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Everything posted by Haden

  1. Looks really good actually only saw a bit as its to slow to load but yeh looks nice. May get it.
  2. Isn't working for me whats it like?
  3. House he is a survivor and a witty one at that.
  4. Sorry man didnt mean to upset you just thought you were linking me to an uber new movie or something.
  5. Isnt this all old from this morning?
  6. Something Special In The Wii. Er...
  7. Wii is region locked apparently Nintendo UK has admitted that the Wii console is region-locked after all, despite comments from Nintendo of America to the contrary. Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz in London this afternoon, a spokesperson admitted, "We are region-locked," and said the US arm of the company had made a mistake in saying otherwise. Earlier we reported on a piece by Wired News, which spoke to Nintendo vice president of marketing Perrin Kaplan during yesterday's showcase event in New York, during which they were told that Nintendo would not impose regional restrictions on game software. Advertisement That situation would have been comparable to that of Xbox 360, where some games are region-free but others are not, and gamers are generally left to find out for themselves whether an import is viable. Nintendo also admitted yesterday that it had ruled out the idea of including DVD playback functionality, contradicting earlier announcements. "Because the price of DVD players has dropped so much and they have become so commonplace, Nintendo saw no need to create extra hardware options that would drive up the cost for consumers," a representative for the company told GameSpot. Previously Nintendo had said it would release an attachment for the Wii console that enabled DVD playback. Games on the system will be sold on single- or double-layered 12-centimetre optical discs, while it will also be compatible with 8-centimetre GameCube discs.
  8. I might be in the same situation what are you going to do! I will be going insane. I am 20 ffs people died in the great war who were younger than me and I am worried about waiting a few weeks for a Wii. Tsk Tsk. But sierously what are we going to do? :wink:
  9. I think I might have to sell my ds lite being a hippy student is bad news.
  10. Can you buy me one to?
  11. Are you getting a Wii and if so what games are you looking forward to? Why does Mario always get the girl is it because of your voice! Dare you to ask the 2nd one...
  12. I might ask my parents to buy me one for launch if I pitch in some money and give it to me and Christmas. But man to think it will be there at home on the pre Christmas days.. And christmas is family time to busy to play games. Godamnit I am unsure of what to do. Rob a bank and import from America?
  13. To be honest I am not sure which is a real shame. But that price would mean over £200 to get a game. I really really want one but I don't know if I can if not I will get one for Christmas.
  14. That "No" made me laugh to
  15. hehe its by Holst classical music! Goes well and now im depressed with this eurogamer thing.
  16. I am excited listening to Jupiter from the Planets so epic
  17. Caught te end of this and saw the Barry integrity moment which made me rofl. The episode was obviously all about Gervais in real life and his opinions so it made it intresting if a little self indulgent. I like the man comedy wise but dislike him for some of his views.
  18. lol they should have a ps3 one with someone trying to make a sweeping motion but failing as 599 is to heavy an amount.
  19. The argos thing I think is clearly a mistake. Look it is a banner right next to a PS3 one saying March 2007. They are incompetent the said the PSP would play dvds and made another mistake which I can't recall recently. It is obvious that the person who wrote this was told ps3 next gen console was postponed and did a blanket march 2007 postponed for both consoles. It goes against all our knowledge so far. If it is somehow true which I highly doubt March is my bday so yay!
  20. Just a general hope you have a nice time to everyone starting uni you really will love it if its your first year have fun, don't worry about study and finances too much although dont go mental! And yeh just chill out dont take anything to sierously and your have a blast dont forget to post on the boards telling us all about it though! Going back as a 3rd year I want to hear about your fresher week fun!
  21. rofl rofl TASTE SOME OF MUMMAS HOME COOKING ADOLF! dear god thats truely sick but so so good. Oh man oh yeh Blackfox I think flinky sent me your epic german work saftey sketch on msn post it hear for all to enjoy
  22. So what do you guys think will be waiting for you tommorow morning? I mean news wise not your sweet wife/husband/partner/blowup dolls face.
  23. Yeh because um thats religions fault to! Also authorties like the Pope in certian cases in the early modern period and middle ages stopped yes stopped anti semitism getting out of hand. Wheras when the 19th century killed off God people had nothing to hold them back and Fascism and Communism appeared.
  24. Boom bumpaddle! Brought this off ebay and arrived today got the US version the case is so much better. Have to say really enjoying how it uses hte touchscreen. Feels really natural am on the 4th level atm. Two questions though firstly on the 3rd boss the one where you mimic his drawings the stylus seems to not register properly if I hold it down. I think it was becuase I was holding it at an angle anyone else have this problem? Also what are the minigames like and how do I unlock those badboys! Anyway yeh I this game.
  25. I am really excited I mean I haven't felt like this about a console ever tbh. Maybe the N64 when I was a little kid. Not as much as N64 kid though! I literally think the Wii is going to rock so much and well I want it now! Actually I don't I love the hype as much as I ahte the wait. Soon soon its going to be GA... WIIII DAYYY!
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