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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. Haha! Also, why is he putting his discs directly on his carpet? That’s not a good place to keep them .
  2. Haven’t watched them yet, but I’m looking forward to it! (shite bandwidth at the moment) The other videos of him in NY are awesome as well! And there’s an interview with Kari Byron. It’s annoying I can’t watch full episodes anymore..
  3. Sounds like fun Jay! I learned my Australian from [these videos].
  4. A bit yeah, but that was a few weeks ago. Perhaps I haven’t been posting much, but I have been around. Perhaps you just miss me in the mafia games ;).

  5. It seemed like a fun joke, but the man died after he plugged it in.
  6. How much data are we talking here? May temporary cloud storage be of use to you?
  7. That’s why I’m saying maybe we should start over. Do a new sign-ups, anyone who wants to, but more importantly can participate in the, say, next 2 weeks, can sign up. Obviously I’m in if we start over.
  8. Hmm yeah, perhaps I shouldn’t have bumped this.. Maybe we should start over fresh in a month or so.
  9. <head explodes>
  10. Haha! But.. [Coincidence]? Sounds like something I’d do.
  11. Forget I asked. Don’t want to know.
  12. I think this is my first this year .
  13. Something you want to tell us Gaggle? Link’s not working by the way.
  14. Oh I forgot some guilty pleasures by the way. I’ve discovered Teen nick some time ago.. I really like Big Time Rush (funny) and Victorious (funny and full of cuties). So I occasionally catch that. Between manly action movies and hardcore hentai of course. Ehm yeah, please don’t throw stuff at me.
  15. I’m just waiting for Doctor Who. (and I used to be such a TV junkie) Ocassionally I catch Community and Chuck on our local Comedy Central, but really, I’ll catch up one day when I have the money to buy some boxsets. Dexter, The walking Dead, Game of Thrones, are among the first of the ones I want to see or catch up on. If we’re talking radio however..
  16. 4 does seems familiar though. Secret Files: Tunguska?
  17. The count intends to age with dignity: no need to cover that bald spot.
  18. Anyone want to continue this? (Otherwise, who’s the winner, @Cube?)
  19. There are just some situations where 1 + 1 + 1 doesn’t equal 3..
  20. Your mouth is not open*, see pics above. * except the one picture, but not in the same way ReZ does.
  21. Never (thoroughly) cleaned a keyboard, but I’m sure ther’s a tool for safely removing keys. That said, give it a proper shake and vacuum afterwards?
  22. You’ll have to decide now if you’d still like to be friends with her Giz.. If you have to see her anyway, you can take the opportunity to talk and clear things up. Otherwise, the same advice that’s been given to Aneres probably applies, I don’t know if you can avoid seeing her. It’s not quite the same situation though, so I’d say at least have one talk, and decide how you 2 want to continue, don’t see eachother and move on, be friends, but move on etc.
  23. There are just some situations where 1 + 1 doesn’t equal 2.. I like Kit Kats, I like M&Ms, but that thing above makes me lose my appetite :|
  24. It’s when you want to focus on something in particular, with the rest being out of focus, caused by depth of field. Ik shamelesly stole a picture from @Twozzok in the photography thread to illustrate this: See how the plant in the foreground is in focus but the background isn’t. Depth of field isn’t a common feature in point & shoots, I know some of the high-end current ones can do it, but apart from that.. My Canon point & shoot can’t in any case, except in macro mode. So the above picture isn’t achievable for the snapshot photographers. I’ve been following this tech on Engadget, the concept is great, the technology promising, but this product isn't a serious photography tool. It’s a great (and expensive) toy, in my eyes. It’s great for Facebook pics and the like, they don't require a high resolution. This thing does its uses, it’s too bad image quality doesn’t seem to be to great (although to be honest, I haven’t seen any real user experiences and examples yet). But you have to realise, this thing is fast. If you want to capture things “in the moment”, this is great, you can make a snapshot in 3 seconds or so, and you can adjust focus afterwards to suit your needs. It would be very different with a real camera, where you at least have to check what the camera is focussing on, before you can take a picture. This camera removes all the need to “think” about your picture. That said, I think it’s too expensive at this point, for some sort of point & shoot.. If you don’t mind taking a bit more effort in taking pictures, I hear the Sony Cybershot DSC-HX9] (for example) is a great point & shoot, which is cheaper, and does a lot more with greater image quality. If I had the money to spare, I’d buy this thing just for the gadget factor (I love the form factor by the way, no it’s not ergonomic, but since it’s small it can get away with that). Also, it’ll be a while before this will be implemented in other (“more serious”) cameras. It requires a whole different sensor, and the sensor in this thing is quite big. I don’t know how fast they’ll make it small enough to be used in conventional cameras, whether point & shoots, milc’s or dslr’s. And then there’s still the matter of the known camera manufacturers willingness to license this stuff, unless they want to develop their own lightfield sensors. Edit: Had a look again at the site, it’s not the sensor which is big, but rather the image processor.
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