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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. WHAT THE F***
  2. You should see him in The Good Wife, he's alot... "worse", so to speak. But I think he may be emphasising it for his character.
  3. That would look much more sleek if it didn't have a giant button sticking out the side.
  4. Domain name for a year.
  5. Just looking at the freehostia thing, looking at how (when) I get a domain name how I can transfer/attach[?] it. You get a choice to create a new one for $10 or use an existing domain, but it gives the examples dns1.freehostia.com and dns2.freehostia.com Does this mean they have to be freehostia ones?
  6. I only caught the last ten minutes or so but found myself thinking "Why does the future self of a character always have to have a katana?"
  7. Had to buy it, did Corneria earlier and got the vintage boss. Finished him easily. No way in fuck am I going with gyro controls. It was stupid enough in Ocarina of Time, no way it's going to work in a heavy combat situation.
  8. I played it around 3 years ago, was awesome back then.
  9. Is it worth the monies people? I could hook up my N64 in under five minutes and have this going with rumble pak. Is the 3DS enough to save my time?
  10. I'll wait until 2015, one of the amazing things about those shoes was the auto-lace ability.
  11. Aw, Perfect Dark wasn't that bad. And I'll fight to protect the awesomeness of Banjo Kazooie.
  12. That doesn't dispute the fact that one person who wasn't the game maker knew the entire roster of characters. Just out of interest, how many characters that Chair drew were not used for this game? So fucking what? Just because he's a fan of X-Men doesn't mean there wouldn't be any instances in the writeups that he may not have recognised a character as would any other X-Men fan here. Did ReZ know? He's a fan so you might as well let him know since he'd obviously be able to glean who was/not who. Fuck it, let everyone know! those who don't know who that character is can research and then we'll all be of the same knowledge to keep this excuse of a mafia game fair. Just because Chair likes X-Men doesn't give you an excuse for a massive display of unprofessionalism.
  13. I have plans for every Saturday until Christmas. Up at 5:30... Should probably try to sleep now, but there's some kids nearby making some noise. But I have a few days off during the week so it levels out nicely.
  14. Pretty much adding on the bit I said, but it's a different plan. Hope it goes well for j00 though anyway.
  15. Where you're psyched and ready to beat the shit out of General Scales, and then... nope, just go against Andross again. Helped by an ugly looking Falco.
  16. I concur, this seems most biased. So Cyclops was a member of the town, who could kill people and just talk to someone via PM. Fucking glad I wasn't him.
  17. How can you say the quickness of the Pokémafia was one extreme just because it actually adhered to its guidelines on how long phases last? [plus it didn't help that the mafia was awesome]
  18. Tisn't bad, but the ending... I'll never forgive them for that.
  19. Fucking right chap. Refuse to do stuff which isn't your job if they decline, if they're not going to pay you to do a certain job, you shouldn't have to do the work for them.
  20. The same could be said of the game's creator. It was an OK mafia, maybe had potential to be better, but due to you not getting your act together (I'm not doubting there were some decent reasons), the game just went over the verge into the X-Men alternative reality of "Fucking boredomness"
  21. Word, and it stinks. I think I've tried some green tea and found it vile. Or it might've been one of the similar weird coloured variety of teas. Either way, PG Tips pyramid bags all the way.
  22. Have any of the women gotten their racks out yet?
  23. It's the only way to keep this mafia thread popular, we know how active the X-Men one is.
  24. You could just have less milk. Assuming you have any. I enjoy the daily cup of tea. All I ever have before I go to work because I'm too lazy to make myself anything. Usually end up having a Pop Tart at work.
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