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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. When I first saw it I thought it was a Fennikin[sp] evolution, but knowing it's an Eevee-lution, all wrong. Everyone knows you're not meant to see its mouth unless it's launching an attack.
  2. Seeing that manga at the back of the Historia shows a Link before Skyward Sword, t'would be interesting to see how that came about. Even if you know how it ends.
  3. Boo fucking hoo.
  4. Eternal Sonata wasn't that bad. Much fun.
  5. Since every episode is something different, Black Mirror is always hit-and-miss. Tonight I just wasn't feeling it.
  6. Old ladies in motorised carts who think that they can ram people aside and that's OK. I saw someone do it at work, she just charged into someone elses trolley, no excuse me, no apologies, nothing. I would've had a right go at her if I wasn't wearing my uniform. Goshdarnit.
  7. Not exactly hidden info. Apart from my mentioning it earlier it's been the canon for quite awhile. But the Clone Wars series is quite entertaining, I've only seen the main "movie" which has Anakin doing some native-American spiritual quest (but by another species in a galaxy far far away).
  8. Slightly confused with part of the timeline. We know that Adventure of Link follows the original Zelda but apparently th beginning of AoL happens beforehand. The part which confuses me and it doesn't exactly make clear is that how Zelda was able to hide the Triforce Pieces for the original Link to find. Did she do it before she was put to sleep? Most troubled. EDIT: Nevermind. Realised my error.
  9. If they have Mace Windu in the new trilogy, naturally it's assuming he survived that Force Lightning raping he recieved in Revenge of The Sith, he's going to be older than fuck. Alec Guinness couldn't sabre to save his life (probably why he let Vader kill him) but if they put enough prostetics on Jackson he might be able to pull it off. Perhaps a movie showing the crazy years of C3PO and R2D2 with Captain Antillies, the wacky adventures those two must've gone through...
  10. I GOT ONE TOOOOOO!! Seems alright thus far. Don't want to read it too quickly so I feel I get monies worth. I say read, there's not much text.
  11. Whether his stand up is brilliant or not, his poetic interludes in the Wipes have been shit and unkeeping with the format of the programme. Saw the latest one this morning. Took a little too long on Mali but was otherwise good.
  12. OOOOH NOOOO. Don't say "we". I recommended we hold off making a kill that night for that very reason.
  13. @DuD GODDAMMIT!!!!
  14. What does the limited edition one have over the regular?
  15. Nah, black is slimming and that's a tiny clock on the wall :p
  17. Philomena Tunk wasn't it? The US guy is hit and miss. Occasionally I've found him funny but this time it just really wanted to make me want to move to America. It's much better than the shitty poetry of Tim Key.
  18. That's what it takes... a lifetime of honesty and I get fisted. Do not expect this openness next games bitches.
  19. So clear?! Where is the proof? I been pr0 honest. Yes I got drawn into a mafia rape but that's it. Peeps has given pretty much nothing but yiu're willing to take his mafia word over mine?
  20. Bullshit. On a side note, how many townspeople have you contributed to lynching?
  21. So that's a refusal to share your knowledge then?
  22. Can I ask why I am under all this suspicion? I've been nothing but honest with my power and my results, and the moment I get drawn into what we now know was a mafia lynch rape, even Jonnas understands: Peeps, you haven't been forthcoming with your shizzle at all. I'm going to do something which goes against all I stand for... ... Full roleclaim/targets please. If I feel dissatisfied I'm going to lay a vote on yo' ass.
  23. I got a PM saying I tried to spy on Jimbob but I got told I couldn't because someone got to him first.
  24. I loved the Africa bit. Barry Shitpeas is so smart.
  25. Well this day has started out for me, but before I reveal anything I WANT ANSWERS DAMMIT! Who killed Yvonne and who shut off the power that night? This sounds like someone to watch out for and the fact that noone has taken credit for either is mighty suspicious. This would imply that if Peeps is a redirector that there was another redirector* targeting whoever as well. If you are the guide then your candle abilities sorted that out. *Or maybe a roleblocker?
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