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Everything posted by Johelian

  1. Its not a resolution problem - the whole thing has been done in brushstrokes to make it look cracked and aged. Really nice colours - Im a huge fan of red and orange, and I like the grey and white accents a lot. 9/10 ________ VOLCANO VAPORIZER REVIEW
  2. Youve left a bit of white around the Retro symbol on the top one. I would say I like the top one better. Love the font. Perhaps a tiny bit too minimalist? Im not completely sold on the colours too - red and blue together bug my eyes (but thats just me). The background is pretty though, with the shine. 7/10 PS your MSN one is my favourite overall. ________ FORD KA PICTURE
  3. Oh no, choice is good; its when a great franchise throws in a completely arbitrary change that really doesnt need to be there that I start to get irritated. I look with particular distain at Tomb Raider; AOD, which had about a million pointless extras put in to try and distance it from the other games. Thats the kind of pushing that has no point to it. Its like a football game that asks you to work out each of your players in a button-bashing minigame before they can compete. In this scenario, making a graphically-more impressive version of the game before would actually be more beneficial than ruining solid gameplay for the sake of something new. I think youre under the mistaken impression that Im against change; far from it. I think that new ways of looking at things are definitely the way forward. I do think however that some people are so obsessed with change that they implement it for its own sake rather than any practical use. Would you tell me that theres no series of games that are intrisically the same that you enjoy playing? I know I have sat through every Harvest Moon game going, and still get a buzz out of harvesting my sweet potatoes every fall. While they were nice looking games, I would still be interested to see what they could come up with in a years time on there if the focus was entirely on exploiting that hardware. With the console only being what - four or so years old? - I would be surprised (and a little disappointed) if they had discovered the limitations of its hardware already. ________ Grow medical marijuana
  4. Thats exactly the same as happened to me (obviously it wasnt Oli though...or was it?); its pretty ironic, as I drove an average of 550 miles a week and ended up having an accident about 3 miles from my house. Ah well. C'est la vie. ________ Vaporizer store
  5. Yamcha - a man after my own heart Good post Shodan, it is all about the games at the end of the day - but as we have already seen, there are those that would pick a Mario game over GTA any day of the week, and vice versa. The PS2 has probably been the console that I have enjoyed the most this generation though, so for me Sony have lived up to expectation quite spectacularly. Probably since I didnt follow the original specs listing, there was nothing for me to be disappointed about in terms of the hardware. Plus, with games that look as pretty as Shadow of Colossus and God of War just now coming out, it looks like the old girl has fight in her yet; its just a pity that we didnt get to see the xbox pushed so hard. I think the only real disagreement I have is with regard to graphics; since i enjoy playing things like Kingdom Hearts and Metal Gear, a more graphically intense version suits me down to the ground. I dont believe in changing the way a game plays just for the sake of difference - one of the reasons Im cautious about the Revo I suppose (and, to an extent, RPGs on the DS). ________ CALIFORNIA DISPENSARIES
  6. The clues are a bit vague arent they? I believe they have made them a bit easier to follow on the PS2 version, but all I have done on that one is swim lovingly around those levels, annoying the other dolphins - so I cant really confirm that. I'd love to finish it one day - Im at the site of the final boss on the DC version but kept getting killed so gave up. Probably dont have the coordination to kill it now ________ Toyota rav4 specifications
  7. I have no idea Pedro; I was personally wondering whether the voice acting would be in there at all. The opening song is awesome though. I remember the first time I played the game, hearing that and seeing your characters cheerful little face...they always have the intro playing in GAME, but it doesnt have any volume, alas. I would disagree with the comment on BOFIII though - Im sure a lot of people on these forums bought and enjoyed Golden Sun, which IMO dragged its boring plot on for way too long; therefore, longer RPGs have a welcome home on handhelds. Someone willing to sit with a handheld game that long should appreciate the slightly more interesting story that BOF offers. IMO of course ________ Vaporizer Shop
  8. Im curious as to how many Zelda/Mario/Donkey Kong/Metroid/Star Fox titles will be released for the Revolution, while youre on the subject. ________ FORD TOWCOMMAND PICTURE
  9. Just what I was going to say. Its mega-ambient. Along the same lines is Amplitude, which has great pick-up-and-play value. Also Ecco the Dolphin; Defender of the Future. The early levels are gorgeous and completely mellow, with a perfect blend of sumptuous visuals and gentle ocean melodies. I can swim around those small areas for ages. I also like Ico and Shadow of the Colossus; ICO has some of the most fantastic weather effects I have ever seen in a game, and when you get outside into the sun for the first time its truly like a breath of fresh air. Riiding around the landscape of Colossus on Agro, not really doing much, is also very relaxing. One last one - Draken: The Ancient Gates. Being able to fly around the map with no load times on the dragon is a great, liberating feeling. A sadly underestimated game. ________ Chevrolet Silverado
  10. Im the same with the voice-acting; I had to turn it off at the start. ________ Mazda nagare
  11. All you need to buy is a replacement power cord - the type with the figure-8 end to it that fits most general appliances like electric kettles, hi-fis etc. You can get them cheaply at GAME; I got mine from there and I think it was around 6.99. You could probably find them cheaper someplace else, but I really couldnt be bothered to look just to save a couple of quid. You literally just need to use that in place of the power cord that comes with it, as the power converter is external on the lead like the PStwo. Thats what I have done with my Canadian PSP
  12. Ah well, what a shame. I wouldnt have thought there would be any problems having items in the distance on the top screen, but I guess I dont know as much as Namco. ________ Medical Marijuana Strains
  13. Get both - I absolutely love both of these games, and am very excited to get portable versions Tales uses pretty much the same battle system as Symphonia, which naturally is a great thing, and looks absolutely lovely with its pretty sprites and immensely detailed backgrounds. The story isnt hugely different from Symphonia though (at least, in the parts I played...I havent yet finished my PSone version). The two games are pretty alike in terms of content and style, as you might expect. Breath of Fire III is the best in the series IMO; cutesy sprites, characters that are actually quite interesting compared to BOF I & II, and an absolutely huge game time; I think it took me around 70 hours to complete the PSone version, although I did do a lot of wandering around to find the dragon glyphs. Its a turn based RPG unlike Eternia. The dialogue is also a little more stilted in places, but there are some funny, very random sections to it which break up the traditional mould. Since I love both of these so much, Im probably not going to be much help in deciding which to buy if you only get one; they both really do have fantastic elements to them. I think that Eternia will be the slightly more engrossing at the start, since the dialogue and characters are perhaps slightly better translated (they use more colloquial phrases anyway) and the story moves more smoothly - more people may turn away from BOFIII based on the first few minutes play, but both are very immersive. I seriously wouldnt be able to make a decision now if I could only get one or the other. I would have to sell a kidney. Sorry. ________ TL1000R
  14. No idea Im afraid - I just remember it being on a thread some time ago ________ GLASS BUBBLERS
  15. No clue, although theoretically any that are "properly" preordered, ie with a loyalty card, should be fulfilled, and then any excess stock will get shipped to the stores where it is most likely to sell quickly. Im not expecting the larger Camberley store to get more than a max of 10 units, if theyre lucky. Smaller stores may get a couple, again if theyre lucky. It all depends on how many the buying dep decide to go for though. So if you order one, they should specifically send at least one to the store for you. Of course, it has gone wrong in the past, but I guess its a risk one has to take with stores. I have both PS2 Katamaris, but I have only played the first one so far...great great fun. I must get the PSP version when it comes out (still debating over th DS version). ________ Alaska Medical Marijuana Dispensaries
  16. Most of them, huh? You must meet a lot of people. ________ Charger (L-Body)
  17. No its still on schedule, although for now they say they dont plan to release games on it. ________ LAUNCH BOX VAPORIZER
  18. Yeah its on the instore preorder lists now, and they wont stop taking preorders til its out (even though thats no guarantee that they will actually turn up). ________ Amateur Tube
  19. Hasnt got a heart but still Valentine-y; Panda In Love Another two HERE , about 2/3 of the way down the page. This one looks sweet from there, and its pretty cheap; ________ BUY EXTREME VAPORIZER
  20. Ah, fair enough. How about We Love Katamari? That came out on Friday. I have finally ordered my Guitar Hero in GAME, hurrah! But they have it listed as Guitar Star...I hope I ordered the right thing. ________ Honda mr175
  21. There will be a HD-Drive for 360 released probably later in the year. And I love GTA ________ Volcano Vaporizers
  22. Some people are suggesting that the value of the postcard set may actually go up when people realise what a great game it is and want to get the "collectors edition" as it were. I hope so (I have the same set too ) Dom is right; its nothing like Zelda really. Theres no talking to people, no item collecting, no mini-enemies to get in the way, no bizarre array of weapons. You have your horse, your sword and your bow, and are left to get on with it. Describing it in this way makes it sound really bland, but once you start playing it its incredibly immersive. The landscape is huge, and most of it you will never actually have to go to as part of the game; but of course, if you want to explore, its there, and there are some small side-quest bits and pieces to be found (again none of which are necessary to finish the game, although they may help). The scale of it is tremendous, and is far more dramatic than Zelda IMO. I couldnt stop playing it, and as soon as I finished it I started it again. I Love this game If you liked ICO, its in a distantly similar vein; however, there isnt any puzzle solving and you do have a health bar this time around. That probably makes it sound completely different, but it does have the same wistful atmosphere to it. I guess youll have to play to understand PS are you not getting FFXII? ________ HOW TO SIMMER FOOD
  23. Surely thats what everyone thought until MS launched Xbox live? Who was gaming online with a console before the current gen? Gotta start somewhere people, and perhaps GTA online is the place to get a whole lot of newbies online. Id also like to know how many people are using all of the PSPs features these days before lambasting the PS3 fambase (sure area lot of 1gig sticks flying out of the shops for a machine that people are using solely to play GTA). That list is kinda cute - almost every line is "It will be like Xbox360 but better!" Takes me back to my school years. Im hoping it will be good as there is little doubt in my mind that I will pick one of these up, but Im still sceptical about all of these vague claims. ________ JUGALLETTE
  24. You freakin' lie, I mentioned them first! ________ Vaporite solo
  25. But a drum is round, and a guitar is long and slender...Im just too paranoid You have Shadow of the Colossus this month - do NOT miss it (and ICO if you didnt get that first time around)! ________ Lincoln custom history
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