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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. On-rails party game .
  2. I built my computer a few months ago. The plan was to have a partition of 20-30 GB which only contains Windows, and make partitions for other OS's on the remaining diskspace of that raid volume, which is only around 60 GB total. In the meantime I've learnt Linux, or at least Ubuntu, doesn't like onboard raid, so I have to put my Linux experimentation on hold for now. So for now I've got the full 60 GB at my disposal, but I'd still like to reserve 30 GB for 1 or 2 other OS's in the future. So I don't really have the space to install a game on C. After playing around with my lovely computer for a few months, I really hate finding out plenty software just drops stuff on C without my consent. And I still see software that doesn't give me the option to install it anywhere but on C. I'd like to keep it clean.
  3. Ah. In that case, sticky please.
  4. Ha ha, can someone delete this thread? I'd normally wouldn't ask for such drastic measures, but I really, really, never want to see this thread topping the forum again! It makes me.. Sad. ..
  5. Ah see, venturing once again in the general forums pays off, sort off . Installed C&C 3 not long ago, got the same problem. But with an enormous backlog of games (PC and Wii and DS ) to play, I didn't bother to find out what the problem was. I'm unwilling to install it on C however.. Guess I'll just install it under Vista, once I've reinstalled that.
  6. Heh, bought Kororinpa 2 (because that's what it's really called people ) not that long ago, December I think, because I didn't think I'd be able to find it on shelves (and especially that particular one) for long. The last copy as far as I remember. It's still sealed, haven't really played the first one actually. Have a few others on the list in the opening post, but most of those aren't rare I reckon.. I wonder which games really are rare. I do my gameshopping pretty much in one store, and the stock of one store of course isn't representative of what's rare and common. If I venture in other stores there are usually some games to be found which I assumed would be hard to find. Saw Wario the other day for example. And then there's online.
  7. Dunno what you call classic, but they made some games. I have the portable Banjo-Kazooie, never finished it (yet! ), but it was decent enough, just some clunky 3D controls in a 2,5D environment. There was a Sabre Wulf game, which got a good review on IGN if I recall correctly, and then there's , dunno if that one's any good, but should be a collectors item for any old Rare fan (and perhaps normal collectors as well, it had a very limited print it seemed). Edit 00: [Or perhaps not so collectible] Edit 01: Banjo Pilot was relatively popular too I believe?
  8. Has this been posted by the way? [Mad Catz Tatsunoko vs Capcom stick] Their SF IV sticks were good I heard, and this one looks much better than the old Hori Stick (which isn't widely available anymore I believe). I've always wanted to try a stick, and this seems a good opportunity.
  9. For me it was exactly because those animations were done so wel (albeit slightloy repetitive after a while) that I really missed some voice acting. It was like watching a film or TV series with subtitles on, but muted. I could live with it, but I hope a next game will have a higher budget to include some voice actors.
  10. Hmm, apparently, games like Metal Gear: Twin Snakes (never got into that game actually), Skies of Arcadia, and Ikaruga are rare. And since I got my Cube very late in its life, I was lucky to get Eternal Darkness and Capcom VC SNK as well. Too bad I don't really have anything cool from the old days, I've been playing since the NES, but I didn't get a lot a games back then . I do have an advantage stick that I bought.. A year ago? On a convention, brand new. I guess ones that even smell new are rare . Maybe not rare, but I value my import stuff, like my GBA micro famicom and DSi, and a few games, like a japanes Golden Sun, or Drill Dozer. Even a Play-yan micro. I also have 2 unopened boxes of Tales of Symphonia gashapon. I'll keep one, but I may sell the other. Edit: Ah. and a working Vec-Trex, though the controllers don't work well anymore.
  11. Heh, if there's 1 thing I wanna try on a X-Box, I think this is it. Windscreen wipers? That does sound epic. Maybe they'll design special controllers as an option for the new Mech Commander game for the hardcore fans? As for an example opf my own.. There's strangly only one not obvious game that I can think of, eventhough I'm quick to notice the level of comfortability of the controls in a game. Can't play Dead Space for now, it appears they fucked up the mouse sensitivity in the PC version for many configurations. I don't believe it was ever patched. Anyway, my example of good controls would be the controls of Delphi in Giants: Citizen Kabuto. The Mecc section I treated as a FPS, but with Delphi I rarely used my bow, so I treated that section as a 3rd person adventure style game. I'm not really fond of 3rd person controls with a keyboard/mouse setup, but I loved soaring from mountain to mountain as Delphi. Great game in general by the way, I installed it on my new computer, and it seems to work perfectly in Windows 7!
  12. Sméagol

    DJ Hero

    Heh, nice set, vinyl all the way . Though, obviously, I prefer the black ones . Oh well, one day, I'll buy that 2nd turntable, a Pioneer mixer, some Ortofon elements, nice set of headphones, amp, and speakers.. Oh god . Could've easily afforded it in the past if I, well, didn't spend so much on games . When I do get the stuff, I have Homework to practice with. I assume you're familiar with it? .
  13. Sméagol

    DJ Hero

    I've seen someone else complaining about the animations in general (and I agree); the animations don't match up with your movements. When you're scratching your character may be waving his hands in the air, like he just.. Can't be arsed (exactly). Which means some generic DJ movements for all of them. Something that can and should be improved in future editions. About the mashups, I was about to reply I find them a nice compromise for having gameplay that features 2 turntables and a mixer that lets you, well.. Mix, I assume mixing is more complicated than DJs make it look (I wouldn't know, I haven't bought that second SL-1210mk2 yet ), but that had me thinking.. They could easily think of a way to turn that in fun gameplay. I kinda wish they had now, they could've made this an alltogether fresh experience, in stead of simply a variation on the existing music game genre.
  14. Sméagol

    DJ Hero

    I have a slight interest in this. I like music games in general, that is, I love drumming, but the music in those games was generally not my style. Of course, there were always tracks I did like or even loved, but this didn't outweigh the many tracks I didn't like or downright dispised. The Beatles one was the first one to be considered of a potential purchase somewhere in the future. Now this though, is more my style, but still, they manage to ruin it . I can live with tracks I don't like, but not with tracks I simply can't stand, so I'm not gonna buy something that features content from Gwen Stefani or 50 cent. I just want a dance/house-only edition. With the various editions they've come up with for Rock Band & Guitar Hero, I'd like to see, besides the DJ centric editions, label-centric editions. Defected would be an obvious choice. And I'd love to see a Naked music editions, but that may be too niche . Plenty of other big labels though. And that way they can also keep the pop and urban and hip-hop music seperated. Than offer the current playlist as dlc, so I can download some Daft Punk .
  15. Yeah, me too, this has been on my must-buy list for a very long time. I also like the first despite its flaws (must finish it one day with the good ending though, couldn't do the last fight because I was suddenly having problems with the motion recognition (batteries perhaps)). And I've actually already played this one (demo @ Köln), so I already know the controls are smooth.
  16. Thanks. I should go out more though (to take some pictures, but in general as well ). Did see some great pictures in this thread, though can't comment on 20 pages of pictures . Loved the 2 quaint graveyards though, the pictures of London, and those in Egypt, and most pictures of mountains . And the wii remotes in the grass heh! Made me want to do something similar in the snow, but that would be risky . Though not an unsurmountable problem .
  17. Yo..

    Never use this actually (?)..

  18. What I do is check (mainly) Amazon, and those independant sellers (Amazon marketplace it's called I believe). You search the way you normally do, but under the add to cart button there's a link with "more buying options", so you can check the descriptions of those offers. Then you check for "sealed" of course, but you can always send those sellers an e-mail if it's not stated. Be prepared to pay full retail prices though, or even more for the more collectible games. Here's [Chibi-Robo] sealed (but with German cover unfortunately) for example. Edit: Other examples: [Metroid Prime 2: Echoes] [Resident Evil 4] Especially the last one shows the difference between simply someone selling it's games and commercial shops asking ridiculous prices for its collectible sealed games. Though I must admit I'm willing to pay those prices for seales non-player's choise games .
  19. One that I still intend to download sometime is [The Path], allthough it appears to be more experience than game, but is has a bit of a horror/fairytale theme going on, and I liked the sound of that. IGN has a review somewhere on their site.
  20. Yeah, it was snowing quite a bit, it's been a long time we've had that much snow (here in the Netherlands) unfortunately.. I thought it was a good time for a strol . And seeing this topic made me wanna share the a few of the pictures I took (and while I was at it I had a look through my older photos). So some pictures of my city in the snow. We don't have spectacular mountains or anything, but we sure do have windmills . A real windmill right there . The square in front of our townhall. Our Basilica in the background. If you can't guess, the sign says "don't park" Same windmill, seen from the other side (with another in the background). We have 6,5 of those things. I've got plenty more snowy pictures, maybe it's time I open a flickr account or something. Some older photos (don't make many unfortunately). Too bad my camera performs poorly in dark areas, all concert photos turn out blurry. Which means you'll have to google for some hot pictures of Alicia Keys or Candy Dulfer . This is one of the few which turned out ok.. The lead singer from "Ojos de Brujo" (pop/rock/flamenco band from Barcelona), performing at North Sea Jazz. Some funky litten trees in Mysteryland, a Dutch dance festival. One of the tents at Mysteryland (forgot which year, 2008 or 9), Boys Noize was performing if I recall correctly. Galeries LaFayette, in Paris, France. And my personal favorite, Rotterdam by dawn, as seen from the trainstation.
  21. God, they include the Japanese audiotrack! This deserves a handwritten "thank you" card.
  22. Bought this yesterday, with the intention of playing this for the first time with 3 other people for some multiplayer fun. Unfortunately, the available Wii was modded, and its owner didn't dare to update it . Oh well. I made a video of me playing for the first time, my first run of 1-1, so they could see what they're missing out on . Apparently, it's perfectly fun in singleplayer, I was under the impression it was mainly a multiplayer game. Anyway, did the first 2 worlds and 5-1. Great fun so far, though I'd love to have given multiplayer a go.. About that shake to hold stuff, it hasn't been a problem yet, allthough I'd also preferred simply holding 'b' (I mean '1'). I can see why they did that though, in multiplayer you're able to pick up eachother, and you don't wanna do that accidently. And as veteran Mario players never release that 'b' button ..
  23. A bit late, but I joined in on the fun, purely to refresh my mind on the story, as I won't be using the savefile transfer. Started with a clean slate too, deleted all my previous savefiles, allthough I'm not exactly doing anything different this time around, letting my characters learn the same (default) techs for example, and I'll definitely go for either Sheena or Raine again as my soulmate . Maybe I'll change some things around later in the game, learn some different techs, those technical swordrains for Lloyd sound rather good. Just defeated the first sword dancer, who was still giving me some trouble even with Lloyd on level 20, but I got him with everyone alive. Now I'll have a look at Gamefaqs to decide if I'll go to Palmacosta or take the landroute, I can't remember all the differences. You get to see Luin, and Sheena joins your party earlier I believe (always a good thing , but can't remember any real disadvantages.
  24. You don't give any details, but if you haven't tried already, lower the volume everywhere possible. That means, your speakers, the sound mixer of Vista, your soundcard probably has a mixer of its own, check the system tray, and there may even be a volume knob on the soundcard itself, mine had one anyway.
  25. Like I've said in the L4D thread, I'm just enjoying my new PC, and CoD6 is one of the games I'm looking foward too, so I might join a N-E clan. But I've just started on CoD4, and well.. Lets hope my abilities will have improved by the time it gets released .
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