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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Balls to that. Keep it. You should consider it a gift for your loyalty. I've had something come twice one after complaining. It's not my fault they (featuring Royal Mail) couldn't get their shit together properly the first time. It was Metroid Other M for subscribing to Nintendo Gamer. It's not that good a game and I already owned it but I'll be damned if I'm not getting my free gift. Now I have two extra copies. Anyone wanna trade? I'll trade you for your Lego ReZ.
  2. To be honest I don't know how anyone would want to fold on the first wipe. Especially after such a messy shit. They'd have shit all over their hands.
  3. Currently playing this for the review. I will say without going into details that it is enjoyable. Lies.
  4. True, but I'm also going on the dynamite assumption it's being broadcast also ¬_¬
  5. Just watched White Bear on the 4OD. An interesting episode, possibly alluding to criminals reliving their crimes, although this one won't remember that bit. But although the calendar does imply she's been doing this for the majority of the month, I can't imagine the audience would be that interested after a week or so, since the epilogue seems to show practically the same events happening again.
  6. It's all cool now apparently. http://uk.movies.yahoo.com/megan-fox-to-play-april-in-teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-082009560.html
  7. I'm hoping that's fake. The spider emblem is all wrong. The massive legs is what made the Amazing Spider-Man suit so special. Now it just looks like Tobey is back in the house.
  8. I normally pay by card when ordering. Problem solved.
  9. A Classic. but does anyone recognise the music? Or can liken it to something similar? I'm hoping to do a parody of it at work.
  10. First five issue of this. Spider-Man, a lil black kid. Who'd have thought? The annoying thing is all five issues have him with his costume on, yet he doesn't actually recieve it (From S.H.I.E.L.D!) until the end of issue five. And the compilation of Avengers Vs X-Men.
  11. I only say this because your Facebook link does not work. As such you do not exist on Facebook according to this site. Therefore you are... A FAKE.
  12. Hello Dustin Spencer. IF THAT IS YOUR REAL NAME.
  13. I find it uncomfortable enough pissing next to a dude at the urinal without having girls walking around behind me. If it's cubicles then it's fine. Unless the ladies don't take the piss as they do when they go to the toilets.
  14. Not bad, but it's never going to be as good as Arnie's.
  15. My girlfriend got me one of these bad boys: "The warm, unmistakable scent of freshly planed wood and sawdust evokes a sense of confidence and quality." Smells more like caramel and warm woodyness as opposed to sawdust, but tis a nice smell regardless.
  16. That's not the part of my post I was saying you should agree with and you know it. But it's true, a 2D game which has no real need for perspective is just what a 3DS game needs.
  17. So out of all the games in the world the most sensible choice you believe should be remade into a 3DS game is Donkey Kong Country Returns. Bullshit.
  18. It makes me laugh too, that Nintendo would even consider making a game which hasn't even gathered dust yet. No, but it's an obvious bet they've spent a lot of time and resources creating a game which is so recent it makes my balls itch. It's completely unneccessary and even you should agree that there are more sensible choices to remake into a 3DS game. It just seems lazy on their part that they won't have to improve much on the graphics like they did for Ocarina of Time. Donkey Kong 64 would've been much better.
  19. Are birthdays the only time you get anal?
  20. I've seen them in Toy's R Us, was so tempted to get Krang. Ashley, you can link that 30 Rock video now.
  21. Because the bitch on the Bounty advert* can't take a proper bite out of their food. Fuckers! *And the little shit on the Fridge Raiders ad.
  22. I'm working, so I shan't be seeing my girlfriend today, we're exchanging cards and stuff on Saturday. This works out well as she knows I don't have any monies to buy her a card. Payday is tomorrow though, so woo!
  23. People who take unneccessarily tiny bites out of things. This may be more of an adverts that blow thing as I mainly see it happen in the commercials. It's still annoying though
  24. Many Pokémon float around doing fuck all. Shaymin's Sky Forme is quite a smug prick when it does so. Considering the only pure flying type Pokémon is a Tornadus, I guess you're right.
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