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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I shall find all my geeky game shirts and post a lovely piccy sometime. Because I'm nice like that. Anything which promotes Other M is shit
  2. I'm kinda glad to be out of this, as the whole bad-is-good thing is starting to make my eyes bleed with confusion. Whichever side I'm on. Win!
  3. I would say I wouldn't wear that shirt. But I've walked around like this. Not like the woman, that's just silly.
  4. Watched this last night with the missus. Only 2D sadly, but you can really tell where they were bragging the 3D moments. Some bits even looked low quality which seemed a bit annoying considering the overall presentation wasn't that bad.
  5. Ah, screw it. Go on.
  6. Game of the year... Nintendo Land?! Pisses on the integrity of these awards.
  7. Get your ass to Mahs HMV now.
  8. Finally got Connor in his assassin getup... Didn't think it would take this long. Some massive graphical errors going on. It took a good five seconds for a bannister to appear in a cutscene, draw distance isn't that great and sadly the audio has been going out of sync. But it's still fun.
  9. If you haven't already checked it out yet: http://www.n-europe.com/news-archive/event-report-zelda-25th-anniversary-symphony Ashley did some scribing on it too.
  10. Vote Jimbob That's all from me.
  11. How did we create this mutant breed and when?!
  12. Adverts that blow is already taken Got the dispatch email for this yesterday, should be arriving tomorrow. Sweet.
  13. Dolphin/Revolution.
  14. I loved the epic feeling the orchestra gave it (see the review I wrote for the site for more analysis) Luckily I recorded the whole thing so I can relive the magic whenever I want! Anyone else want a piece?
  15. Nope, some awesome dude mentioned it a fair few pages back: I'm thinking Yveltal may be pronounced Ee-vel-tall. Or Ai-vel-tall. Second this to the MAX. I hate how people rave about this stuff as if it's amazing. Do all this long winded shit and maybe you'll get a Rare Candy after 45 minutes of crap. Whoa. Development time could've gone on something much more productive. One thing which plagues me is that the battles remind me too much of Dragon Quest IX and the amazingly slow startup that took each battle. I hope it doesn't follow suit otherwise levelling up is going to be a bitch.
  16. I was going to say that. Last few times I went on it all seemed to be marketplace stuff and I'm always dubious about ordering using that, even on Amazon. Tis a shame though, they had good prices back in the day...
  17. So who are we going for now then?
  18. What did he do?
  19. NO YOU FUCKER! You've jinxed it! :'( I hate it when the fire starter evolves into a half fighting Graphical style of Golden Sun. I like it.
  20. I was wondering how long it would take people to notice. But Odders seems to have gotten round to changing it. I'm surprised you didn't do it sooner.
  21. Are you not fisting the Chima* set thing they've brought out? *Still unsure how to pronounce. Currently saying "Kai-ma" like Chimera.
  22. Just so there's no illusions about this. The answer to that question is no also.
  23. This is fucking stupid... Has I? No. Rummy, Yvonne* and myself. *I have reread my PM and have discovered I have misread it. Yvonne did not target me night 4 ¬_¬
  24. No I cannot.
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