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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Because instead of Googling something and having to click on a site to find out the information you need you can just sit back and have the knowledge come to you.
  2. That group of people are there just to film two cats fighting? Fuck, if I knew it was that sought after I would've filmed my cat scrapping and made a fortune.
  3. Y'argh, my left mouse button feels like it's catching something inside the case and since it's all one piece I don't think I can get to it
  4. I recommend going with this. If your lies can go a high form of Super Saiyan than his lies, victory is yours.
  5. What group is he trying to fit in with if he's making stuff up like this?
  6. Might have to invest in a wire if the PC controls aren't sexy enough.
  7. How do you connect it? Wired or some wireless dongle?
  8. For some reason ONM gave it 92%. A massive stretch towards a fisting of the game.
  9. So would you recommend this on PC or do the controls suit lé consoles more?
  10. After taking about 11 games into Grainger Games the best I can get is £34 trade in. So I'll definiteltly end up buying it. It's just a question of format. Normally for a game like this I'd probably get it on PS3 but wouldn't mind trying it on PC.
  11. I'm not sure. It ran Hitman Absolution on high without any problems?
  12. What format would you recommend this for?
  13. The mirror has practically no involvement at all. You see it in a cutscene and then becomes a room on the map but it doesn't actually play a key role (when compared to a certain Ocarina for example). It's a wonder why they have it as a subtitle. The combo system is OK but there's no point memorising most of it when a few choice moves do the job just as easily.
  14. When I see that it reminds me of:
  15. Not seen this yet but apparently it's exclusive to Yahoo: http://movies.yahoo.com/marvel/%20?utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=AcquisitionEmail&utm_content=MainImage&utm_campaign=IM3YahooExclusiveTrailer
  16. For some reason certain forums (Well... one) doesn't seem to be working on this new version of Firefox. You update these things so you can get improvements. Not be told there's an "internal error", but works fine on IE.
  17. Taking the new job offer would be the sensible choice, because if you went freelance straight away you (probably?) won't be able to come back and take the part time offer.
  18. All these videos are now "private" NOOO. But I'm not holding high hopes for the game. The sailing sections were... OKish, but I wouldn't want the majority of the game to be like it. I disagree with this in every strongest possible sense.
  19. I know, step-dad [kinda] talking to him all the way through but when he's talking to himself the kid suddenly wants to know.
  20. Plus the chaps on the right flickering back and forth...
  21. Folding two/three sheets and then using a pincer motion.
  22. Balls to that. Keep it. You should consider it a gift for your loyalty. I've had something come twice one after complaining. It's not my fault they (featuring Royal Mail) couldn't get their shit together properly the first time. It was Metroid Other M for subscribing to Nintendo Gamer. It's not that good a game and I already owned it but I'll be damned if I'm not getting my free gift. Now I have two extra copies. Anyone wanna trade? I'll trade you for your Lego ReZ.
  23. To be honest I don't know how anyone would want to fold on the first wipe. Especially after such a messy shit. They'd have shit all over their hands.
  24. Currently playing this for the review. I will say without going into details that it is enjoyable. Lies.
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