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Everything posted by Johelian
Silpheeds a pretty old franchise isnt it? Its fantastic that MS are getting their hands on so many RPGs - really spreading out into the areas of the market they barely touched with the XBox v1. Come on, Ninety Nine Nights! ________ NASH AMBASSADOR
Its about time. If anything happens to this version I think I would have lost all faith in gaming. The voiceover is pretty much the same as the TV series, albeit a bit tireder. So long as they can maintain the humour Im sold ________ HONDA HR-V SPECIFICATIONS
I loved it in varying degress up until Hades Underworld and then just had enough. Some of the things it demands you to do are stupid when you cant adjust the camera. The Hydra battle was my favourite part; after that it was pretty much downhill. ________ Jugallette
Absolutely loving that. ________ Buy Iolite
Real World Golf sold surprisingly well, so I guess it shows theres room for more virtual golf games in the market. Not my thing though. ________ SUZUKI GSX-R/4 SPECIFICATIONS
Its got sky pirates. Anything with sky/space pirates immediately warrants my attention Which reminds me, Rogue Galaxy is another RPG that looks pretty interesting; More at http://www.rpgamer.com I personally adored VII, thought that VIII had fantastic characters but fell apart towards the end, and didnt think much of IX and X. I havent yet played the demo, but Im glad that theyre trying something new in this series; the slide for me from VIII hasnt been too promising, so Im keen to see if they can pick it back up again. Looking forward to this. ________ Digital Vaporizers
By your reasoning then, shouldnt every Japanese RPG have a perfect score? That would mean rather a lot of 40/40s, considering that the vast majority of RPGs are of Japanese origin. I have no interest in anything Famitsu have to say. Anyone that gives Nintendogs a perfect score deserves to be treated with suspicion. I also laughed out loud at the sudden change in attitude towards them shown in this thread; how many times have threads gloatingly promoting the fact that some Nintendo game have scored highly im Famitsu been brandished on these boards? Im on darksnowmans side here. ________ Toyota sera
Actually, I think I was being sarcastic but perhaps I didnt lay it on heavily enough. Im a Nintendo fan too and love both of these games. ________ NSR250
And youre on a Nintendo forum? No Electroplankton for you Its weird, but I thought that a majority of "real" Ninty fans would appreciate what this game is trying to do - by "real", perhaps those who always rave about innovation and originality. But I guess that maybe that isnt the case after all..? ________ Ipad Games
I hate crying. Unfortunately though Im one of those people that just cant help it most of the time. If something upsets me the right way I will always end up crying, in spite of the fact that I really dont want to. This is a pain in the arse, as I always end up looking such a weed and everyone thinks my problem is a lot worse that it is. Its very frustrating. I often end up crying about something entirely stupid and pointless, which I am aware is stupid and pointless, yet cant stop. Very irritating. Having said that though its not unusual for me to fail to cry in more "appropriate" situations. Blame the hormones. ________ VOLCANO CLASSIC REVIEW
Which is why you jumped on the guy whose personal belief was that Zelda was the only A* game still to come, right? I can sympathise with liking games that arent quite what everyone else likes or expects; a number of my games are ones that I wouldnt expect anyone else to like particularly, but I absolutely adore them; things like Clock Tower, Sky Odyssey and so forth. But for me to then say that this must be an example of an A* title I think would be rather naive; surely a supposed A* game must be the kind of game that all gamers would appreciate? I can wholly support ones own enthusiasm for a game, but I see a problem with then assuming that ones own preference speaks for everyone. But I suppose I should call it a day. Im pretty sure the original point still stands. ________ NO2 VAPORIZER
Im sure they will release extra "pads" for this game over here too - probably no-one thought to add them on their own to the release/preorder schedules. ________ Rolls-Royce Corniche
Most mags are Sony fanboys? Give me strength, somebody. I guess everyone must be a fanboy that doesnt highly rate any Nintendo game (including those unreleased to the public) - I didnt like Super Smash Brothers Melee, quick, destroy my gamecube and its collection as I am clearly a Sony goon in disguise! How I will rue the day that Zelda_Freak saw through my fiendishly cunning plan! Saying that what happens in ones own experience is indicative of an entire nation - perhaps its not immature. Just very, very ignorant (and perhaps more than a little conceited would you say?). Your choice; ignorance or immaturity? Either way, no kudos for you. I will await this "justified statement" you speak of (though Im not holding my breath). ________ Eunos 500
Well, Toshihiro Nagoshi worked on Shenmue, which probably helps to fuel this idea. Its also very similar in the way that it features huge free-roaming cities full of interactive objects and people to talk to. Im assuming though that combat will play a bigger part in the story, but I think a lot of the screen shots of the environment are highly reminiscent of the style of Shenmue. It is set several years later though. Very very happy that there will be a Euro release (but cant wait and will get the US version). ________ Oregon medical marijuana
Lol, you are joking right? You think someones immature because they asked you HOW those games could be A* - which was the original point of the post, no? You havent played them - how are they A*? Odama isnt out yet - how its it A*? Chibi Robo has been scoring poorly in reviews - how is it A*? Im not surprised that, for most people, Zelda is the only game worth looking forward to; I definitely dont see people foaming at the mouth to buy GCs just to play the wonders that are Chibi Robo and Odama. I certainly dont believe that either of these games will be classed alongside Zelda, regardless of how cute I think Robo is. I also love the way that you summarise all of America based on your own experiences - oh wait, now who is immature? ________ Ecotec
Sony (along with MS) lost money on every console they made; its nothing new, so shop profit really isnt too important. Obviously they need to sell the units; but more importantly, they need to sell GAMES to actually make their money on it, and the only way people will buy the games is if they can afford the machine in the first place. I dont understand why people assume Sony will do the stupid thing and slap a ridiculous price on the PS3, believing in their merry way that people will somehow not realise and buy it anyway. If your direct competitor is offering the same thing for ?300, it doesnt make sense to release something more expensive; this kind of common sense isnt magically exclusive to us lot. If its going to offer substantially more than the 360, it will be priced more (ala PSP to DS). If it doesnt, it is unfeasible to release it at a higher price and expect it to sell - and if we know that, Sony know that too. ________ LEXUS HS
Are they? Where? Last I looked they werent even available to buy over here, so I have to wonder where the judgement arises from? I mean, Chibi Robo has hardly been sweeping the floor in the US has it? That being said, I should really give my copy a go at some point... I have a stack of rather "niche" titles on the PS2 that Im sure no-one else would ever be interested in...things like Haunting Ground, Clock Tower 3 (both excellent takes on the survival horror genre), Gregory Horror Show, SOS: The Final Escape (probably the most original Survival Horror game ever), Drakan: the Ancients Gates, Sky Odyssey, Dogs Life, Dark Chronicle, Gallop Racer, Amplitude...and about a million RPGs that I have no hope of ever completing. Many reasons for me. ________ Cappuccino
Ok - but I guess you dont really need to when your avatar and sig both have pictures of yourself in them, in all fairness. Its not like they appear after every post or anything...oh, wait. Thats the exact seller whos stuff I was looking at How cunning - they ave cut the price and upped the shipping. Maybe I will reinvestigate. Although to be honest Im not quite sure where I would wear it to...I dont really attend conventions. Maybe it would be the ideal place to start. I should really try and track down an MS related costume - then I would (hopefully) be able to wear it to some promotional events. Come to think of it, a store of mine have a DOA4 tourney night coming up...hmm... ________ WASHINGTON MEDICAL MARIJUANA
A quick request of you - can you mark that post *SPOILERS* at the top, or grey out the text, so that you dont ruin it for people still playing? I think it would have ruined the ending personally to have made it more complicated. As it is, you just get one raw burst of emotion that doesnt have to then be compromised by a conclusive ending. If this was a movie, it would have to be arthouse - never doing what we would conventionally expect of it. ________ Gnosticism dicussion
Isnt that your avatar on DZ? I love this costume (Lulu from FFX). Id like to get one, but they do cost a small fortune. You can get these things custom made from Ebay too (send in your measurements and they do the rest) for not-so-crazy a price, but Im really a try before you buy person myself... I know the point of cosplay is to make the costumes yourself, but I lack all talent when it comes to sewing. ________ oxygen vaporizer
Seconded. I adore that website. Stuff doesnt get reprinted nearly regularly enough though. ________ Volcano review
Ah, mounts. The perfect addition to such a free-roaming game as one of the Elder Scrolls series. This aspect of the game has made me very happy for some reason. Cant wait to be able to ride through the woods on one of those (though they would probably be ridiculously expensive...heres hoping you can steal em). ________ PENNY STOCKS TO BUY
I think they do appear in some places if you leave her too long - especially if you go "off the screen" and leave her behind. No, the character isnt the same; we never find out what happens to the ICO boy. SOTC is more of a spiritual prequel of sorts. ________ Reflex
Guys. watch the videos for crying out loud! It looks amazing! IGN and Gamespot have the lower res versions for free, and even they look outstanding. This was my major gripe with it too. The quests were cool though. Im STILL not very far in, as I keep wandering off the path and getting lost or killed by monsters. ________ HERBAL SHOP
He probably doesnt really care, seeing as how they wont tell him who they are and why they added him etc. I get some of these too (alot of Spanish ones lately...) ________ Glass Pipes