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Everything posted by Haden

  1. Hey guys. My cd player broker the other day. And I want a Mini HiFi to replace it. Any suggestions? This was suggested to me http://www.currys.co.uk/martprd/store/cur_page.jsp?BV_SessionID=@@@@1790471748.1155504169@@@@&BV_EngineID=ccedaddiighldkdcflgceggdhhmdgmk.0&page=Product&fm=0&sm=1&tm=0&sku=235206&category_oid=-25839 My budget good go a bit higher. I want something that has good bass, I can connect my mp3 player up to and well thats it really. Suggestions?
  2. Oh sweet mother of dead cows. Resident Evil 4 cows looked better though. They milked every last pixel of the gamecube to make them look so dairylicious!
  3. Drugs, Sex and Brain Training.
  4. Ah ok cool sorry I apologise if I came across as over harsh. Lets all get back to laughing at these pages
  5. FFS! I thought this was a link to Half Life 3!!!!! With wii controls godamnit you misled me you suck! Only kidding! thanks for the link I for one didnt know. Although you may want to change the topic title to Fear MP for free.
  6. Wow your so original. America is the evil! Dear god read some history and stop making rash judgements. Mjc Metroid its so obviously a joke. But that statement. Dear god again please do some reasearch into what you are talking about. Historically the Da Vanchi Code isn't in the same league as the Bible. Everyone talks of idiot racist americans but tbh the rection of some people to this thread which is obviously just a fun joke. Makes me depressed to be a 21st century European.
  7. rofl rofl. Omg thats literally awful. Was it on the outside oh his trousers? As for me not much do some more history reading and try and manage my finances. I got a bit wrecked last night after meeting up with some friends at a local pub. Then annoyed poor Flinky as I always do when im drunk on msn when I got home. Good times!
  8. 1. mario114 2.letty 3. booker This is the result as decreed by a far off wise person. Send me your addresses to claim your prizes. Also send me what consles you have. PS sorry for the delay. im lazy it took some psycho to kick me into gear.
  9. Its really not though its so clearly a joke I mean heheh thats well done.
  10. Don't you mean you have to love classic parody? Otherwise im preeety sure the site would be banned if this statement was put forward as fact
  11. lol this is a classic hoax site. This email reply literally made me lol
  12. Melting in the dead of night and the Super Star sucked into the Super Massive! Muse Super Massive Black Hole Sounds so good turned up loud. If I saw this live I would melt mentally!
  13. Nice use of logic there!
  14. This is true to an extent. But then you can cause and effect anything. Why did America make mistakes? Oh becuase it was pushed into it by the Soviet Regime who only became expansionist because of Hitler who only arose becuase of the Treaty of Versailles etc etc etc. Give the terrorists some credit and free will. They have choices to make and they made one and got caught. Of course its in the reaction to the situation they are in but it is still a choice. Also in this case if you want someone to blame, the UK government and cutlure for not giving a positive culture or sense of citzenship. As well as Muslim leaders for not consitently and openly condeming this behaviour. I know some have but it needs to be a much more unified and stronger effort. And for once the British secret service did a good job! To be fair I expect they do good stuff quite a lot of the time that we never hear about.
  15. Man we are all so lucky. The Wii launch is looking awesome. Definatly getting Wii Sports. Zelda and either Metroid, POP or Far Cry. Btw will any launch games eg wii sports be online at launch? Is there gonne be voice chat? And are people at RE gonna have a classic launch night/morning online meet up and play some Wii games?
  16. This is a dream come true as Fierce Link knows I love POP!
  17. 19th century history. Yep I'm a preeeety cool guy. Oh and Pimms!
  18. I haven't seen it I agree I hope they pick Nikki. Pete and Richard will but Ashlynee wont nor will Imogen. Glyn will pick Mikey and the northen lass will pick hmm who knows she could be the decider.
  19. rofl that vader vid was ace. This is my vid needs some editing at the end but kinda ok atm. Its Kill Bill meets the Zombies!
  20. Quoted for the win tbh I love this album so much. Get this and Grace for full buckley enjoyment!
  21. Hail brother you are truly a FilmFour member! Just been watching the end of the godfather, wonderful film.
  22. Same here I thought it might be American then Australian then a mix then god knows. I was just laughing at katchias face.
  23. Hey guys I just got a freeview box and as you can tell by the title. I love FilmFour so much. Just wondered if anyone wanted to join Club Film 4 and watch films on the glorious channel that all memebers of this club adore. In the club we can watch films on the holy channel. And discuss them etc. Also if someone wanted to make a film four graphic that would be awesome. I will try and keep this tread updated with film schedules etc but if noone joins then poor old film four will die! Anyway whos up for a film four love in?
  24. Please dont delete this guy hes gold!
  25. Ah ok fair enough I will check them out
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