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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  2. Perhaps, but even in those cases it could still have been the parent who bought the game. This is just stores saying that "if it happens again it's more than likely going to be the parents than us, since we said we'd be cracking down."
  3. I agree, the parents aren't that stupid. They see an age rating on a game and simply don't care.
  4. Two of these bad boys. Hopefully they'll make a difference in my deck.
  5. This brings back memories of your dad. I think I'll torture you for a while. I'll take care of you. Too bad dad's not here to see you fail Beautiful, I could kiss you for that. You trying to damage my pretty face? I'll lure these guys to the front.
  6. You're good, but I'm better.
  7. Ah yes, sorry I'm with ye now. After consulting with some members of the Nottingham Massive, O2 seems a good choice for mobile nettings. Having a look at their deals, It's £249.99 for the handset and £21.50 a month giving around £765. It does mean maybe waiting a month or two extra than I originally planned. But since I've just checked I only have less than 7 months left on current contract it won't be that bad.
  9. Dan, in the spirit of things could you spoiler that image, it will ruin the surprise for anyone who is yet to see it.
  10. Less posting in finished mafias. More posting in open mafias.
  11. Black Widow never spoke to Nick Fury's bitch in the entire film?
  12. Because my Blackberry has turned into an annoying piece of shit. Maybe even if the net speed was decent I'm getting sick of the constant scrolling and uncontrollable zoom function when viewing websites. Plus it won't let me save any new numbers. I was only looking at the SIII since it's soon to be released and it seems a reasonable amount considering how much the handset would cost alone. I can also get just under £50 from Mazuma/Envirofone for my Blackberry which means I can get a new chair.
  13. People do enjoy going to the cinemas for just a fun filled no nonsense action popcorn film, not everything needs to be dark and have undertones that make you think about life to enjoy it. Yes, some comic people enjoy putting some heartfelt messages about how you feel about certain issues, but these are developed over story arc's that can take months, maybe years [?] Here are six reasons why it was apparently so successful: http://uk.movies.yahoo.com/blogs/editors/six-reasons-avengers-assemble-huge-success-152637600.html
  14. I'm ok with my job, but been constantly trying to get a better hour/paid position at the main store. The two previous jobs I applied for fell through as they decided they were simply going to grab people from a different department (IE no fucking point in asking for applications) and it looks like the same may happen with the third one I'm working on. They're asking for applications but don't know what the hours are, or even if there is a job there at all. It's not too hard to get your shit together Tesco.
  15. Passed on to @MoogleViper!
  16. I've done mine, but since Frag seems to be in the wind I'll send it to Moogle instead. Any objections? You have until I finish my dinner.
  17. Yeah, my new plan is to get a S3 a little after it comes out. 3 seem to have a good deal, All-you-can-eat-data, 2,000 minutes, 5,000 Three-to-Three minutes, 5,000 texts for £34 a month, with 0 upfront. Considering the unit is going for around £500 on itself, it seems like a alright bargain. Not sure what Orange have on it yet, their website just has a "register your interest" bit. But I'm low on funds anyway so time isn't of the essence.
  18. Just got back from work meself. Wasn't planning on doing anything special otherwise, so time-and-a-half wages is appreciated.
  19. I was saving that for a few posts time... Fucking quim...
  20. Same here, doesn't seem that bad actually. I'd consider cunt more offensive.
  21. I'll get on it either tonight/tomorrow.
  22. Bah, screw it. I know how much sand gets in people's vagina's if people don't follow a lynch. Vote: Rummy
  23. Thanks, but if you're looking for Max he never showed up. Try asking his brother/friend/brother's friend.
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