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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. Earth “Homerunners†vs. Mars “Little Green Menâ€: what should’ve been the intersolar baseball match of the century, ended in a humiliating defeat for the Martians. Played in the old Yankee stadium in New York, the visiting Martian team were at a clear disadvantage. John Siddens, coach for the Little Green Men, blamed the difference in gravity. “We never trained in Earth conditions, it’s unfair!â€
  2. Did I say tonight? I meant tomorrow. I already expected such an entry, and @Yvonne didn’t disappoint! A winner is you! Sorry for the poor picture. But it’s a seal:
  3. I’ll declare someone a winner tonight.
  4. They’re on the other side of the island. Barely felt anything apparently.
  5. If you’re going the paying route, perhaps [this] is a site to check out.
  6. I just ordered it from Bol.com with some hassle. I want the CE mainly for a physical artbook and soundtrack, and I guess the cosmetical in-game extras are nice. I’ll get a load of Bioware points as well though, so I’m ready for any DLC. Should have some left I think. Also, the PC version was a lot cheaper than the other versions obviously, costed € 70,-.
  7. If you people want another picture you can say so. I’ll try to find something more suitable.
  8. (it’s a seal, and it’s a screencap from a video by the way, excuse the poor quality )
  9. Thanks for the warning, as I’ve yet to pre-order this. Usually collector’s editions are generally available in store on launch here, but I think I’ll remove some risk and pre-order at a Dutch online shop.
  10. Small update from the film festival, which ended yesterday. Ehm, I’ve seen some films (and a documentary), but I’m only going to mention the ones I really liked. Ace attorney Already commented on it in its thread. L'ultimo terrestre Italian sci-fi about a guy who who isn’t so much concerned with the arrival of aliens, as he is with his crush on his neighbour. Now forager, a film about love & funghi Nice drama about the end of a relationship, but with lots of cooking and shots of cool looking mushrooms. Funded with Kickstarter apparently. Take shelter This was the surprise film. A bit slow, but great story. About a guy who fears he’s going schizofrenic like his mother before him. With the agent from Boardwalk empire. On a sidenote, a volunteer of the festival proposed to his girlfriend (also a volunteer) right before the film in a packed theatre. Aww.. Actually, that’s it. Well, I saw Kill list, which @ReZourceman posted in the consumer thread, but I didn’t really enjoy it. Looked like it could’ve been a promising horror near the end, but the ending was just so unsatisfying. To me anyway. I also had a ticket for King curling, a Norse film about, indeed, curling. Should be funny, but due to circumstances I had to miss it. Perhaps @Tales can let me know if I missed something great.
  11. Any good?
  12. For fuck’s sake, and I went through all that trouble..
  13. Hmm, my family is there as well, better give them a call I guess.
  14. 15 The dig 16 Giants: citizen Kabuto (see ya next year! :p)
  15. After all the commotion about the notorious airport level in Modern warfare 2, Infinity Ward scrapped a risky dogshow level in Modern warfare 3.
  16. You do now . For those interested, the boring interview with Miike Takashi (although they barely even mention Ace Attorney, so it’s largely irrelevant). Skip to 2:05, or click the link below to go there directly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=bNNq-o8gckQ#t=125s Maybe someone recorded the Q& A from the night before :p.
  17. I assume you two got that specific version because it’s cheap these days? There’s a new version out. Edit: Didn’t see the new page. Was in regards to the people buying the Bamboo.
  18. I have plenty of nunchucks (but no extra black ones). Thanks for the suggestions, I’ll try that out when I have the time. Boss battle run should prove a good test. I never experienced problems before though, so I assumed the motion+ had something to do with it. Obviously, I’ll also try playing a non-motion+ game.
  19. A question: I finished Zelda.. 2 weeks ago? Anyway, it was generally great, I already posted some impressions in the thread, and may post my final comments there as well, but finishing Zelda has been a chore in one aspect totally unrelated to the game itself. It has to do with the motion+ accessory. Now, I used the stand-alone motion+ accessory, I bought it ages ago because I wanted a black controller and assumed I’d have some games that would use it not long after, but Zelda has unfortunately been the first one due too lack of money and different priorities. I got Zelda without the exclusive remote, so I don’t own any controllers with built-in motion+. Now the problem is, that everytime things get hectic, the analogue stick seems to reset its center frequently. Making me go pause the game and push the recenter button combo. To say this is annoying is an understatement, and I honestly can’t believe I’ve put up with it, but I guess because this is the first new game in ages for me, and don’t want to buy a new remote. Hectic situations are of course boss fights, and it’s extremely frustrating is after every 3 slashes with your sword, you start walking in a specific direction without your input. Anyway, I’d like to hear from people with experience with the stand-alone accesory, if this was a common problem, I assume it’s because of the weak connection between the nunchuck and the motion+. I expect buying a new remote would solve the problem, then again, this is really a product flaw, and I should return it, but I’ve bought it a long time ago. Any comments or suggestions are appreciated.
  20. Typical epic film stuff. Orchestral. The music wasn’t exactly the most memorable part of the film, apart from the 2 things I did recognise. Though I must say it’s been a long time since I’ve played the games, so maybe I missed a few. But the finale was mostly silent for example, while it needed a good dose of Audio A real missed opportunity. But like I said, despite that, go see it and have a good time.
  21. Exactly, which is why I hate those as well. Unless they’re purely cosmetical, then I don’t mind. But if they give even the slightest advantage to a player, then I’m not interested, it alters the gameplay. That said, you don’t have to use such items, but to me it’s just that the mere existence of such items affect my suspension of disbelief, my immersion in the game.
  22. And I did see it. In a packed theatre. Well, what can I say.. It’s simply fan service galore with just one thing missing. You’ll have to accept films and games are two different mediums, and that an adaptation is going to be different, but Miike Takashi sure did almost everything to please the fans. Almost. I’m wondering how people who aren’t fans of the games, view the film, I expect it to be much less hilarious, and just simply absurd. I thoroughly enjoyed it, there was lots of humour, and plenty drama in the film, just like the games, and like I said, plenty of fan-service, plenty of little references that only the fans will notice / find funny. You can see other characters from other turnabouts as cameos in the audience for example. Some critique would be, that the pacing slows down towards the end. My biggest gripe however is the lack of music from the game. There are a few nods to it, the Steel Samurai theme is heard, but I miss the courtroom music most of all. Despite the lack of music, I’d recommend every Phoenix Wright fan to go see it. Plenty of fans during this particular screening, there were lots of cheers, especially during appearances of a certain character! Apart from the film, there was a dumb interview with Miike Takashi before the screening (“violance this, violence that.. Bla bla bla..â€). It’s too bad, becauser I initially intended to go to another screening, which was also the world premiere apparently, and which had an Q&A afterwards (and was in a better theatre too). Should have been better, but oh well.
  23. Yeah, but I assume it’s tied to a savefile? Or is it actually tied to your EA account or something? I can just uninstall the demo before I install ME3.
  24. Last figure that I bought has a shippingcost of ¥1,180 which apparently is £ 9.78224. This is the cheapest option, but I’m generally a patient man. So that should be similar if you only want one figure. Although, like Cube said, you may (and probably will) be charged customs and taxes, which will be higher than the shippingcosts. I pre-ordered them both.
  25. I have no interest in these items, but regardless it won’t affect my intentions of not playing the ME3 demo anyway. I’ll play the full game when it’s released. That said, the guys over at Penny Arcade are praising that Kingdom of Amalur thing, which peaked my interest somewhat, I may try that demo, without unlocking the items.
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