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Everything posted by Haden
Are all of these films anime or the cool black and white films by some Italian sounding director? Im guessing the former but hoping the latter.
Yeh I think that was the problem. Also smelt preeety bad to.
Just got film four. So sweet going to make it an offer it cant refuse tonight. Oh Haver whats the programme in your sig?
I can get it in my area. But the ariel I use is ltierally a pile of shit although I can get tv at uni but not here. I will go to an ariel shop I know and ask the nice man to help me. For the mo thanks to that legendthat is Fierce Link I ahve got it working in the main room. The thing is my mum wont thank me she will look at these new channels as some invasion from outsiders onto our pure 5 channel tv. I mean our tv is so old I couldnt plug the scart socket into the tv it doesnt have a socket its older than me!
I brought a freeview box wanting to watch Marx Brothers and Dot Cotten but all I get is some sick. WE CANT FIND ANY SIGNALS horrific crap. Is it ebcause im using a mobile ariel? It is a pile of ubbish it barely tracks a signal do I need a new ariel or to plug it into the main ariel tv? The latter isnt really an option :/
Ah man if you said that to me I would ask you to marry me. Sadly Im neither gay nor a woman. How did you say the "I have no right to wonder just how or when" without making it sound to cheesy? You should have got a guitar out and just started singing! Oh man I am going to learn some buckely lines for when I go to the union and get drunk. Oh this will turn out so bad but be so funny. I cant wait.
Haden "Stop!" says: hey! I LOVE MA BBY N NUTTINS GONNA CHANGEXxXxXxXyou think im teasin but i aint got no reason im sure i can please uxXxXxXxX says: asl plz Haden "Stop!" says: 19/m/uk I LOVE MA BBY N NUTTINS GONNA CHANGEXxXxXxXyou think im teasin but i aint got no reason im sure i can please uxXxXxXxX says: kl Haden "Stop!" says: my homies call me mc dicko Haden "Stop!" says: whats your name ho I LOVE MA BBY N NUTTINS GONNA CHANGEXxXxXxXyou think im teasin but i aint got no reason im sure i can please uxXxXxXxX says: wit I LOVE MA BBY N NUTTINS GONNA CHANGEXxXxXxXyou think im teasin but i aint got no reason im sure i can please uxXxXxXxX says: kirsten Haden "Stop!" says: cool I fuecked a kirtsten in 5th grade Haden "Stop!" says: what is going down with you! I LOVE MA BBY N NUTTINS GONNA CHANGEXxXxXxXyou think im teasin but i aint got no reason im sure i can please uxXxXxXxX says: lol Haden "Stop!" says: im a ryhmer im a mimer im a motherfucking diner I LOVE MA BBY N NUTTINS GONNA CHANGEXxXxXxXyou think im teasin but i aint got no reason im sure i can please uxXxXxXxX says: oryt Haden "Stop!" says: I wanna suck your breast I wanna be the rest I wanna see your mess I LOVE MA BBY N NUTTINS GONNA CHANGEXxXxXxXyou think im teasin but i aint got no reason im sure i can please uxXxXxXxX says: lol Haden "Stop!" says: tell me who you are Haden "Stop!" says: your a woman Haden "Stop!" says: im a calg Haden "Stop!" says: calf Haden "Stop!" says: your a window Haden "Stop!" says: im a knife Haden "Stop!" says: meeet me tommorow night Haden "Stop!" says: or any day you want I LOVE MA BBY N NUTTINS GONNA CHANGEXxXxXxXyou think im teasin but i aint got no reason im sure i can please uxXxXxXxX says: wher eu from Haden "Stop!" says: the ghetto I LOVE MA BBY N NUTTINS GONNA CHANGEXxXxXxXyou think im teasin but i aint got no reason im sure i can please uxXxXxXxX says: wheres dat Haden "Stop!" says: LONDON Haden "Stop!" says: WHERE YOU AT! I LOVE MA BBY N NUTTINS GONNA CHANGEXxXxXxXyou think im teasin but i aint got no reason im sure i can please uxXxXxXxX says: oryt I LOVE MA BBY N NUTTINS GONNA CHANGEXxXxXxXyou think im teasin but i aint got no reason im sure i can please uxXxXxXxX says: scotland Haden "Stop!" says: im mc dicko I dont dick around I dick on a target round I LOVE MA BBY N NUTTINS GONNA CHANGEXxXxXxXyou think im teasin but i aint got no reason im sure i can please uxXxXxXxX says: lol Haden "Stop!" says: dont laugh it makes me barf im the sex master to your fallen bafta Haden "Stop!" says: whts your desire Haden "Stop!" says: I WILLJUGGARNAUGHT IT Haden "Stop!" says: I WANNA CHUBBY YOUR FLUBBY Haden "Stop!" says: what is your A Haden "Stop!" says: what is your S Haden "Stop!" says: what is your XXX Haden "Stop!" says: homie call of mesperation! Ok I did this now and im very pissed but I quoted buckely and im proud but she stopped talking., I wanted muurey to join but sadly hes at work anyway lets revie this gangbang call of seprepation!
I think Dostoyevsky was right when he saw that without god men would be capable of doing anything. In russia where communism came to the fore it meant purges etc and in our society of consuermarism it means hedonism and ego. I still find it hard to explain that humans are consious of the universe and themselves in a way no other being is. CS Lewis points to the development of the eye and how it wouldn't have developed in a universe without light and the development of the mind and inqury into existence as prrof that we may have a purpose in this universe.
Oh man Dead Rising looks such fun. I hope the Childrens Castle is as fun as it sounds. Its bound to be surely this whole game is just uber fun by the looks of it. Oh and I tried the N3 demo and it was kinda cool but I got bored. I think thats because I died :/ ah well the only game I want is COD2 anyway oh and Dead rising!
26! Well done at whipping me at mario kart (not hard) and happy birthday!
I agree a lot with what Athriller has said but from a completely different angle. I think many people who don't leave a mark on teh world have lived moral lives that would put to shame some more famous people. Having said that I really enjoy some of the culture that famous people have left but this doesn't nesceraly make them better people. I disagree with all the people saying you should just be what you want to be or do what you want to do. This is a nice kinda beauty queen esque speech but as a human if your a religious person or not you do have responsibiities to society etc even I would admit that and poltically im quite libertartian.
Being a christian purposes for me are love neighbour as myself and love God. I think these are the two main ones although there are lots of other sub ones depending on the indivdual and short term purposes. But those are the two that I try and fail to live by.
Anyone still playing Halo 2? I got it today and love it! Been chatting with Moria and want to play some games with RE people! I am crap so it will boost your score! tag is HeadlessHaden lets have a halo orgy! Or just some cool games with no sexual metaphores.
lol np me and Mr Toadie played GR it wasnt that good but Prey was quite good fun. Halo 2 should be here tommorow! Back of the net!
Yeh gg Mr Toadie! Well teh Ghost Recon slaughter was pretty bad but enjoyed the Prey game not so much the bit where you killed me twice in a row lol. Tell me if you get an online game soon like halo 2 or something and we will have a proper game.
Two questions and one invite! First question im using a normal tv and the cable I got with the 360 but I find the picture quite blurry is there a better cable I can get? Second question want to use my speakers for sound. Plugged them into the red and white tv audio unput things. And when I put them both in there was no sound. When I left either a red or white one in but put a speaker in there was tiny sound from the TV and speaker. Most odd anyone know how to solve this? Also me and TakeoMiyazaki are going to play GR demo at 10 if anyone wants to join or wants to play any other demo online lol. I have them all!
Sadly my piece of shit town didn't have halo 2. But its ordered from gameplay so I should have it within 2-3 days I guess. Im up for an absolute mumma game on Friday night. Oh also do I dl a xbox backward compatible patch thing from the market place? Or will it dl when I try and play the game. If anyone wants to play the prey or quake 4 demo online tonight then that will be class. Anyone? Ah well worth a try :wink:
Come into a nice bit of money today that was unexpected. So Im gonna get myself some wine later and maybe even Halo 2. So if I can get it anyone want a game later? I may be drunk as well and you can corpse hump my drunkard arse! Or just have a nice friendly Halo game your choice :wink:
lol sorry Moria you do keep saying I will get halo 2 then. Oh man though just played COD2 and its incredible. May buy that as well but then ghost recon may be better! Man so many games so little money ah well.
lol np at all I am friendless! What games do you play online TakeoMiyazaki? I can only afford one game lol so would like to play with people I know.
After months of being wishy washy. I finally got an Xbox 360 today! Got premium with wirless connector for internet. I got zero games with it... But on the plus side been dling demos all day! I played Prey online and even though it was laggy I loved it! And lost planet as well! My tv is so shit for a 360 tv but ah well. My username is HeadlessHaden hope to see you guys online! When I eventually get a game and one that plays online...
lol classic. Sierously though as previously said it would be better and simpler to have door closing with adult walking in. Imagination does the rest. Seems very unesscary but maybe it will work out. I know for sure though I would feel uncomftable going to a cinema and watching it. Theres advances that should be done pushing the boundries etc but this may just be the eqvilent of an ultra gory movie but much more taboo. Be intrested to see how this works out.
I thought he was alright. I was just trying to make a pun. It looks like I was the one who screwed up! lol
The woman who won the Apprentice is pregnant! With.... http://uk.news.yahoo.com/21072006/344/apprentice-star-pregnant-rival.html Yeh ok not with Sugar but with that psycho guy! He always fucks things up! At least hes being nice and standing by her and the baby. Maybe it will be on the apprenatice in a few years time.