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Everything posted by Haden
I believe the two rules of. Loving your neighbour and loving God being a christian. I would be an athiest if I wasnt a christian but I find the fact that as humans we ask why and how to make me believe in something rather than nothing and the most logical something I find is christianty.
Cool thanks I will look into that. Hey and no carry on the discussion! Everyones biased towards something. Cool dont worry I dont mean to put uber pressure on people. I just mean you follow your principles but I dont see how anyone could say I did something 'wrong' if I killed someone to enhance myself if its built into me and theres no outside moral law.
Ok again guys nice posts. Right to aimless. You paint a grand picture of evolution. However for the purposes of this the protaginist cares not. He is killing for the gain of himself and his family. Its perfectly in keeping with evolution yet out side any universal human family ideas. To Dan Dare. What I am saying is that I dont understand why if I were to become an atheist I should follow this alien moral concept? Becuase of tradition? Because my genes tell me to? This is the question I am asking. To Lazyboy no oone in paticular. Just someone you could gain from if they died. Thanks to all your answers guys. Again I am just playing devils advocate so im sorry if I come across as akward and pedantic just want to get some answers Is everyone who has posted so far an atheist or just representing ahteism in a cameo role? I guess it doesnt matter really. Anyway carry on posting guys! Aha ok. This is a good post. Now this fairness thing you put forward. Considering all immoral action is unfair why should I care about this and as for upsetting relatives again not my problem. Good post though! What religion are you out of intrest or are you an agnostic?
Thanks for the uber replies! The thing is I kind of feel that its so reductionist to reuce everything to biology and past evolutionary events. What I am saying is that with logic we know all of this and can overide it. What I am saying is that there is no chance you can be caught at all. Or you are the law or something. And this has happened plenty of times. Why would it be wrong to do it? Noone has answered my question yet :/. I am not saying if it can or cant be done I am just asking why I shouldnt. But thanks for all the opinions etc guys!
Exactly You think so? That would make a hell of a lot of people unhuman or mentally ill. And I mean loads and loads and loads. But what is the problem with this if we just have this standard dont kill people thought because of evolution?
Hey Moria welcome to the thread. Your point addresses a question but not really the one in the thread. I am basically asking why I shouldn't murder someone if I could gain from it and conqer the group genitic imprint that if I am an atheist would be the only thing troubling me.
Again thanks for the replies. Ok firstly We should be? Do you mean should as in gentically or should as in ought to be moral? But what I am saying is. As humans we have the ability to overide natual impulses and if I wanted to I could overide any mechanics to murder someone if I wanted to. I think this is going off on a slightly different tangent. I dont mean random violence. I mean cold hard selfish gain that isn't justified by any moral system. But is caculated and not random.
Ah good stuff. Justified another word linked very closley with morality. What would the justifications be? And on a sub point what are your thoughts on killing someone for pure self intrest needs?
Personally probably not. But what I want to investigate is as you correctly say. That constant voice. Is that what many religions call conscience or is it my brain telling me that I have violated a group mechanic code. Now if it is the latter, then feeling bad would surely be like feeling hungry or thirsty. My brain is automatically telling me off because I broke one of its code. But as a human I have logic I have identified it and am able to break it and live with it. But you would have no more risk of being murded than usual it would be done in secret. If you want to twist the scenario a bit more it could be framed that you were trying to save this persons life etc. What I am trying to do is see if there is anything beyond just survival group instinct as you point out. Thanks for the post though.
Thanks I have been bugging people with these questions recently lol. Ok back to your answer. I am just going to play complete devils advocate to everyone so sorry if I come across as pedantic. If I as an atheist someone with no ties to a presupposed moral code and who had no intrest in the Holocaust I still don't see any code that would stop me from killing someone. Obviously society would look down on it but if I could get away with it I don't see why I shouldn't be able to do as I please.
Ok thanks for getting the ball rolling. If I could anaylse your statement. By no "right" what exactly do you mean? Where does this right come from what does it entail? Thanks again.
Ok I have been thiking about morality a lot recently. And the idea that morality is just an inbuilt group function that higher primates have to stop them from harming each other and rewarding group co-operation. This has led me to think if this is true. What would be 'wrong' (in the sense that wrong is a concept that really has no meaning) with being in a scenario where you could murder someone if you were able to get away with it and you could gain from it. I mean if you had the oppurtunity to and were an atheist I literally don't see the problem with doing this lacking a legitamate reason to if you had already identified what morality is and the fact that it is a concept that is part of you but that you needent follow. This isn't a flame thread directed at either atheist or religious people. Basically I was wondering of your responses. Firstly to the thought that would you murder someone if you could get away and profit from it and if not why not? I mean like instead of saying because its wrong justify why. Anyway yep answers on a postcard people!
ASL JENNYFAR! I LOVE THE SIMS AND WILL PLAY SYSTEM LINK WITH YOU IF I CAN COME ROUND YOUR HOUSE LOL. Best make it when your parents arent round. Also I will bring you a premade drink, its called roHIPnal suprise! Erm yeh I used to enjoy sims 2 but I began watching neighbours again. Nothing can beat Paul Robinson.
Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)
Haden replied to EchoDesiato's topic in Nintendo Gaming
Do you want me to hyperventilate? I mean if thats the case carry on posting these pics! But yeh I think your right it is. -
Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)
Haden replied to EchoDesiato's topic in Nintendo Gaming
OMG literally guys ok. Look at the size of Hyrule! For god sake this game is going to be immense. I literally am to excited now. -
Wow thanks nintendo. You have served London and Surrey well. I guess I shouldnt moan as the north probably always get shafted. Whats the good food show? lol thats the only one I could go to.
Hey man I am exactly the same. I dislike loud people. However going to uni means I like going out a hell of a lot now. Just do what your comtable with maybe go out with one of your friends another time. If you live near Surrey I will go out for a drink with you! Mines a pint! Oh wait I drink womens drinks
Hey guys I purchased an iriver about a month ago. I have recorded some lectures onto it via the inbuilt recorder and want to put them onto my computer. However I am unable to the files refuse to open or be moved. Any suggestions?
May pick this up if it gets good reviews for the wii as a nice mood changer from Zelda.
Ban Request! Im looking forwad to this epic film
Red Steel co-op???? Oh as for me Wii Sports first then Zelda mmm Zelda!
My god they are so so so bad. I mean Im not going to pick this up anyway but I mean those movies are just atrocious. :shock:
Becuase it is a set of beliefs given to you by the man who made this abomination Enough said I think. Quite literally in jar jars case.
Paul today was just an absoulute legend. And Lou was back to his classic ways the tom jones line was hillarious. Neighbours is back!
Half Life and Doom for the PC do this. The Half Life soundtrack rocks. I swear theres a song in that that is used in Buffy in fact I think theres a whole episode of Buffy that has Half Life references.