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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Mega Man, that's what Brawl needed.
  2. Fight it. Keep going. Use your A-Level psychology to challenge the norm and fight the "opposites attract" Massive.
  3. Colour me the exception then. I've never been attracted to someone with the same size/mass/hair colour as me.
  4. Silly me, I inverted it. Forgives.
  5. Season 3 starting tonight for the patient people.
  6. Maybe that's one of the reasons they took you on. Thinking outside the box and the like. The truth, massage it.
  7. Because then two things become associated with each other. Kinda like a grade average.
  8. Between Luke and Anakin perhaps, but then being told that this mysterious bacteria managed to impregnate a woman is something people may find a problem with.
  9. Very true. Knowing that people can only use the Force depend on how much of a certain bacteria in their body wasn't exactly the greatest way to explain it.
  10. That is beautiful customer service.
  11. It can be up the vagina if you'd prefer.
  12. What is niggling my brain is that a name which resembles the word "bender" is being used for straight people.
  13. The fundamental concept is the same, you enjoy something one minute, something negative happens and your opinion will never be the same again. Just because it's harder to forget doesn't mean the point is less valid. Let's make it less traumatic and more passive: You have a friend, you've known each other for years. You found out a week earlier he banged your mum up the ass. Your view of your friend (and possibly your mum) will never be the same again. Under the Moogle and Paj logic if you pretend it never happened your relationship between them will be fine. Or does this logic only extend to poor videogames?
  14. No it isn't. Dead Man's Chest had a very obvious cliffhanger ending.
  15. To Paj and Moogle, does your logic extend to social situations or just movies? I'm just wondering what you would say to someone who had an accident on, let's say a plane, and as a result had their experience of air travel tainted - would you just say to them "Forget about it" and push them onto the nearest choppa? First thing which sprang to mind with such an ending is At World's End.
  16. True, but it can taint your/others memories of the game etc.
  17. I'd like to know Jabba's diet, check his size in Episode I for the pod race. Then see the tiny fuck he is in Episode IV, then he piles on the pounds for Return of the Jedi.
  18. This is just a random chat log I found on my computer from ages ago. Thought I'd give it some exposure.
  19. Sounds good, I thought you were taking the piss after reading the title and the first line of that quote.
  20. Taken from Yahoo!'s Most controversial Star Wars changes of all time http://uk.movies.yahoo.com/blog/article/252599/most-controversial-star-wars-changes-of-all-time.html Boba sounds different ('Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back', 2004 DVD Box Set) Thinking that Boba Fett must sound exactly like his dad, Jango (from 'Attack Of The Clones'), is ridiculous. Nonetheless, Lucas went ahead and overdubbed all of Jason Wingreen's's original dialogue with new recordings by Jango Fett actor Temuera Morrison. No-one has ever understood why. People didn't understand that he wasn't his son, but a clone who wasn't given growth acceleration. It's perfectly fucking understandable and logical why he would sound the same.
  21. Whoa, it's not THAT good. I think some of his points are valid, ones which spring to mind are the weird shapes of the Arwings and the fact that "It was a great game then, but it's a good game now."
  22. Now I've got to watch them now. *fires up the first*
  23. That scene, for me was hampered by the raging thought that "They could've put a detatch button somewhere more fucking practical. And then just acknowledging it was just being stupid for "dramatic effect".
  24. The air vent, I don't doubt it has a use but that doesn't stop it from looking stupid.
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