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Everything posted by Haden

  1. Hey guys. Long time no speak RE forumites! Before you run away looking at the most obscure title this side of Show us your bones. I was wondering if any of the more Continteal members of this forum had heard of this festivel. I know Beck is playing there this year and its in Belgium but don't really know much else about it. So any Belgium membes of the forum know about this classic? And just to let the Brits in on the action what festivals are you guys planning to go to this year if any?
  2. Starshot Circus on the N64. Dear God waht a travesty.
  3. Classic neighbours again today. Nice to see the old Lou and Harold allaince and Izzys classic manupulation. Also didn't today highlight how much more intresting sky and dylan are also better actors compared to the dreadful elle and that non reading guy (I'm laughing at the fact that their acting is crap not that he can't read. Which is a awful plight that neighbours has highlighted for the 2nd time!) Although if I were insulting people who could#t read I guess this would be the best medium to show my views!
  4. Cool thanks for all the help guys. I have a maestro card so I guess thats ok and I can get one of those cards if not then. Are these wirless things expensive :/ Really need some money nevermind. So do you guys here play ghost recon co-op? I love co-op shooting games would be classic to get involved.
  5. Is this the right place to discuss xbox live stuff? I looked in the Online boards but tehy looked a little dead. Just wanted to ask some questions. I have a core xbox 360. Do you need a credit card to get on live or just a debit card? Do I need a hardrive? Oh my xbox and broadband are two rooms apart can I get a wirleless thing? Also what games do you guys play online/which ones shall I get? Ive heard ghost recon is a classic online. Co-op stuff sounds fun. I probably won't be getting on LIVE till summer because of finances and study but will be classic to play with some RE members when I do.
  6. New Labour, I'm a Blair fanboy. Wow are those flames I can feel already? :wink:
  7. Oh man Owen This is a Elder Scrolls game. If you want non linear you have come to the right place. Although there is a main quest you can literally do whatever the hell you want for as long as you want. Seperate guilds turning into a vampire, just exploring. Wonderful stuff.
  8. Haden


    Ah Wes thats such a shame :/ noone deserves that and the way you still tried to talk him down was very brave and honourable. I hope you recover ok.
  9. Its my bday today so I can get drunk for a reason! :p Anyway happy St patricks day guys!
  10. I think what will happen will be neither the one extreme of magazines carrying on in their current form or of them dissapearing. I think the internet can obviously provide information and news so much quicker than magazines that to compete in that field would be laughable (although NGC got the scoop on the Rev Zelda connection and Resi Evil DS first I believe). But what I think will happen is that magazines will become more proffesional and more insightful. Instead of pages of facts and reviews that as a young lad I used to absorb knowning this magazine was my sole resource for information, I see magazines now as giving a valued opinion and useful for intresting articles or views on gaming culture. EDGE for example creates a sort of gaming community talking about the significance of certian games and having debates on issues that are long term concerns of gamers so don't need to be instantly accessed. So hopefully magazines will turn into more valued and culturally valued pieces of work rather than trying to compete against the internet. So no I think the internet could help curb certian magazines that don't change rather than eradicating them altogether (although the troubles of Games TM make the magazine market seem shaky). Hopefully though by putting more articles in and taking time to put considered reviews in their magazines people will still have justification to buy them.
  11. I worked at a hostel so know quite a few homeless people. I don't give money to homeless people but will buy the big issue off them. It's a hard one as I know first hand that a lot of homeless people will spend it on drink or drugs. Its always good to be polite though even if you refuse to give a person money as they are just that a person.
  12. Been playing some Morrowind to hype myself up for this. Man it really is a great game, lacks the character of BG2 but makes up for it with pure epic scope. After the dissapointment of PD I am really hoping this will be great.
  13. Oh man when Odwin said about emotinal bits it reminded me of the ultra ultra sad bit. Sierously that bit was just so emotinal and then what hppened afterwards. Man I wish the 3rd book could have had something like that in. Crap that spoiler has seemed to have broken the forum slightly sorry
  14. I enjoyed the Pullman trilogy a hell of a lot. But felt let down when his views seemed to seep through into his fiction in a very obvious way in the last book and put a dampner on the story.
  15. Worms is a great game. One of those old school games that brings back great memories. Sadly I was crap at using the rope and er I used to like making underground bases... I'm sorry I turned to the darkside!
  16. Reading Festival! Someone asked me if I wanted to go today. Have to get knowledge of my resident legend gig expert Mr Tom as you guys know him. Sounds like a classic gig though are tickets not sold out by now? Oh god just realised this is the gig where 50 cent got bottled. Win!
  17. Last Valentines day I went to Uni bar and got asked out by some random person. And it wasnt a man! Win. Will probably see if I can repeat that classic and when that fails essay it up.
  18. Good man. Everyone watch AD on dvd. It has the fonz in. The fonz!
  19. Thats true to the extent that any major belief system including atheism denotes the rejection of all other belief systems. However the manner in which you respect other beliefs and approach and choose your own can involve open mindedness. So unless your protesting from a postmodern agnostics point of view, you just sound like a nasty Stalinist. As for the cartoons probably not the best thing to publish, but Europe's character has dissapated for a long time. However the reaction was unacceptable. Muslims could have gained a lot of sympthay by acting calmly and calling for debate but they showed the effects of still having a medieval mentalitly.
  20. Owen are those release dates for Europe? I thought it wasn't as early as that, ah just checked gameplay and your right. Damn why is Elder Scrolls delayed to April Oh man I need a new game having no Live account and just PD makes me wish Rare would have spent more time on this game. It has cowboys in it for god sake.
  21. I jest of course Fireflys dont have bdays nor does the film/series. I'm talking about Ashely. Even though I don't know him to well he seems a commited and fun member of these forums and one who keeps order in place. Anyway as I know he likes his TV sitcoms my present to him is.... A slice of TV goodness he should appreciate if he hasn't seen Arrested Development. And something he already thinks is the er bomb. Wow my lingustic skills are on fire. Anyway hope you have a good bday Ash.
  22. Amazon sent me two copies of a DVD once. They asked for the 2nd one back but gave me a £5 gift certificate for the trauma it caused me. Winner! I was going to sue them if they hadn't, the 2 dvds instead of 1 thing really upset me.
  23. PEDOGEDDEN! Its Chris Morris of Brass Eye fame. I thought IT crowd was pretty poor really, nevermind. Ah well done good sir gaggle. It was banned by tabloids which ran pictures of a 15 year old girls half naked on one page and condemned Brass Eye on the other. Oh also please people watch Brass Eye rather than that cheap imitation around at the mo.
  24. The first band I saw live were actually a band called Bearsuit. As my friend from uni is the lead guys brother. They were actually not bad and if you like fast paced unpretentious fun music you will enjoy them. Since then I have seen R.E.M and Franz which have both been excellent nights.
  25. While you do this also ask guys to show you their penis's so you can see how big they are and if this effects their IQ. Your be the coolest kid in school.
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