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Everything posted by Johelian
Its from Popolocrois - which I never actually did finish (I got very anal about finding all of the summon-esque beasting and got annoyed when I couldnt find the last one) Heh, I liked the name Mr_Brightside...I had a lizard named that actually! I dont remember saying that though - are you sure it was me? It sounds wittier than I remember myself being And I do remember Hellfire and Marshmellow and Stefkov...and my Holloway compadre Did someone just say Jayseven as well?? Is he back around??
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Eeey, its you I have neglected Crisis Core a bit lately as I just dont have time...Im starting to get old and need to go to the gym/save for a mortgage etc I must admit Im not enjoying Dreamfall so much, probably because of the diabolical "action" sequences, but Longest Journey was one of the best games I have ever played. I havent even had time to play Season 1 of Sam & Max, and they're already well into season 2! I have failed as a gamer! A shame about Dabookerman (to me anyway - why did he get banned?), but still cool to see that most are still about! Oh man! All of the others I remember! Zatoichi, AppleNdib, Largo...back in the Uber Leet days (I think I turned up at the tail-end of those days!). I guess none of those guys are still around..? Great to see you again Roadkill - you should Facebook me if you have it!
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Hey I do remember all of you (including you Letty!). And how could I forget you Jordan - synonymous in my mind with Piro & Athriller And it WAS me that bought the gashapons from Owen! Bloody hell, I wouldnt even have remembered that if you hadnt mentioned it Are Dabookerman/EvilMurray/Ford/Dom still here? Since leaving MS I have had literally no time for games - I have been playing GTA IV and FFVII: Crisis Core most recently, along with The Longest Journey and Dreamfall when I get any time. I did (briefly) own a Wii as well but to be honest - excude the blasphemy - I dont really "feel" it or any of the games at the minute. Still loving the DS though!
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Well remembered - I did once have a Black and White 2 sig I believe! I hope everyone is still well - I still cant believe how many people are still here! Ah, how I miss those days of constant gaming...
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Oh my word! My little sister posting terrible pictures of me! Dont make me post the webcam pics Fruitgum! Heres a much better one, for old times sake: So many of you are still here...brings back many memorie *sniff*.
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Lol, what kind of moron are you to NOT see the sarcasm in that comment? I didnt think I would need to explain it, but heres a shot - its just like all the comments everyone seems to feel the "need" to make in these threads. How does it sound? Pretty dumb, Ill bet? Does it come as a revelation to the idiots that always hijack these threads? Probably not, as they're all to holier-than-thou to notice when they are putting their own feet in their mouths. Thats so cute. Did you even read the post? Do I need to spell it out? Seriously - complain about the actions of the Nintendo-ites and youre branded a fangirl. Well, think whatever you will while I fire up Zelda:TP on the Gamecube. Clearly its easier to make assumptions than actually THINK about what a post like that might have meant. I think some of you need a lesson in IRONY. The point of the post is to highlight that not one thread promoting any other console on this board can be left alone by some of the sad idiots that frequent these forums - and its they, not people like dabookerman, that are ruining the forums atmosphere. You know, I do feel like the adult here, having to explain a rather obvious post to some of you. Perhaps irony is a little too advanced for these forums - which I guess is ironic in itself. Oh, the mysteries of life. ________ Oxygen vaporizer
Why is it that no-one can have a conversation here about the PS2 without it being hijacked by childish comments? I would have thought all the fanboys would be too busy wanking over their Wiis (because, lets face it, there isnt much else to do with them is there?) to bother coming in here..? Obviously not. Like Dom, the PS2 is my most played this generation and I really dont see how anyone that loves gaming can be without one - money aside. Plus I still have a stack of games preordered for it, which is more than I can say for the GC or Xbox, both of which are younger than the PS2. If it werent for their constant arrogant comments and some incredibly poor business decisions they could be amazing. ________ TOYOTA A ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS
The game is pencilled in for March 2007, give or take a couple of months ________ Yz450f
I want a Canadian setting, complete with Mounties and excursions into the mountains and getting attacked by bears (of course this stuff happens to all Canadians), with snow weather systems etc...some real Due South action. If I cant have that then Ill go with a prohibition aera with speak-easys, tommy-guns etc etc etc. Pretty slim on both accounts Id say. I quite liked a number of characters from GTA3-SA. Love Fist were definitely my most memorable - their missions were hilarious ________ Silver surfer reviews
Does Official 360 Component cable work on original Xbox?
Johelian replied to Mr_Master_X2's topic in Other Consoles
The GAME PS2 component cables do give marginally better picture - they eliminate some of that horrendous jagginess and the TVs attempts at anti-aliasing. This means that I have to keep switching my Ps2 and 360 over so they can use the component sockets though I didnt notice any difference in sound personally. ________ Vaporizers -
I beg your pardon? ________ Justin Bieber Fans
W00t, Im exchanging the Wii version for this as I really cant be arsed messing about with the controls. Really looking forward to it (again)! ________ Buy silver surfer
First impression - meh, what I expected really. WiiSports and WiiPlay are fun for a stint if youre playing with other people, but already Ive begun to look longingly back at the 360. I didnt like Zelda's controls at all - to me, they feel exactly like they have been forced on a game that doesnt really need them, and Im going to exchange it for the GC version on Friday. I tried to like it, I really did. But it all just feels like a gimmick. Im more excited about the back catalogue than I am about the Wii games themselves. Still looking forward to Trauma Centre and WarioWare (although I spoke to someone that played it at a conference already and he said that it has to explain how to use the controller before every minigame - which kind of defeats the point of a manic game like that if its left in the final game) and what else Nintendo are going to cook up for this machine as it does have some potential, but right now Im glad I still have a 360 and PS2 to turn back to when I get fed up of the Wii. 4q2 - youre back! ________ MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA
Whats her name/what does she look like? I cant remember who deals with the Midlands.... ________ Mercedes-Benz R230
This is where we differ; I dont mind sections like this, in the vein of Gun or Shadow of the Colossus, as travelling through even empty landscape makes the world seem more "real" somehow to me. I must admit that I found Windwakers boat travelling sections mindnumbing, primarily because it was just blue water as far as the eye could see, but I love traversing Colossus' vast landscapes. ________ Corvette c5
Psygnosis are the brains behind Lemmings, arent they? It would be nice to have them back in the picture. Game looks lovely by the way. ________ EXTREME VAPORIZER
Honestly, I was impressed by the snippet of crowd interaction that we saw in the vid, so anything more is a bonus. I do like the Dead Rising-esque manner of treating every NPC as an individual object to be manipulated; I particularly enjoyed the way you can grab them by the throat and toss them behind you to create an obstacle for your pursuers. Id say the tracking mission would be a given I was referring to the individual locations, although based on that vid I would expect to be picking up missions randomly throughout the location ala GTA. According to a preview that I read, its up to you to find the best time and moment to take out your target; youre not lead into a preset situation in which to encounter them I believe, but rather just given your orders and left to it. What did you have in mind for the missions? ________ Easy Vape Vaporizer
Am I the only one that doesnt think that PoP meets Splinter Cell sounds like a bad thing? Personally, I think an amalgamation of the two sounds fantastic; most stealth games lack any sense of fluidity and nimbleness, so to play a subtle character that can still perform death-defying moves (lets face it, the guy is a ninja several hundred years too late) is definitely a move in the right direction. Im a bit surprised that no-one has commented that, far from just "knocking over NPCs", the crowd is entirely dynamic and interactive. I love the idea of being able to slip into a group of people and blend in completely; I also like the idea that you could be knocked over and lose all advantage if you just run aimlessly about in a crazed mob of people. A little bit of strategy is a nice thing to have to come up with in the genre. Bundle this with a free-roaming, hugely detailed and completely traversable environment, slap on a setting that hasnt been overused until its nothing but a cliche, and I cant see single thing I dont like about Assassins Creed - other than the fact its not out til sometime 2007. ________ Honda nh series
It is a bit odd, but I think thats just the way it is. A bit of a shame; I love listening to Makoto talk ________ Buy Scale
Theres a demo of this on the front of the official PS2 mag this month. I was really looking forward to it; now, Im a bit disappointed as the demo was very shallow and almost shockingly ugly. I still have it down for preorder, and I will buy it, but I was left decidedly unimpressed by what the demo showed. Also, no matter how many times I played I couldnt get the woman at the hostess bar to show me any "special" attention, no matter how much cheap booze I threw at her. Colin - I have to admit that the only reason for me to enjoy the Japanese voiceover was to laugh at that monkey-bloke that helps you carry the boxes in Shenmue 2. Since the English voiceover was similarly laughable ("I see!" and repeating the last couple of words that everyone said being particularly overused techniques) but actually understandable for me, I stuck with that. I can see the charm in keeping the original voiceovers though. Play.com have it for 24.99 too. ________ Vapir Air One
Im getting this and Dead Rising next week too Ive only read one review and it was pretty poor, but I figure its worth a bash anyway - I havent had anything to play on my 360 for ages. The screens Ive seen look stunning, even if the characters do look a bit bland. Dead Rising though - Im really looking forward to that. Must-kill-zombie-using-only-CDs! ________ Penny Stocks
Im not sure how it works with flats, but we're renting a 2-bed terrace and we have to pay council tax, water, gas and electric bills, phone-broadband-and-TV bills, inventory insurance, TV license and food costs on top of our ?700 a month rent. It probably costs a combined total of ?1000 a month. Luckily there are two of us, or we would never have been able to manage it. But then, we do live in Surrey. It will really depend on the area youre going to live in. Your estate agent will be the best one to advise you, as they will be able to tell you the set-up costs involved as well (most landlords require a month or twos rent in advance, as well as the fees the estate agents themselves will charge you for the priviledge of renting one of their clients properties - cheeky bastards). Alternatively, you can go through a private ad, but be warned - chances are you will have no one to back you up if anything goes wrong (estate agents make sure all the paperwork is in place so if there are any issues on your side or your landlords they act as an intermediary. Thats the theory anyway). If you live in a fairly cheap area you might be able to get by, though you may have to totally sacrifice your social life. I agree with Noodleman in that it will be infinitely easier if you can get a (reliable!) mate to share a flat with; you wont pay heaps more for a two bed, and two incomes will make things much more comfortable. ________ Jugallette
Dude, how often do you look at a console while you play it? All of mine are under the TV in a cabinet; have you got yours strapped to your head or something? And the weight - again, my consoles are under my TV. I dont generally see the need to carry them wherever I go. A lot of pointless fanboy posts in here that really arent worth picking apart. Oh well; more PS3s for the rest of us. Nice post Owen.
When I first saw the pic I thought it was hideous, but Im starting to warm to it a little. Bubblegum pink will undoubtedly sell to any techno-girls out there (Im particularly envisaging a sell-out in Japan - people will have to have it because its cute).
I enjoyed that quite a lot Loved the Dead Rising, Zelda and Final Fantasy intros - inspired. Okami needs to be higher though! I think Ill be buying all of those, bar Disgaea; I didnt have the patience for the first one and I dont think thats going to change. Dont mean to bring the thread down in any way, but youre pretty cute. Nice one ________ CHRYSLER 180 SPECIFICATIONS