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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. I may offer some serious suggestions later, but I'm more of a soul / jazz / disco / house guy myself.
  2. Rest in peace Roger Moore.
  3. There seem to be various surveys. I got a general one right after the launch, and one for buying Mario Kart.
  4. Ok, so one of the disappointments of Breath of the wild would be the lack of any "true" dungeons. Zelda games have been getting easier, but Breath of the wild was overall a welcome exception, and hopefully setting a new trend, but we couldn't experience this challenge in a dungeon. Hopefully the DLC will cover that. I hope it will be hard as nails. I hope it will have a water theme, because I love the sound of wannabe fanboys crying. What's that expression? "In water, no one can see you cry?" I believe that's it. On a sidenote, I got curious how to pronounce cistern, wikipedia says "cistun" (I can't do phonetics), like Bob suggested, while all Youtube videos pronounce the 'r'. In other words, I still don't know. Maybe it's an American vs real English thing.
  5. I may elaborate later, but "Meh" was my overall reaction to David - the movie Alien: Covenant.
  6. Wasn't a fan of the original, but I'm still curious about this.
  7. I was looking forward to this demo since the previous Direct. The demo is up, and I've just downloaded it. If the gameplay pleases me, I'll pre-order the game, and then it'll probably last me until Fire Emblem comes out.
  8. Toss the loser on the grill eh? Rightfully so.
  9. I bought 2 Nintendo t-shirts (the Mario t-shirt, and the Pikachu line t-shirt), and 2 others (from the Haibara line). Dropped the Splatoon shirt to keep the cost down.
  10. Yup, experiencing the same.
  11. Oh for fuck's sake. Can they uncensor that shit in Holland, where nobody bats an eyelash to that kind of stuff.
  12. Bayonetta 3 confirmed.
  13. Ah, beat me to it. Anyway, I don't think I have to tell how much I'm looking forward to this.
  14. Apart from the Klingons, I think it looks good, so far.
  15. Testpunch is up, I'm downloading it now. I wasn't really interested in Arms at first, but I must admit it looks better and better with each Direct. I'm still not going to buy it launch, but at this point I'd get it sooner rather than later. I'd like to wait for a sale, but I suspect this is going to be a game that's not getting a significant discount anything soon. But damn, I want both a left and right pink joy-con. Don't care for the other existing and announced colours. I don't even need joy-cons as I practically only use the pro nowadays, except for Snipperclips. The Splatoon pro on the other hand, does nothing for me, even though I'd actually like another pro at some point most likely. .. And I want scale figures (no not amiibos) of (especially) Min Min and Twintelle please.
  16. Twintella has actual arms. Oh! I was hoping that commentator would be back!
  17. Ehm.. Google tailors your search results based on previous searches (and probably a lot of other stuff). If Google shows you NSFW images when searching for Dragonite, you must have done something to deserve that..
  18. [tweet]864787632991219712[/tweet] http://www.platige.com/en/page/839-The_Witcher_Saga_On_Netflix
  19. Perhaps it's simply a matter of timing. For all we know, Nintendo has lined up E-shop indie releases for the rest of the year, and they don't want to mess with their schedule too much, unless it's new / original / exclusive / popular. Maybe World of Goo simply got in early.
  20. Yeah, I noticed that as well. I love these little details, just like the rainbow and Aurora Borealis showing up, or the coral reefs in the water.
  21. So.. how many X-men series are coming? I've genuinely not heard of this one, but I know there's at least 2, perhaps 3 coming.. There's the Cloak & Dagger, the one with Maisie Williams and Anya Taylor-Joy, and I believe something about X-Force?
  22. Yeah, I was wondering what was happening, I did a shift-F5 so I didn't think it was a cache issue. My post didn't display, but I was mentioned as the last poster. Thought it may have been a DB error where the first post of a new page got lost or something. When I made a doublepost for testing purposes it was fixed. Get these frequently (to the point of getting annoying) as well. Currently refreshing helps, though a while back I had to wait for some time before I could access the site again.
  23. I liked Split, but I thought the actual ending was disappointing (not the surprise twist, I liked the twist). It was a bit of a cop-out..
  24. So those who want this, now would be a good time to get it.. The game is leaving digital shops. After 15 May, you won't be able to buy this game anymore on XBox live or Steam. Dunno about XBox live, but Steam will offer an 90% discount for the last 2 days. They stop selling the game because of music licenses. https://kotaku.com/alan-wake-is-disappearing-from-steam-and-xbox-live-beca-1795160432 http://steamcommunity.com/games/alanwake/announcements/detail/2362546845450971279 Alan wake's American nightmare is not affected. This was on my wishlist, but I prefer physical copies, but this was never high priority so I never got around to it. Will get the game tomorrow, though may still go after that physical copy. Also, wow that bump. Enjoy your nostalgia, N-Europe veterans.
  25. You're Dutch so you should look at the Tweakers pricewatch for these kind of questions. It seems to be a good deal. While I'm here.. Last month I bought a graphic novel. Like, for myself. I rarely buy graphic novels (the previous one was last year, a souvernir from France). Story-wise it's for children, but the pictures are so pretty. I also ordered and received the blu-ray of the Webseries The vault, but I'll probably bump the thread for it. I also ordered a shitload of Nendoroids, but I'll be getting them over the course of the year.
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