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Everything posted by Johelian

  1. Theyre both awesome, but Id pick ToE. ________ vapir oxygen vaporizer
  2. I would have been going out with my boyfriend for seven years this November, and I still think hes the only person for me. I dont think anyone else would ever be able to cope with all my shortcomings. I do eye up the occasional guy (to be honest, I dont find that many blokes massively attractive, so when I do notice someone I like to get a good look), but its really just fun; with my boy I get fun and more besides. Incidentally, hes my first real boyfriend, and we didnt meet til I was nearly 18. A lot of people seem to have real issues with this, and cant seem to believe that any first relationship can work out. It pisses me off a little. ________ Toyota Corolla E90 History
  3. Its pretty much just the console-versions of Baldurs Gate or Champions of Norrath, minus co-op - but what sets it apart is that it rips the piss out of every other RPG cliche in the book (eg at the start of the game you kill a giant rat and your character comments on the fact that it drops a set of chain main armour, etc). The humour is good, but never quite pushed as far as it could have gone. The rest of the game is very unoriginal and a bit tedious IMO. Perhaps you will appreciate it more than us common folk ________ MAZDA 121 SPECIFICATIONS
  4. Ho ho, such wit. I personally preferred ToE to Symphonia, but I did have to turn off the voices as they drove me insane. ________ New Jersey Medical Marijuana Dispensary
  5. Lol, I try and avoid showing my body in any pictures But thanks. ________ Mazda R100 History
  6. Im an H&M whore this year. Absolutely love their range. Having said that, Im currently wearing a Threadless TShirt (Pillow Fight) and Jeans. Ill wear pretty much everything at one point or another; I dont think I have any particular "style". I do draw the line at the glam stuff like bright red PVC belts and stilettos though that thankfully seem to be going out of fashion now. Im extremely attracted to unusual shoes, jackets and handbags, and I buy them everywhere. The last pair I got were some punky looking wedges from Office, which have stars punched out on them and orange stitching. Very purty. I trawled around Mallorca the last two weeks looking for a decent pair of knee high cowboy boots with some kind of funky patterning, but came home empty handed. Im a nightmare to shop with since I wont buy anything without trying it. I adore shopping for clothes; its just a shame my bank balance doesnt... ________ LYME DISEASE FORUMS
  7. Like a lot of girls, I would like to magically lose a certain amount of fat. When I first started going out with my boyfriend my weight was at its lowest - its yoyoed a lot since then, and now Im the heaviest I have ever been. Id rather work it off than have any lipo (though Id like the tops of my thighs done one day since it never leaves there), so its my own fault really for not getting off my arse and working out. Id also like my front two teeth filed, and the whole lot whitened. Im also not too keen on my lips, which are a bit thin. Unrealistically, I would like thinner and longer legs as theyre the part of my body I most hate, but I dont think that will be happening any time soon. Other than that, I think Im ok with how I look. I get days when I think Im monstrous, but I get over it. I think it helped when I finally came to terms with having a huge arse; once you get over that, the rest doesnt seem so bad Starving yourself is useless, as your body slows your metabolism to try and conserve your fat resources and prevent damage to your organs. This also means that it adapts to what you are eating, so if you lose some weight and go back to eating normally, you will regain the old weight as your body now thinks that you're overeating. It also has a dire effect on your skin, teeth, bones, hair etc. Weighing yourself is also not a sensible idea if youre exercising to tone up; muscle weighs more than fat, so as you burn off fat reserves and replace them with muscle, you wont appear necessarily to have lost much weight at all. Best bet is to measure things like your waist or whatever, perhaps by having a pair of snug trousers to try on; as they become looser, you will know that youre losing inches of fat. I had some real problems with my skin a few years ago, when I developed a patch of acne shortly after changing pills. I tried countless products on it and nothing helped; thankfully it cleared up after another change. The old scars have only just now pretty much faded; luckily it was at the side of my face and usually hidden by hair (which probably didnt help stopping the spots in the first place). ________ CHEVROLET EL CAMINO SPECIFICATIONS
  8. Ive been playing Syphon Filter recently, and its very good; theyve worked out a good control system that makes up for a lack of dual analogue sticks and actually works quite well. Other than that I would go with Doms suggestions, along with Monster Hunter, Tales of Eternia, Popolocrois and Valkyrie Profile. I personally love Loco Roco, but I guess you cant win them all My most wanted is, in no uncertain terms, Silent Hill Origins, with MGS a close second. ________ Rhode Island Medical Marijuana Dispensary
  9. Hey, I forgot that one And Bards Tale, although I got sick of that pretty quickly. A shame since it seemed to have so much promise... ________ Ruckus
  10. I just remembered; theres an awesome game on PC that you may like. Its called Ultima Underworld (actually there are two of them), and theyre basically Morrowind/Oblivion years before either of those games were a twinkle in the devs eyes. Its a bit old but still looks reasonably good, especially when considering its age - its not one of those static "click the arrow to move forwards" games, although it does look like one in this shot; /mega low quality pic Its in a medieval vein, though you dont get to ride around on a white charger (the aim of the game is to escape from a labyrinthine dungeon where you are wrongfully imprisoned). This is one of my most fond gaming memories since its totally non-linear, and has hundreds of things for you to discover. At one point you even need to learn the basics of another fictional language. Absolute genius. Im sure it can be "obtained" somehow...it may even be freeware now. ________ Cbx750
  11. 1) The European console can either be chipped, or you can buy special cases or "keys" to open the disc tray, to be used in conjunction with bootdiscs. The new slimline PStwos can also be chipped, or can be modified with a bit of knowhow and another bootdisc. There are several modding shops online, like http://www.gameworlddirect.co.uk 2) I dont know of any problems with some of the newer chips. My "special" PStwo hasnt struggled to load any of my US/Japanese imports. 3) I would suggest one of the online retailers like http://www.videogamesplus.ca, but there is a high chance you will be hit for customs on it, and that will be a fairly high bill. Some stores also wont send PS2 games/consoles abroad, due to Sony's threats to sue anyone that does. Id probably say Ebay is your best bet to get one already in the country, so long as you go for a reliable dealer. Some independent stores that deal in imports may also hold them. They will undoubtedly be more expensive than a Euro machine, but they are guaranteed to work with all of their region games and you dont risk damage to the machine by modding. 4) To be honest, theyre most of the games I would own a PS2 for! Theres nothing really cyberpunky in terms of adventure on the machine - which is a pity as its one of my favourite genres too The Shin Megami Tensai series is a bit futuristic, and might be to your liking. There are RPGs galore on the PS2, particularly in the US/Japan, but without knowing what it is about the FF games you dont like Im not sure what you will make of them. You can get all the things like Taito/Capcom/Midway/Sega etc Legends packs on the PS2, which obviously contain all the classics. In terms of pure adventure along the lines of Monkey Island, the only ones that spring to my mind are Syberia 1&2, Still Life and Escape from Monkey Island. ________ HONDA CH250
  12. Im pretty sure there isnt such a thing. Sorry Something like Morrowind or Oblivion would be the closest on a console (or PC?). Thief is also set in a medieval world, and has some explorative/interactive elements, but is more of an action game. Thats all I can think of right now, other than some of the old Kings Quests on PC. ________ Lorenzo Bandini
  13. I adore reptiles, particularly lizards. I have 2 at the moment, a bearded dragon and an argentine tegu. A couple of pics for your perusal; Id love to get more, but the tegu already has and 8ft cage taking up our front room so it will have to wait. Ive seen quite a few wild lizards in Spain, Cyprus and Australia, but mostly just slow worms here. I did once see an adder, which a friend of mine startled when we were doing a biology project near the New Forest; it wasnt very pleased to see us and coiled up to strike, so we decided to leave well enough alone. ________ CHEAP VAPORIZERS
  14. They used the infinity symbol with the PS2 as well I believe, as the online service logo - so its not new. I liked your x-cretion pun though.
  15. Absolutely class thread - maybe the heat and my crippling boredom were major factors, but I cant remember the last time I laughed so much. Difficult to pick one since theyre all outstanding, but Id probably go for Shino's Jesus. Brilliant stuff. Goatse Sarka
  16. I hear you. I think mine may be self induced though as I cant be bothered to actually do anything.
  17. Excellent, I never did finish MGS3 (kept getting distracted by seeing what wildlife I could drug) so Im looking forward to starting it again in this version. I personally dont mind these "bumper" editions of games; for something like MGS Im always keen to get hold of more related goodies.
  18. Hello teh jimz0r! /hijack ________ Vapir air one vaporizer
  19. If you dont get a DSlite, maybe you can save up the money for a Wii. It will not be extortionately expensive. ________ BMW 303 HISTORY
  20. Yamcha speaks the truth; if I had to pick one console to keep, it would probably be the PS2. It also has the added bonus of being upgradeable like the Wii, in that your old collection will be compatible with the PS3 should you ever decide to go for one of them. A DS lite is pretty, but really more of an aesthetic upgrade if you already have a functioning DS - plus by the time you go to upgrade there will probably be about a million colours available to choose from (come on, orange!). This would probably be my last choice after the PS2 and Wii. ________ Glass pipe
  21. /has all episodes of Sam n Max series on DVD Its funny, but not as funny as the original comics which were (and still are) awesome. Makes me want to hunt out the latest PSP homebrew updates so I can run "Sam n Max Hit the Road" on the go again. ________ Land rover perentie history
  22. Really? I thought it would work quite well, since it was one of those games that only uses one analogue stick in the first place. I guess we'll see when it comes out I dont think its too far off. ________ Ft-hs
  23. Soon to have a PSP incarnation too I believe. ________ Toyota S Transmission Specifications
  24. That almost looks like the BTTF Delorean there at the front. GTA:Time Shifts? Go back in time to stop yourself getting venereal diseases from a prostitute? Only time will tell. ________ Lincoln-mercury history
  25. This gen MS have obviously realised that they have to plug the major gaps in their reportoire - namely the RPGs, Life Sims and so on. The "niche" stuff, which actually makes up a massive part of the market these days. This realisation + a lot of money = plenty of games you wouldnt have thought would ever appear on a Microsoft machine. They still have the potential to win over Japan - after all, theyre still the only competitors in the market at the moment, and will be cheaper than the PS3 at launch - and so are pulling out all the guns. Its all good. It looks absolutely beautiful, and actually has a really interesting concept (I was beginning to lose a little hope for the genre). I hope they rethink the title for western release. ________ Buy silver surfer vaporizer
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