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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. What, you don't know
  2. Hmm, I intend to get Tales of Graces, someones else mentioned on this forum, that the guys behind the Fatal Frame patch, are doing a similar patch for this game. And for a Tales game, I'm willing to go through this trouble (as soon as I have the money :P). The patch seems easy enough to implement, but then again, I don't have any experience with the Fatal Frame patch. But I was looking forward to Graces for a long time, so I'll just go try it. I have no interest in other Tales games, if they simply don't release them here. My interest is slowly waning over time. Keep up this attitude, and I will not care any longer.
  3. I've posted all the info on the dlc on another site as soon as it was available, I thought I had posted it here as well (just like the ME2 dlc), but this doesn't seem to be the case . Then again, I come here mainly for my Nintendo stuff, and the other site for my PC stuff. Anyway, to complement Cube's post with all the other available details:
  4. I did not, but I may buy it at some point, just to get the whole story. I didn't read your spoiler. That said, I'm not a comic guy, and I've even seen a lot of fans on the forums being upset about the quality of the comic.. Hmm. Still, I may get it regardless, plus the novels, since well, I love the Mass Effect franchise, and it's fun to get to know all of such a cool franchise, now it's still doable (2,5 games + dlc, 3 novels and comic).
  5. Are these from the same developpers as the PC games? I can't find any info on that. The PC games looked pretty good for something that costs € 4,- (outside of the UK they're not free). But I doubt these will cost € 4,-.
  6. My very first game boys & girls! vote: no lynch
  7. It's coming 07-09-2010, and will cost 800 points. From the site: "This DLC adds the Shadow Broker intel center, new research, and five new achievements – and the chance to continue a relationship with Liara." Yay!
  8. I just posted it . Thanks, I can use that.
  9. So, any? I'm thinking playing as mafia sounds harder, at least to me. In real life I don't talk much unless I have to, and when I do I'm straight to the point. Having to cover your tracks takes some effort I'm guessing . Any general tips, and tips for both sides are appreciated, as well as any obvious (to others :P) beginners mistakes I should avoid are appreciated!
  10. I had 3 suggestions as well. Plus the comment that if he didn't like 'm, I had some other additional characters in mind. Seeing as I didn't get a PM saying he didn't like 'm, I assume I'm 1 of those! Love to see which one and how my character turns out . Might as well be a good time to ask for beginners tips, which I'll do in the general topic.
  11. One of the PC games I'm looking forward too. Just like Guild Wars 2, there's a series of gameplay videos on GameTrailers with some dev commentary. Obviously it's one big spoiler for this particular quest, but it's a good watch, they'll show you 2 complete different ways this quest can play out. [iI] [iII] [iV] [V] [VI] [VII]
  12. Hmm, I signed up for the DIY one, but I understand this one is the first one to start, and the other won't start untill this one is finished.. Eventhough a Brawl one seems somewhat less interesting to me, I might as well sign up for this one as well, and get some experience at these games sooner. So in short: sign me up.
  13. I.. Wanna try this. I may be crap at it, in which case don't lynch me for it for that sole reason , but it looks like fun. Question though, so I can choose my character, but not my power, I assume you can't also choose your alignment? Doesn't matter though, I have a character in mind (no, not some creature looking for a ring :P). I'll PM it once I get the confirmation I'm in (?).
  14. For some reason the first never appealed to me, I never bothered to check that one out. But out of curiosity I checked some of the news on this sequel.. And it's looking quite good actually.. I think I'll put this on my PC-games wishlist. I may even finally check out the first. For some reason the first never appealed to me, I never bothered to check that one out. But out of curiosity I checked some of the news on this sequel.. And it's looking quite good actually.. I think I'll put this on my PC-games wishlist. I may even finally check out the first.
  15. I think it'll be packed in dlc, if not, then I hope it is what you also mention, "flashback missions" that'll let you make all the big decisions of ME1. Of course, if I was a PS3 gamer, I'd hope for a release of ME1 or an option to import PC savefiles or something. Anyway, I hope it's not exclusive content, like a lot of people on the Bioware forums are concerned about.
  16. Coming to PS3. http://www.masseffect.com/ There will be extra content, but no further details are given. Also no word on a ME1 release.
  17. Myeah. No. Star Wars as a franchise does really little for me nowadays, I'll make an exception for the Clone Wars animations, and some games, like the upcoming The Force Unleashed. I can't watch the original trilogy in their altered state, and I didn't enjoy the prequel trilogy generally, so I don't care about this release. Now if they release the original trilogy remastered on blu-ray however.. But that's not going to happen. It's really strange, but for someone who likes to milk his franchise, you'd expect a proper release on a modern medium of the original trilogy as an option at the very least..
  18. Thank you, clicked on this topic just out of curiosity, then I realized, i know the name. It was the artist I was looking for after hearing a track on the radio. The announced her name, but I didn't know how to spell it, so I was left none the wiser . Anyway, now I know, and although I can't find my original note with the track I was looking for, I found it anyway, it's on her album (no video): I'll check out the rest of her album album, though I've got the feeling this will be my favourite.
  19. I sort of agree, unless.. The thing is, they simply won't say at this point is it's the same universe or not. It might be, or it might not be. We do get to see a Daddy in the trailer though. Perhaps there is a connection. The mysteriousness around it seems forced though.
  20. Yay! I heard about this, dunno where, but I've also never seen a real falling star before (only in Animal Crossing ). So I kept this in mind. I intended to really go out to some place dark(er), but still close by, to go watch 'm, but well, lazy . Maybe better though, because it proves you don't need optimal viewing conditions. I just stared out of the window for some time. My conditions: - Light pollution close by (lampposts) and far away (greenhouses) - Things obscuring my view (trees, rooftops, my own window) - Slightly getting light already, I started watching around 04:30 CET So I had a small non-optimal view, but I still managed to catch 3 of 'm within an hour, probably even halfhour, I didn't keep track of time. So the only thing really needed seems to be a clear sky. There was a large cloud passing by here, but there was a strong enough wind, so it went by fast. After the 3rd, I was content, and went to bed. The small things in life . I don't know if it matters, but if it helps, I was looking towards the East. Oh, and I loved Shooting Stars by the way. Haven't seen any of the new shows though, eventhough I was aware they were on. But George Dawes is gone? Can't believe it'll be any fun without [his songs].
  21. That'll make it easier to play [real-life mini wipeout]. Seriously though, if it doesn't come with a bomb, I'm not interested.
  22. Hmm, haven't bought / played the sequel yet, but all I can say is "whoohoo!" Setting looks cool, but there's definitely the Bioshock vibe.
  23. I'm really not in a hurry. Plenty of other games during 18 months, including games I've already bought.
  24. I wasn't interested in this at all, not so much because I consider Treyarch the "B-Team" (a little bit of that), mainly because I just don't like the setting of these games. I also don't own any of the WWII CoDs. But I must admit, the trailer looks like fun. And the setting isn't much of a concern for the MP. I probably won't get this, not right away at least, but I might consider it when it gets cheaper.
  25. It looks interesting, the setting and backgroundstory sound great, but I'm not sure if I like the idea of commanding minions. I'll have to know more about the gameplay.
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