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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. The videos for Nintendo stuff on N-E being preceeded by a PS3 game advertisement. STOP FUCKING US OVER GAMETRAILERS.
  2. Trains have sockets now. Anyways perhaps I'm getting too optimistic believing it can have life out and about.
  3. But this isn't exactly a normal controller. You can do shit on it which doesn't need a console (I assume) imagine playing Othello (Or Reversi for the uncool people) on a train having packed the Wii U. Imagine how much of a pisstake it would be packing just so as to not damage this prominant analogue stick. I believe the Wii U is much more fragile than a normal controller. This is the opinion of EEVIL and as such is law so new information could surface to null and void this assumption. Shabba.
  4. Nothing wrong with one man trying to follow his dream/fulfill his fantasy. Granted it isn't the most glamourous fantasy.
  5. Killing the French? Bring it on! Woo! Woo again! Can't affored Windows 7 yet and no way I'm getting shitty Vista. ... Great... Desmond... His portions made the game. Unless there was some Captain America freezing in ice going on, it's a fairly safe bet that Altair is dead in Desmond's time. Yes. Plus he recruited many assassin's (Well, I did) there is potential for one for one of them to pick up the mantle.
  6. Probably because it would look stupid my belt buddy. Stick a analogue stick on the Kindle and you've got the same effect. It's not really a controller and it's not really meant to be a new console [sO WHAT EEES EEET?!] but having a vertical analogue stick is a breakage waiting to happen on something which is appearing to be thrown around a bit. That said on circle pads I hope they make them more sensitive in proportion to pressure placed upon it. I've only got Rayman on the 3DS at the moment but it seems you have to barely touch it to walk, anything beyond that is flat out running. Not preferable in those slow walking situations.
  7. When I first saw this I shouted "WEEEEGEEEE!" And I'll be doing so for the forseeable future. Loved the charm of the original, love to see how this continues the formula.
  8. Well your location does say you're from Canada... You're not on strike again are you? I hope to fuck that's true. I don't want one of my last memories of it to be an obvious "When you get old your opinions/tastes change" episode.
  9. That was shit. And I'm not even trying to make a play on words here, that was 100% shit. That episode blew a whole field of goats and sucked 200 donkey's balls dry.
  10. Saw managed to bang out a few sequels. Is it because they're not in mortal danger?
  11. No one reads the disc. Either way, that'd be a spoiler. We can't have too much of the content being given away.
  12. By law the next week you have to have: I'll Quiz on your face and tell you I love you too.
  13. But it might smell though.
  14. You can't spell analyze without anal. A classic. Some people slam quiz into the names... Quiz Akabusi, Quiztina Aguilera, Quizlamic Fundamentalists. etc.
  15. Microsoft E3 Presentation. No explanation is really necessary.
  16. It's like the Ultimate Showdown... Except FUCKLOADS BETTER!
  17. All I can imagine is that it will be Tetris, with one firm difference: the background will be shown to be further away than the Tetriminos. Are all 3DS games like this?
  18. I don't mind Butters, except in the "Butters' Own Episode" the amount of times he went "That's Me!" just... AAARGH. But yes, fuck the parents. It revolves around two things: 1] Dad: "BUTTERS! You are Grounded!" 2] Mum *Cries like a little bitch* Same/more Butters - parents = Nice viewing.
  19. Rummy's black you racist bastard! I feel the hypcrisy.
  20. Cancer isn't cheap gringo, get used to it.
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