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Everything posted by Haden

  1. Maybe his throws sucked in the Madden game because he sucked! From the demonstration it looked easy.
  3. The graphics look amazing! And it makes me want to get the game! Its american football lol. The Wii is going to open me up to loads of new genres.
  4. I want in big time! Do we get into teams? Sounds classic and do we need to dl anything beforehand?
  5. I don't think the statement that a person isn't alive until they are five needs much exgarration. If Mr Odwin saw this thread he would probably have something to say about that. And yes everyones win win now so lets all be happy until the next dispute causes us to say that Bush got pwned or Blair suxxor! :wink:
  6. I agree America has a special relationship with Isreal but it isn't run by Zionists. Zionists lobby and have influence but if it was just a Zionist government then the Middle East would look a lot different. I think the ceasfire issue to be honest was a sensible desicion and you could argue that many countries are anti zionist and tried to push Isreal into a mess. All bush and blair wanted was a sustainable peace that an immediate ceasefire obviously woulnd't have given the one that is in place now may in fact fail. As for your other argument. I'm sorry to say I think its ridiculous. Mentally Handicapped grown ups can't remember a lot of what happens so what should happen to them? To say something isn't alive because it can't remember things is just mad. It goes against both science and religion. I think your confusing how councious someone is of their surroundings with being alive. But well yeh lol its just a very odd argument and Pestneb has pointed out some of the things you get into if you really wanted to stand by that line of thought. No offense though I like these discussions and I understand your Israel point but don't think its dominated as much as poeple think but it is a strong influence.
  7. Ok its spilling into a larger debate which I figured it would do. Ok Bush is an idiot right I will give you he is not a good orator but him being an idiot is just a very easy thing to say backed up by every cheap charicture of him that has been made. The white house is run by evangelicals and zionists. Nope wrong, they are one of many pressure groups that make up American politics. Many evangelicals have felt betrayed by the Bush administration and please give me a break over the zionist conpiracies you have no evidence. Your last argument is ridiculous, That is a form of utialitarism thought that would casue a lot of trouble. A 19th century Irish philospher whos name escapes me takes this argument to its logical conclusion and it isn't pretty. Also just becaues something is legal doesn't make it right just look at history for evidence of this. All legal means is the state has decided what is right. Also your wrong anyway as it is illegal to have an abortion at a certian point so the baby is regonised as alive. Man this debate is going to go on forever now ah well its all fun.
  8. All it showed it that your incapable of sustaining an argument. You have exhibited bias against George Bush, Southern States and Christianity. And thus you leapt on this story as a chance to stick it to all three but without doing your homework. And you basically debased yourself. I'm not having a go although your being quite rude now but just try and be less driven by hate towards bush or southerns in the future. : peace:
  9. Thanks Edgey! I mean Pestneb. Truth over bias is the way to go.
  10. I'm on the second level. The Angel bit at the end is so good. I love the dialouge and when you try to shoot the angel at the end lol. But I really needed to stop playing and just wanted to start the next level but couldn't find a save point! Ah well start level again. Also during the first level I was kinda thinking the plot would be the wheelchair guy had gone mental and you were fighting for his sanity after he had killed so many people. But now politics have got involved. I am confused.
  11. Never watched it always wanted it to be like the game and when I saw it wasn't I didn't watch it. The mortal kombat film I saw though dear god that was shit. Shame I was 10 at the time and watching it with fellow 10 year old idiot boys who thought it was 'the shit'.
  12. 30! erm wine gums pwn 10 character limit...
  13. OBJECTION! Here are some qoutes from the article that you posted. "And in 2001, President George W Bush declared federal funding would only be available for research using the 61 human embryonic stem cells lines already in existence, where a "life or death decision had already been made". A spokeswoman for Mr Bush described the new approach as encouraging. "We have shown for the first time you can create human embryonic stem cells without destroying the embryo and thus without destroying its potential for life."
  14. Pwned? I don't get it surely this is win win. How has he got pwned? He didn't want them to be detroyed and they aren't.
  15. Ah crap sorry I didn't check the thread my bad. lol I love this movie.
  16. Please Please be at least 4 players. As then 2v2 willl rock. Also a game like this needs voice chat if your playing co-op. Man alive though base building and 4 player online mode would be wonderful.
  17. I'm going to see this movie. HE'S JUST A HEAD FLOATING AROUND IN SPACE NOW!
  18. Today I picked up the magical experience. I know Flinky will be happy! So far I think its really really cra... classic! I am loving it so much its really stylish. I have two questions though. Can I heal members of my team? As I have been killed a lot and I went to a TV station and I pressed A a few times and it says I have no more blood? What was the blood for? The devil shot? Or something else. Anyway I love this game Im even loving this new character who I have been playing his reload animation! Cyoate or something. Anyway better play some more. :p
  19. A biography of this man Talleyrand written by this man Duff Cooper History can be fun!
  20. rofl thats wonderful need to see this film.
  21. Nice pics Kopo! What were you talking about at the Europe political thing?
  22. well done flinky! I'm sure I would have loved it.
  24. They would steal though because they would spend all their money on drugs even if they were at such a cheap price. This isn't just a theory it happens with alcohol. And with something like heorin which sierously fucks you up it would be much worse.
  25. 90% of crime would stop? How much crime is commited under the influence of the Number one legal drug alcohol. A hell of a lot. And the desperation of having to find your next fix of alchol causes people to remeble drug addicts. I've seen what happens when alchol is abused when I worked at a hostel its not pretty.
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