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Everything posted by Johelian

  1. I remember I had a figure of Murdock from the A-Team when I was very young - that was so awesome (until my brother chewed his rubber head). I also had an original Darth Vader action figure, til my dad stole it and took it away to his office. I also loved Real Ghostbusters toys, Lego, Sylvanian Family, My Little Pony (anything with animals), WWF figures, stuffed animals, those weird pots of slime/goo stuff that didnt actually do anything (but sometimes had weird aliens and things in it)...oh, and Monster in my Pocket. Too many things. ________ How to roll a joint
  2. Im going to preorder it in my old store; I would rather be able to physically go and get it rather than risk it getting damaged in the post. ________ INNOVA
  3. Ah, that is surprising. I may have to pick up a Euro copy at a later date. ________ Ford Cologne V6 Engine
  4. I picked up Samba the other day after ages of looking for it cheap (ended up playing ?55 ) and man, is it worth every penny. Crazy fun (but rock hard)! They dont have second guitars listed yet - perhaps that will change in the future? ________ MEDICAL MARIJUANA DISPENSARIES
  5. Nintendo publish a few games that dont get a Euro release though. Cubivore and Chibi Robo spring to mind. I would imagine BKII would get a Euro release since we got the first installment, but its certainly no guarantee. I personally am constantly amazed that we still get titles like Suikoden, as they still dont sell particularly well. This is a real shame, as anything with Final Fantasy in the title never fails to fly off the shelves, so the potential fanbase is there. Presumably this is down to a lack of advertisement; publishers already wary of releasing a risky game into the market are sceptical about throwing more money into possibly doomed promotions. I would definitely say though that (assuming you are a PS2/PSP/DS/PC owner) that there have never been so many RPGs on the PAL market. Indeed, the RPG is becoming less niche, less the cliched fodder of the spotty gaming nerd in many peoples eyes and far more mainstream. I personally dont have any issues with this, as I find many RPGs hideously cliched most of the time anyway (enjoyable, yes - but rarely breaking the storytelling mould); therefore, if becoming mainstream brings more titles, all the better really. I think that the handhelds will really pave the way in the next generation, as imports become more popular; though what effect this will have on the home console market Im not entirely sure (will higher sales of handheld games mean that publishers take a risk in Europe? Or will higher import rates mean that the few that do get released here flop and so we dont get any more?) At any rate, I have personally loved this generation for RPGs on all formats. In the back of my mind I still imagine that the PS3 will be the place for RPGs (import PS3 FTW) judging buy what has happened this gen, but the Rev could surprise me. Im not expecting a wealth of JRPGs on the 360. ________ Rolls-Royce Silver Wraith
  6. The first concert I ever went to was Wings (Paul McCartneys band after the Beatles) with my parents when I was about 10. I really enjoyed it, even though I didnt know any of the songs. I missed on on seeing Michael Jackson on the Dangerous tour (I went to see Summerslam 92 instead), which I am now gutted about, but I did get to see U2 on the PopMart tour at Wembley Stadium. That was absolutely awesome, even from the back of the venue (we were fairly near the front on the pitch at the start, but it was the height of summer and when you have to stand packed in with about 30,000 other irritating people in the scorching heat for hours while some crappy support bands do their thing, you really start to lose all enthusiasm very quickly). Other than that, I have seen Culture Club and Duran Duran (I had a big 80s thing going on in college ) Both were surprisingly good. ________ NEW MEXICO DISPENSARIES
  7. I meant the kids at the school; somehow, I dont think that its a movie high on the priority list for year 9s. ________ VOLVO B4B ENGINE
  8. Do you actually know the answers though? Or is that not really important to the "procedure"? Actually, Ill be surprised if any of you have even heard of Blade Runner A wee tidbit for anyone interested - the number has very little to do with breast size, but rather the size of the chest (below the breasts). The letter denotes cup size, as in the actual size of a boob. In this particular scenario, Jordans girl will be very slim with decent-sized breasts (perhaps a bit more than a handful for most of you, bar those with immense hands). ________ Ultimate fighter
  9. If that was aimed at me, I was just kidding. Actually, it scares me that people think there may be some scientific merit behind this concept. ________ Honda H5 Transmission
  10. A friend of mine goes to Brighton and enjoys it - good nightlife apparently. Dont let that sway you though. ________ Vaporizer questions
  11. Surely personality and looks dont necessarily have anything to do with intelligence either though? I reckon "Can I see the boobs?" is as good a start as any. Gets it over and done with. ________ Suzuki gn125e
  12. I have that on order, coincidentally enough. I would personally have to say though that Popolocrois is my most played overall. Such an addictive game. ________ HONDA H4 TRANSMISSION SPECIFICATIONS
  13. I would personally have thought that the fact that stealth and a collection of spy tools play a huge part in both games would suggest some level of similarity, but maybe thats just me. Tenchu FTW. ________ Medical Dispensaries
  14. Like the new Metal Gear? ________ FERRARI 250
  15. No, you dont need to run the update. It just comes on any game that needs it in case you have a lower version of the firmware. The game should just run when you try to start it (if you dont have a high enough version of the firmware, it just wont work). Yes, this is normal - its just the machine reading the disc. No, not unless the rip actually had the subtitles on screen when it was recorded. If its a file you have downloaded that you can play on the PC and it already has subtitles on it (ie they cant taken off as an option), then they will be carried across as part of the file, but it wont give you the option to select subs on the PSP itself from a file on the memory stick. No-one will be making you buy those games. Check out the RPGs, Action/Adventures and puzzle games if they are more your thing. Or will you not buy one out of principle because it has those games on it? ________ Buy Silver Surfer
  16. Hey, thats pretty good! Death to anime smiles though. ________ Sauber f1.08
  17. Everyone saying that Darcy would never hurt Susan - perhaps he didnt know she would be on board, as didnt Carl give his tickets to Susan and her bloke..? ________ ESSENTIAL VAAAPP VAPORIZER
  18. Hmm, you think? I was thinking about changing the avatar as they look so different - but I love Shadow of the Colossus too much. ________ Grilling Steaks
  19. Ah, the good old laser eye clean Rarely fails to fix a disc read problem. Plus it often results in some great sob stories when some idiot puts a screw through the eject ribbon. ________ Grape Ape Marijuana Strain
  20. I dont personally have Tenchu, but I do really want it (I loved the others). Its scored aroundabout a 7.5 from the scores I have seen, with the major gripe being that enemies sometimes "pop in" once you get close enough, so its hard to prevent being detected in some situations. That being said, many fans of the games absolutely love it, so... ________ Motorcycle Tires
  21. Its meant to be. Its been done in brush strokes. The background is taken from the box art, which has been designed to look a little aged and faded too. I dont think that music games need to have recognisable tunes to be fun; I mean, I loved Band Bros, Ouendan, Gitaroo Man, Vib Ribbon, Dancing Stage...many of those have songs that I either didnt know or didnt especially like. I think so long as the game is well designed around the music, it will still be great fun. ________ SILVER SURFER REVIEWS
  22. I didnt know any of the songs that were on the Guitar Freaks arcade game, and it didnt stop me having a great time on it :/ ________ New Jersey Dispensary
  23. Thats surprising...I absolutely love the second one, and have never heard any negatives myself. The game is immense and crazily detailed, although you cant just pick random things up and turn them around (not actually doing anything with them) like in the first one. Most of the items you can interact in that way with will be specific to a situation. I was quite disappointed not to be able to pick up every can of soup in the shops. Even so, it doesnt feel like its any less interactive on the surface; you can still talk to every person, enter every building etc. ________ Nevada dispensary
  24. As much as I like Maryland cookies, just try it and see ________ Michael schumacher
  25. The others are right - really, if you have broadband, all you need is the ?40 for the year and the applicable cables or whatever to hook it up. Im strongly considering it for the content download; I was excited about FFXI until the mention of monthly fees on Live came up.... Having said that, the plan is for the emulators to be made available to download and burn to CD ROM to use in the xbox, or to pay a couple of quid and have them posted on a CD to your house. I assume by your post that that isnt in place yet...I will have to enquire about it. EDIT - Actually, I just found a link to the download HERE EDIT (again) - Hmm, I see you already tried that...Sorry then! Do you want to try ordering one of their discs? Bear in mind that not all games are Backwards Compatible yet, so you may want to check that the game is supported before going through the rigamarole of contacting them etc. ________ NEVADA MARIJUANA DISPENSARIES
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