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Everything posted by Haden

  1. What the! Winner enjoy the MGS theme are the tickets sold out yet? I may still want to go but doubt I have the money.
  2. Neither did I, I was really innocent before I went to Uni. You can ahve a good time without drinking just find some nice people go out drink whatever you like watch some films. Don't do offical events as they are usuall shit and drink sex fests.
  3. Um is anyone going to this? I really want to go but can't ask any of my friends really they might beat me up litearlly! Well not literally but I doubt anyone would go. So either go by myself which actually I wouldn't mind. Or is anyone from here going? P.S Im not a pedophile. The Judge dismissed everything!
  4. Yeh thats um Last FMs screw up not mine I think don't worry soon it will be pure Madness.
  5. http://objection.mrdictionary.net/go.php?n=1019147 what the erm this finishes it http://objection.mrdictionary.net/go.php?n=1019157
  6. It sickens me so much. Let me tell you a story fellow fiizy water haters. I went out for a curry with my mum and dad for my mums bday. We all ordered our meal then the waiter came and said what type of water do you want/ As quick as a flash my disgusting parents said two jugs of fizzy water, then the waiter was gone before I had a chance to protest. So I had to eat this damn badass hot curry with fizzy water that I took about one sip of just to remind my mouth of what sub 100C tempretures felt like. But yeh I couldn't manage any more of the devils drink and I had to slog through this curry feeling dead. The moral is Fizzy water is created by the devil and parents to torture insolent children everywhere.
  7. Damn right I have spent so much on books I could be a tin pot dictator by now. Having said that I love the feeling people must get when they come into my room and see all my books and think he must be a really intellegent guy and then I tell them I like Neighbours and I lose all credibility.
  8. Damn right they should be I woke up with a party hat and baloons today I blew them up before hand! Sigh ah well I will have a Madness party all by myself then. I already wrote MEGA WII FANATIC on my hat though
  9. Wii release dates is my bet.
  10. Mario Kart DS still I despertly need a new game. Having said that I have a dreamcast with shenmue and gamecube with killer 7! Meh Console gaming is to much stress.
  11. Careful the RSPCA doesn't like that sort of thing.
  12. lol lol Qouted for the classicness and truth!
  13. The foreskin pushing thing is bloody annoying. Surely someone as cool as han solo can do it easy though!
  14. According to Wiki. Sounds awesome tbh like some sort of voodoo ritual.
  15. A bigger psycho just.
  16. That Americansoda site literally looks like the best site I have ever seen the stuff on there is wonderful.
  17. Super Star destroyer wipes out star trek ship.
  18. I reckon either no online play but right at launch or online play and a few weeks after launch.
  19. Doh! Sounds really nice I saw some on sale on ebay I wish I had money to burn would buy myself some sweet mountian dew.
  20. I drank some red bull today it tasted very artifical am I missing out I have never had mountian dew :S
  21. I want a dvd player! I dont care if the wii is delayed till march 2007 I want a dvd player! :wink:
  22. Couldn't agree more. The popular masses will lap this up like the angry cosmopolition mob they are.
  23. Hes so right when I got there I was quite nervous about it all. Now I love my course and have made some superb friends there and had many a great time at uni. Dont want to leave so Im doing a masters lol.
  24. Back to sweet Royal Holloway. Which Joliean used to go to she doesnt post much here now. Only have one year left so sad going to try and do a masters somewhere as I love uni so much.
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