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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. The text is their logo, Chimera as an ambigram: I made the team myself. I hand drew/paint them, and remixed the proportions in Photoshop.
  2. Finished my Chimera designs for the people. Even separated each 'mon for individual shirts: http://www.redbubble.com/people/eevilmurray/portfolio If anyone wants a custom combination of any Pokémon (without the Team Chimera logo) lemme know and I'll remix a design.
  3. I'll look later.
  4. Did this price change happen before/after you signed a contract?
  5. I'm taking quote to mean something which doesn't have a fixed price, in this case the bike. Quotes can change and thus the price does. I thought you could use some awesome Bargain Hunt skills to lower the price. Or by quote did you mean you just looked at the price tag and told Cycle Scheme people what it said?
  6. Almost/every meet topic.
  7. They're just back in the "Time Lock" says Wikipedia, which they managed to escape once before, so they'll probably do it again. So, say for example the Time Lords return after the Doctor has had his 17th regeneration, would he automatically die?
  8. I never said he wasn't in any films. I said they may not be the roles he was after. But he was good in Dodgeball, was an awesome break of his normal persona. And Smokin' Aces.
  9. I'll reveal because it was most entertaining yet disappointing. I made that effect upon him. However I find his copy and paste of a sentence or a few words quote disappointing. Needlessly non-aggressive that bitch [if I die tonight you'll know]
  10. I always wondered what retards in nappies and crutches would like. however watching that video I regret those thoughts. But it was nice of them to try and reduce Duffman to nappy status and have him thrust on a skateboard... Sadly it didn't enhance the experience.
  11. They expect us to wear high vis jackets at work occasionally (mainly when we go out onto the forecourt) but they make you sweat like a bitch, additionally a training DVD we've been made to watch have omitted to mention this rule - by showing someone go out to the forecourt on many occasions without a high vis vest. There are other things which I have decided to ignore. But it's a good thing to rely on if I get run over. EDIT: Wouldn't bother with high vis jackets if a light does the job. I don't use a light when I use my bike. If a driver can perform an emergency stop on the presumption a child/whatever has just crossed their path, I assume they can accomodate for seeing a bike (at least) five metres away. As for the backpack, the solution is obvious: if you need one - use it. Depending on the content you may sweat a bit, but as you said you'll be wearing some non-work clothes. So shouldn't be a problem. One thing which has intrigued me, is it only in London where you can get a quote on a bicycle and possibly haggle? It's not exactly an insurance quote.
  12. Maybe they'll scrap the regeneration theory into the Bond Protocol and just use different actors for the same character without explaining.
  13. I assume Bateman hasn't been getting the film offers he was after. I still need to rewatch the series I have before I can properly bash it for being boring. I promise.
  14. Fucks sake... I hate the way people hold burgers in adverts. That's not how you do it. Ever. Happy Birthday though!
  15. It's like confusion, except hurting himself he's rambling!
  16. Mud guards are highly recommended. Plus some lights if you intend to be riding in the near/dark alot. If you're worried about your trousers catching the chain, the old method of tucking it into your sock never fails. Shouldn't be much of a problem if you're not wearing goth/emo/etc flare-esque trousers.
  17. I'm needlessly happy whilst being provocative? I'm going to take that as a compliment Coz I don't wanna be called aggressive needlessly.
  18. Yeah... the colours aren't exactly representing the word/Pokémon like the last game. Unless it's an ability.
  19. What fairy tale is that from?
  20. No you're not, you're here talking crap.
  21. Well that was slightly unsatisfactory. Either the question is asking his name, or "Doctor, who?" so they want to the name of someone who did something but they shouldn't ask the question but they're going to anyway. I do hope not all series' are going to end along the lines of "riddles in episodes + explained at the end = Doctor must die"
  22. If you hadn't brought it up, the thought would never have occured to me. My initial thought was "At least the colour doesn't look as shite as the image you posted in your bike topic". But I am flattered. Whilst you're thinking of me when posting, are you able to get back to me on when you'll be able to actually give me a reply the N-Europe email issue.
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