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Everything posted by Haden

  1. Ah ok thanks Mr Odwin hmm im not sure which one I should use then. Would like good quality but the dvd one seems simpler. Descions descions! Ive made a movie using Windows Movie Player anyone know how I can get it to 1024-768? Or whatever im used to seeing as this certianly isnt it.
  2. Ohh thanks Retro this movie making thing is classic. So can anyone recommend a camcorder? Kinda midrange but good build quality thats mobile.
  3. I literally have no idea what not crossing the line means. I know about cutaways! As I did some wedding filiming. I actually just want to film stuff like in a docu style. I was just hoping someone could recommend me a good camera and software to edit and put music to movies. But I am intrested in movies as well so any experinces you have had dabookerman would be cool to hear.
  4. Super Mario World. I think its the pinnicle of the series. It has the best music of any of the games it has Yoshi it has some damn hard levels and Nintendo thank you when you play it on the last secret level whats better than that! Also whats with the irish nature of this podcast! I thought Mokong came from some exotic country I was expecting some classic accent but its like a tag team irish podcast!
  5. Ah crap yeh sorry this should be in tech. Im using Windows atm contemplating a macbook but cant really afford one. And fire away dabookerman
  6. Hey guys. For my 21st bday I want a camcorder. Basically one that can transfer movies to my pc that I take. Also I really want software that can put music onto videos like editing it songs on top of videos etc. Does this kind of software come with a camcorder and how much should I splash out etc? Also has anyone made any movies for fun like on youtube? I know that guy er no I think made a classic trailer recently for a movie. Anyway thanks in advance : peace:
  7. That Sarka is a godamn loser Im glad hes been evicted (looks up) oh crap I mean Stocka no wait I mean Susie! Wait she hasnt been evicted. Um anyway yeh no bitching goes on in here! On topic I think that new woman is a loser sorry Sarka :/ and hope the idiot public doesnt boo Lea to much. Spiral ftw!
  8. Han you know that settlers pwns AOE back to the stone age and then hits it over the head with a cute little sword and sells it pig meat! Oh also deus ex and half life are cool games!
  9. I'm a really bad player Retro but I don't think I can be bothered ive kind of lost any enthusiasm for that game. May buy Metriod Hunters thoough so I can headshot you in that! Im joking I will suck.
  10. Texas Chainsaw Massacure lovely stuff. The orginial of course... I havent seen the new one I bet its horribly crap.
  11. I think if you were diabetic you would feel terrible while having sugar as your body can't deal with it. I think basically and this goes for any chemical thing like alchol or drugs and food. Your body is giving you a massive V sign as you are changing its routine and what its become used to. But if you persist you will be ok. Ive changed my sleeping patterns recently and am having to drive through my body saying screw you but it will all be ok in the end. Having said that ask a doctor if your still worried and hope it all goes ok keep us informed. My mums a nurse so if you have any questions I can ask her on your behalf.
  12. Ohh man I could buy that but well should I be spending money from my 500 pound security deposit even though im in debt? The student loan will cover my back, right guys? guys?
  13. Wow thats super news! How much do decent freeview boxes cost and where do I get them from?
  14. You got to see a good film with classic girls thats like the uber bonus! Unless you dont know which way to look.
  15. You look just like the guy from my family!
  16. The Da Vanchi Code A pile of crap that I only watched becaue of my attraction to a woman tha was seeing it with me. I hated the entire film and used my boredom to try and imagine what me and said girl would be like in the future it was a funny site. BUt more importantly tom hanks said oh yeh dechpier this and Iw as like dechpier my fist bitch! Also the albino monk was the coolest character but they killed him off. So anyway I got to slag this film off to this stupid girl and then say I tihnk Ive seen better acting in lord of the rings. And at least that had some hobbits in. It was so postmodern as well which was shit becuase its like oh jesus fucked around but that doesnt matter because maybe hes god as well its just opuis dei that are evil. How about shut up dan brown your a loser and yeh. So I give this film a 1 star thumbs down becuase its a swap infected mutant of a film that without the said girl watching it with me would have made me fall asleep and have nightmares about albinos and bad acting.
  17. A big plate worth of pizza makes me hungry and happy!
  18. Good God I hope I can jump on a Nazi and shout CALL OF DUTY then shoot hiim in the face and go I call that your duty is to serve america and then wake him up and go I want some duty free calls to america to serve the duty there! And use the wiimote to piss in his face.
  19. Getiting Ga ang Ts brought for you beacaue your such a legend in the maifa sense of the world. Mines a pint! But also becuase I know such cool people from RE and uni and becuase of Franz Ferdinand and a Iss 2 and a cool metroid and maybe becuase of women are cool sometimes and becasue of hmm money can be good if you dont scre w popele over to get it. Also I enjoy a good hug with a hot woman and religion can bring clarity to your life and wine if your a christiant! but jews are cool to woody allen and larry david being the two coolest. Also the onleiene thread is cool and pleae people look at the mario kart bit of it and we can like blue yourself on the blue shell section! : peace:
  20. I want to get Killer 7 and thought I was about to get it for a classic price on gameplay but it was the ps2 version. Oh how I laughed...
  21. Haden

    The Who

    Ah Platty! What a legend now I know what you look like I will come over if I ever see you at a gig and join in with some drunken dancing of my own lol. Sounds like you and Oli had a classic!
  22. Happy Independence Day!
  23. Wind Waker (My favourite game and well its Zelda!) Resident Evil 4 (For a more punchy game and again a great adventure) Mario Kart DD (For Multiplayer fun) I rate Metroid Prime as a superb experience and think its better than Mario Kart and maybe Res 4 but having Zelda and Metroid means theres nothing to play when your not in an epic mood! Even though Res is an adventure I find it easier to get fun from straight away what with the headshots!
  24. All I have to say is. Back of the Net! Literally well done Odwin I suspect you will make a firm yet humourous dad. Hope it all goes well.
  25. Boom headshot retro lover booom headshot! Man if my CS worked I would be in line for such a whipping.
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