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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Not Hot Stuff?
  2. More than I'd like, mainly because the boss is renowned for checking the CCTV on days she doesn't work on, which are the exact days I work. It also doesn't help one of the people I work with ducking into the back to fap with his phone/extended toilet breaks/rolling up and smoking cigarette. But I think we all do our fair share, it's just a shame I'm not getting the amount of hours I'd like.
  3. I'm still working on this, about 30 hours in. I'm not sure what it is about Namco always making the Tales games about warring kingdoms [at least from the start], but they should try the textbook "big baddy wants to destroy the world", with the start of the game the world being under this monsters oppression to begin with. I've got enough CC to not be a pissed off as I was about the battle system, but it still annoys me that I still need to use CC to just move around the battlefield. That was all part of my Tales strategy, run around the enemy and attack it from behind. Now I just run up to it, whack it, then dodge my way around. I love Pascal. And I'll say one thing "Royal crablettes..."
  4. I thought that too, first the woman turns to show her arse. Then the second thrusts her rack forward. It makes me want to buy the game even more. ¬_¬ To say it's a mech shooter, it showed little mech shit happening. One flew around space. I wanted to see some action!
  5. I got about 40 seconds in and then got bored. Forgive me.
  6. From re-reading the rules* the Elf should only have one set of spells. Anyways when I was younger I was the Wizard and the Dwarf and my brother had the Elf and Barbarian. *All downloaded from here: http://www.yeoldeinn.com/na-quest-map-tools.php Includes all the add-on packs, the only downside of this is that I don't have the extra miniatures for some of the games, but I've rumaged through my old Warhammer stuff and found one or two models I could use for some of the expansions.
  7. A little bit?! They were pimped to the max. Maybe it was on an odd night that they tried it. I can't be bothered to check. Unless you're the magical exception, ReZ?
  8. Although technically "two" from an auction on Ebay: "This box contains the contents of 2 sets. I dont think that everything was there in the two seperate sets but the chances are that a whole set can be made from whats here now." I (my dad) had this when I was younger. It was fucking awesome.
  9. I'm ready and willing to accept a new Snap. In the future.
  10. Indeed. I was just showing John Goodman that there was a bigger threat to the Marvel Universe/s than two Chris Evans'
  11. Assuming I'm seeing what people are seeing... Are you lot calling that cone pets wear to stop themselves biting their stitches a cone of shame?
  12. Because the new name blows. I hope it's less frustrating to use than the Dream World, that was just unecessarily complicated. Can they just stop this shit and give us Snap already!?
  13. Started rewatching this, halfway into the second season now. It's still not that funny, not laugh-out-loud funny but "clever" funny. Since I'm not using it as background noise it's more entertaining than I remember, but not worth everyone blowing their load over.
  14. Nuff said.
  15. And some stubble too.
  16. The Bard has really let himself go since the last meet. I'll get round to listening to this fun. sometime, promise.
  17. In Avengers Loki mentioned something about Odin using a lot of power to bring Thor back, so Hopkins clearly got his shit together.
  18. I'm afraid I haven't watched Up. But I drew that cone before I could be bothered doing a dunce cap. I was having too much trouble/fun doing the ice cream.
  19. Second one clearly the best. Although it was a massive stretch who made this comment based on the picture: "In a graveyard, a giraffe wore the cone of shame and grazed on the ground, while the ice-cream tickled its behind with a long whisker. The rainbow alliance of geodudes were powerless to help the giraffe as they were locked in a cage." But it gave me an awesome pic to draw. Didn't even notice my troll moon....
  20. Hell no, not after telling us about how satisfied you are and the commendation stuff you got at work are you going to try and get away with saying your job is "okay". Shame on you ReZ.
  22. Perhaps, but even in those cases it could still have been the parent who bought the game. This is just stores saying that "if it happens again it's more than likely going to be the parents than us, since we said we'd be cracking down."
  23. I agree, the parents aren't that stupid. They see an age rating on a game and simply don't care.
  24. Two of these bad boys. Hopefully they'll make a difference in my deck.
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