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Everything posted by Haden

  1. Posting again in a thread that you dislike, boom advert shot! I was trying to figure out what the best laugh in this was the one just before GARBAGE DAY is wonderful but the one before the car shot is so bad its hillarious. Anyway the thread has been derailed a bit its not a do you love garbage day or not its what film scenes would you like to create. Although I realise Garbage Day is the best damn thing ever. : peace:
  2. What why post? Your just advertising your site again aren't you! Naughty boy!
  3. Thats why its so good lighten up man! I ahve done this many a time with my badminton racket in my room at uni. From that description it sounds like sex its not its worse!
  4. If this film was a woman I can't even say the things I would do to it. Sweet extended clip! I dodnt have to say it now the blonde guy does for me! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbjppsdYWgg
  5. Oh hell yes. I really want to GARBAGE DAY! someone in real life with a water pistol of course or something I mean sweet wouldn't even describe it. We should all meet up in a random town and wreck it in garbage day style. Anyway what scene from a film would you like to unleash on the poor unknowing public and how would you do it!
  6. I'm scared
  7. To all those saying religion is the source of all evil. Do you think the governments of Soviet Russia or China did no evil acts. Further more are you saying you yourselfs have done nothing bad or evil at all or anyone in the past who has not acted through religious motives. I mean im sorry to keep putting this point forward. But to label religion as the source of all evil is very lazy and really without thought. I mean Myra Hindley her acts anything to do with religion? And that is one example of millions from humans to states to organistations. Life is a lot more complex people lets not make to many genrelisations.
  8. True sometimes other times not. The confession churches in Nazi Germany did the inverse and sacrificed influence for morality. And well yep insane people exist all over the place lol. In Soviet Russia piolts were commisioned to fly peasants up to the sky to show them god didn't exist and basically beat the crap out of them if they pointed out how stupid this was.
  9. Ah ok I can't stay away from this thread lol. The matter of science which Platty brought up. Science and religion shouldn't conflict or wipe each other out ever. It is only the ultras on both sides that will insist on this conflict. Science is how Religion is why, very different fields that have been unescarrly brought into conflict by people on both sides as Athriller said look at the Arabian empire for the matching up of these two and in Europe ironically the Catholic Church (every scientists nightmare) had a lot to do with helping early printing press. To suggest Religion is for the Dark ages is an odd thing to me and a modernist statement that belongs in the 20th century. In an age were consumerism, suicides etc are up I think looking at the meaning of life is needed and 3rd Children well your deluding thing doesn't even work as it denies belief. On the all religions are the same thing. That isn't true clearly they have similarities some more than others but either Islam or Chritianity is right they can't both be.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QrlyVES3Gw&mode=related&search= Lets have an Incubus journey. In your face angry start period!
  11. The true Schofield!
  12. Steve Irwin takes out sharks in his own way.
  13. What the! I didnt realise this was happening. Solo you legend what style is it going to be what sound what video when is it out uk tour? Im sorry :wink:
  14. Small msn symbol on the left tells you but its [email protected]
  15. Ah man this is gonna turn into a disaster. I have nothing against you thefish and I understand some of your grievances against religion. However studying history I literlaly just cant let statements like you just said go as its factually incorrect. I think this thread like all the other ones will go to hell (boom boom) so I'm gonna keep my distance but if you want to chat about things msn me.
  16. Thanks for the explanation Konfucious and also on a side note thanks for my sig I just rememeber how much I like it now I am hyped up for Zelda again
  17. Man thats really sad when Shumucar breaks down and cries. That interviewer jst carrying on and on is bad he seems really unemotional. Nah it was a serb that shot him. Germany was formed at the expense of Austria in 1871 though this could be the cause. And of course Germany annexed Austria in WW2.
  18. Oh how come Austria and Germany don't like each other bar like geography and history wait I answered my own question. Well give me other reasons I love to know different peoples views on each other. And back on topic while contreversial he is undoubtably a legend in F1.
  19. Amon Tobin is a legend I hope he is I have an album of his non game music its so good.
  20. This is worse than the duck bullshit. Sony surreal doesn't nessicarly mean good.
  21. Firing him is getting back some of Joystiqs credibility thats the bottom line. Damage control after the incident is firing and apology.
  22. Dear god thats wonderful I wish I could afford that every day I brought some really nice water in a red glass bottle recently still of course.
  23. What the! Winner enjoy the MGS theme are the tickets sold out yet? I may still want to go but doubt I have the money.
  24. Neither did I, I was really innocent before I went to Uni. You can ahve a good time without drinking just find some nice people go out drink whatever you like watch some films. Don't do offical events as they are usuall shit and drink sex fests.
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