Hmm well I am either going to upgrade my computer when I get money agian or get a 360. The thing is my tv is such a pile of shit. Its like some small non hdtv thing that a 360 is a bad idea becuase games just look not so good on it. Although oblivion did look lovely
Oh man oh man! I have just figured out all of my problems! I get my 360 and use it with my monitor! That way classic picture and now heres the sweet part its right next to my modem! So no wireless bullshit. Guys how do I make this happen? Is it hard and will I get a good picture? Its just some dell monitor very nice though.
Hmm this could be a good idea. Do you think panic buying will happen? I need to use my loan for some money making scheme. Oh wait I won't be able to afford a ps3 as I have no money at all. Hmm just enough to pre order a wii maybe. And I certianly won't be selling that baby!
lol the marshmellow drawing was literally a classic weeyellowbloke. To be fair all you had to do was draw a fire and a stick with a circle on the end. But your thing was much funnier! :wink:
With cleanliness etc. Who cares about it the most? I mean straight girls and gay guys are traiditionally the most like clean etc I guess. But girls want to attract guys so they cant care that much about ultra cleaness so do guys care aobut it but they genrally are less clean but like ah man my head hurts.
I have shot myself in the foot so so so badly when it comes to relationships. Ah well I don't think I want one atm but I seem to be wanting one more now. New term of uni beckons.
So when they said online out of the box idid they mean this virtual console crap? lol
Also does that mean I have to leave my broadband on all night? That literlaly is demented . Man nintendo cmon buck your ideas up
Damn, ah well. So does this mean that the Wii will not be online for a while or just 3rd party games wont be? Either way when the online stuff hits RE has to have a HUGE meetup I can't wait although I am going to have to wait now.