minutes of asking questions before they sent the ambulance over. Rang over the main store to tell them one of our own had to go to hospital because of a massive cut along her wrist and we'd need someone to cover her shift, got a "We'll see what we can do" and hung up. Didn't send no first-aider around or anything. Fucking idiots...
  24. Because they're cowards. They want to rebel but don't want to look like they're rebelling too much. It'd be culinary anarchy!
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