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Everything posted by Johelian

  1. This is the reason I preordered the 360 - try downloading some of the gameplay vids off IGn and you cant fail to be blown away. The physics and environments are perfect. Cant wait (though I reckon it will slip again). ________ HONDA ACCORD
  2. Actually, I think I have muddled it with some other music from the game; possibly the end sequence (I havent finished it yet). The song is indeed J-POP and is called "Flying" or something like that - ring a bell? The music is the same as the Psone version though. Sadly, the voiceover is also the same agonising experience; I have turned it off again, but still have the battle voices on to make them sound a bit more interesting. Farah makes such a funny sound when she gets hit multiple times. ________ Saltillo truck assembly
  3. I personally like Virgins offer better, which is ?10 off for every ?100 you spend. Of course, their prices are higher, and they dont have a ten-day offer...but its the best reward system I have used. The worst conversely I find is Silverscreens; I have yet to have accrued enough points for anything. ________ Starcraft replays
  4. Perhaps because it uses the same USB device connection as a camera; it doesnt have a USB port on the actual device to plug a keyboard into Really, I didnt think that needed explaining. What a pity; it does get quite interesting further in I think, and is a massive game. Are you sure you dont want to give it another chance?
  5. Do you expect to convert an entire country in two months of launch? Wait until the Japanese-developed games come out before you make any more harsh judgements. Dont forget that MS arent afraid to sink a lot of money into building up a large userbase - remember that they were an unknown entity in the home console market what, three or four years ago, and have now established a massive userbase. I would say they know alot more about what they have to do than you, my friend, and I dont think they need your financial advice. ________ HERBAL VAPORIZER
  6. Like many others, Ecco, Jet Set Radio, Crazy Taxi, Code Veronica, Soul Calibur and Skies of Arcadia are probably my favourites. I just recently got Samba De Amigo and Sega Marine Fishing with rod too though, and theyre worth tracking down (cheaply) for a quick arcadey blast. ________ CHRISTIANITY DICUSSION
  7. I broke a toe running into a pipe while playing "Minotaur" in the locker rooms in the dark. I never did do anything about it, other than have a couple of days off school since I couldnt walk; I didnt actually think it was broken at the time. Now its healed a little out of line, which is evidence of the suffering that can be caused by playing stupid games like It in the dark. ________ Cr85R Expert
  8. I completely love the lack of filler-baddies in this game; you have a mission, you get on with it. No pointless side-treks to pick up items and so on. Its also so refreshing to be able to wander around marvelling at a game world without fear of running into any stupid bad guys. And the world isnt empty; there is wild life all over the place! ________ Vapor tower
  9. Which would have meant how long a wait for the release of the machine..? Research showed that most gamers would be willing to wait for updates, as most would not make playing their old games a priority anyway once they have the new machine. The PS3 isnt out yet - are you so willing to guarantee the backwards compatibility of a machine that doesnt yet exist? MS dev teams, bow down before Kurt_R; in spite of your millions, you all clearly know nothing. Hang your heads in shame. Actually on subject - it is a great game. I wouldnt have expected less from the chap behind Grim Fandango. ________ Herbal Vaporizer Forum
  10. Everytime I just "go wandering" in WoW some rogue comes along and ganks me Again a very stressful game for me. Perhaps I should stop. ________ Yamaha Yzf-R6
  11. Which is why they are releasing updates for the older games; the hardware is quite different from that of the xbox, making automatic backwards compatibility impossible. ________ Michigan medical marijuana dispensaries
  12. Thanks to Popolocrois and Tales of Eternia, I havent been able to put mine down for weeks. I also have PoP:Revelations and GTA:LCS to finish, and have barely started Legend of Heroes and Tokobot. Lumines is always there for a quick blast too. Really though I suppose its down to your tastes. love mine anyways I have never had an issue with battery life that I can recall. There isnt a USB connection on the PSP that Im aware of.
  13. It is, but theres no story-link between any of them really, bar some familiar summons etc. I would still give Eternia a try, as I personally find it more charming and interesting than Symphonia from the very start (although the battle system is very much the same, so if you didnt like that you wont like this much). I havent been able to put it down yet, aside from some short WoW sessions.
  14. Let me know how you get on with Tenchu; Im still eyeing that up. Hero-of-Time, let me know how you get on with MHP as well as I have that on order. The multiplayer quests sound cool. I think I have about 3 dead pixels on my PSP, although I lose track of two of them all the time. Come to think of it, they may just be specks trapped under the protector. The other Im certain is dead or stuck or something, but I can only see it on the PSP logo screen usually. Indubitably They are spanking. There have been a few probs with the graphics in certain dungeons I have noticed though, but the towns are definitely superb. Better looking than I remember the original being.
  15. But surely for you to do that you should play it yourself? But whatever. Since you obviously have no intention of changing your view I dont think theres any point trying to reason on this occasion. ________ WASHINGTON MEDICAL MARIJUANA DISPENSARY
  16. I indeed have a "special" PS2 that allows me to import many a gaming gem. ________ Amc straight-4 engine specifications
  17. He actually does a great job of the main characters voice. Its good to see that they actually picked up one of the ten kids in showbiz that actually knows how to act for such a crucial role. Looking forward to this lots - the last game was spot on with all of the voice talent and directing (just a pity about the drunken camera). ________ Medical Marijuana Card
  18. Same as mine I had forgotten that it was out so soon to be honest. ________ Ios Games
  19. And I always thought that we should play a game before judging it. My eyes have been blown wide open! How foolish I have been! ________ EXTREME Q
  20. Im quoting this from the closed thread; I love two assumptions here; 1) "Even though I highly doubt the idea for it came from Dogz". You might as well say these arent even connected - I mean, how do we know for sure? Perhaps some development team was hiding under a rock for several months and suddenly hit on the idea for making a dog sim. Come on. We cant assume one and not the other. 2) "An Inferior Version". Its not even out yet. How can you say its inferior? Love it. ________ Mercedes-benz slk-class history
  21. Go get it from Game or Gamestation on Friday Or Play and Gameplay have it a bit cheaper, if you dont mind waiting a couple of days. ________ YAMAHA DT125
  22. God of War made me more stressed than any other game I can recall lately...it resulted in a piece of plastic breaking off the bottom of my joypad (the floor may have been involved). ________ Venom
  23. Surely then the name of the thread could have been something like "Havent we seen this somewhere before..?" or another witty comment that doesnt have to slyly include Sony in there someplace..? With Colin on this anyway, its all old news really. That dog IS adorable though. If they actually let them grow into adult dogs and not stay puppies in some crazy Neverland-esque manner then I would be sold. ________ BATTLESTAR GALACTICA FORUM
  24. Hmm...I dont know why that is They show for me. But they are on RPGamer.com, along with many others, for anyone else that cant see. ________ MERCEDES-BENZ SLC-CLASS SPECIFICATIONS
  25. Some Japanese shots, but I always like the ones that show towns and things so here are a few more All on rpgamer.com ________ Toyota G Engine History
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