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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Aye, if it's somewhere easily accessible I'll give it a look. If it's pay-per-view or whatever it can go suck ma balls.
  2. I hear you there. For some reasons during long battles where I strafe around alot I kept tilting it so had to turn the 3D off. Also on the Gerudo arrow game/Racing with Epona.
  3. Where from? Also, if you've played it, is the original any good?
  4. Only the first person to target me was affected, yes. There was nothing in the write up to suggest such a beating either. This intrigues me also. Arbitor, please explain.
  5. Because I was scared the next person to target me wanted to do me harm. What rant and paranoia?
  6. How? It's slow as fuck I couldn't land a single hit that did any damage using the hammer. I need to know the secret.
  7. What other decent 3DS games are coming out for Christmas?
  8. Passport. Simple as. You don't need to be abroad to see that happening. Dude, just because some people don't have the same knowledge of the history of X doesn't mean you can be a dick about it. S'alright, I daresay Raining doesn't have time or patience to educate you on simplistic history.
  9. HOUSE PARTY. See you at the pahty Richter. Do go on...
  10. I've seen in one mafia threa something about "automerge" and "automerge protection", what does this normally mean? I assume it's a common mafia attribute like roleblocker etc.
  11. Only Scare Claire. Especially that bit where she's in her underwear.
  12. That was fucking awesome.
  13. Reminds me of this:
  14. Wasn't it a 50% chance?
  15. They ride tigers to work.
  16. Unless I end up having a wank, yes.
  17. Was Bay doing this again?
  18. Very well. Vote: Dannyboy-the-Dane
  19. Remove Vote. I resent that. I've not been shifty. Yeah, I'll cop to that, it was a wild theory. I forgot about the write up. Voting for takes? What the hell does that mean? I'd like to hear your Jonx with an I info you got on Jay before I cast.
  20. Fucking hell... I've not heard this in years! As soon as I finish with my study I'm all over this.
  21. Vote: Tales
  22. I don't think the "scaring her then broadcasting it on the internet" method is going ro raise any confidence issues any time soon.
  23. I feel the love man. I saw you standing there. I targeted Ellmeister to see who he targeted, and as you said, t'was Flink. Who then targeted me... A true circle. Maybe he had enough faith in Bond's ability and the mafia being aware of that ability would then try to cap off a different town BUT THEN! Flink seeing this decided to protect other townsfolk BUT THEN! the mafia thought of this also and then capped Bond. We is good. Bro's to da end. So he protected me for nothing?
  24. The only decent Lopez song.
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