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Everything posted by Haden

  1. Haden


    I am 20 baby and I joined here when I was 9 oh yeh Im a damn vietnam vetran.
  2. Theres SD cards that fold up to fit in usb slots im sure. My teacher showed me one cmon tech heads show the goods!
  3. He needs some more he spent them all here.
  4. After buying MTW 2 which is DVD only. I have been trying to play it but it isnt launching. I clicked on my dvd cd rewriter drive and it says cd drive im like what the crap... Any advice?
  5. Meet me at Staines we will have ourselves a knife fight! Only kidding I will be in my friends car feel free to attack it though its german it wont break!
  6. The thing about zelda is. I remeber when the ocarina had just come out. And in toys r us there were two demo pods. One for goldeneye another for ocarina of time. The goldeneye one was great as it was like boom headshot etc! But watching peole play zelda was a bit meh tbh. I could see how it was good but its quite a personal game. Because its so epic its not like in goldeneye shoot him shoot him. The choices are so vast and the kills in a sense less interacvtive and pleaseing to watch that it doesnt make the best tv. I loved playing res 4 with my friends as it was a crowd pleaser and hopefully red steel will be the same. But zelda, zelda time is my time.
  7. Moria if you get screwed by gamestation which I could to. Can you reclaim your money and preorder amazon style?
  8. Ah that is very clever
  9. Dec 8th I hope... if gamestation get the stock. In Staines and my friend will give me a lift no way am I worrying about chavs that day or night depending if its a midnight launch.
  10. Kudos to Dante who figured it out a long time ago. Beck and Excitetruck ftw! Is ist just games that want to use this feature. I bet it is as I doubt nintendo would authorise any soundtrack to zelda. While wii sports should use it.
  11. Im 1400 in debt atm. But im still getting a wii. Cashback!
  12. Haden


    Lots and lots of history books about Heraclius some kick ass Byzantine Emperor just finished a 3000 word essay on him and im taking the weekend off. So tired.
  13. That guy sounds like a complete loser to be honest
  14. I think a little bit of my soul died while watching that
  15. They broke a controller???
  16. Yay madden time
  17. They know nothing they were trying to play a GC game with a wii controller then said that you could play a GC game with a classic controller..
  18. ROFL ROFL Charlies Angel
  19. Its over yes!
  20. Nope and they wont be sadly
  21. Bud bud hey bud!
  22. Wii sports and Exctietruck were awesome. Zelda looks great but youve missed hilarity but not much action lol my posts in this thread have pushed me over 1000
  23. What the hell. The guy says 5 dollars then the woman says money and hes like THERE RUPEEESSS! Er lol
  24. Wow the children dodged the sword awesome! Oh I wish I knew who you meant. I want to get into american football through madden.
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