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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. I have no idea what game that's supposed to be, but God damn now I want Famicom joycons. Oh no wait, that's one of the WiiU exclusives I missed out on, one of the games I'd get for it. It's one of the few ports I wouldn't mind for Switch..
  2. Edit:
  3. Apparently, you can now download the demo for the unreleased Rayman game for SNES. Perhaps if they're quick they can add it to the Super Nintendo classic mini.
  4. Click your name -> profile in top right, then when on your actual profile, click edit profile also in the top right (edit: well, top right of your profile banner). Question: How / where do I collect warning points? And can I exchange them for N-Europe goodies? I have 0 at the moment :(.
  5. No, you should buy a 4th and extra TVs if necessary, so you can have Mario Kart LAN parties at your home. Edit: Colorwares are cool, but I'll wait for official ones. I'd like a complete set of pink ones and a set of purple ones.
  6. Would be even cooler if they also made a 4p mode using 4 Switches. And like I said in another thread, it's fun to be annoying by camping near a cherry as a ghost.
  7. Those who can't wait for Super Mario Odyssey, can play Super Mario 64.
  8. I forgot all about those.. You get these on the plateau, after that you're technically free to do anything including taking on Ganon, but I vaguely remember being guided towards Kakariko village for some other early main quests. I went there anyway, it's actually handy to get those done early as you upgrade your Sheikah tablet. Anyway, for me that's over 3 months ago. I stopped playing for some time a while ago.. Because of film festivals and whatnot. Started playing a week ago, from where I left of, which wasn't long after defeating the Rito divine beast. I went there because I wanted to fully explore the Hebra region, but that wasn't practical without the Rito outfit. Anyway, so that what I did first.. Exploring the Hebra region. Visited various shrines, including a (literally) cool one in a cave with one of those Leviathan skeletons. Took me a while to find the entrance, as the Sheikah sensor kept beeping all around that mountain. It goes without saying a found a bunch of Koroks as well. Also did the shieldsurf race.. Was surprised as Selmie wasn't impresed with my time on the beginners course, but apparently I broke her record on the advanced course in one attempt. Next was the final region I had to uncover on my map: the Ridgeland region. Took the long road, In the Hebra region, I went back to the start of that long canyon, and followed it all the way to the end (visiting a shrine and finding multiple Koroks along the way), climbed back up and visitied the stable. Climbed on top of the smaller mountain so I could fly to the base of the tower there, which was much easier than dealing with multiple Lizalfos and Wizzrobes on the water (I fly and climb really everywhere). Visited several shrines. Explored Satori mountain, waiting for the blue light to appear. That mountain has a shitload of ingredients, good for getting missing pics. At one point I was spoilt for choice at what to do, the blue light appeared, so I wanted to run back to the top of the mountain, but I also saw a falling star, and I usually drop everything I do to race towards that star fragment. It also happened to be a bloodmoon night, so i was also in a position to check out that notorious bloodmoon shrine.. Since I was able to do both of the latter two, I left the star fragment for what it was, and went to the top of the mountain to take a pic, and fly off the mountain towards the shrine. The bloodmoon cutscene happened while I was flying over there, but you still have a window to enter it afterwards. So I got lucky and got in the shrine with no trouble. Currently I'm doing another tour of Hyrule, in order to fulfill some sidequests, before I head to the last region I have yet to fully explore: the Gerudo region, where the last divine beast awaits. At the moment I'm in the Akkala region, checking up on Tarrey town, and it's almost finished. I visited the Lost woods on the way, to finish the riddles sidequest (after I accidentally got the electric fish I needed.. From an Octoroc). I'm heading to Zor's domain next. I already know I can find the last person for Tarrey Town there, and I apparently missed a sidequest there. I need to check up on the love letter sidequest. Then I'll head over to Kakariko village as I have found all the memories. I think I'll be skipping Hateno village for now, as I still don't have a Duplex bow needed for that kid. After that it's the Gerudo region.. And then there's the dlc stuff (which is the first thing I did in Zelda, buying the season pass). I already passed the Lost Woods, but I think I'll save the trials for after the last divine beast anyway. I'll probably get the outfits, though I don't really care for them. Although funny, they're a bit immersion breaking, just like the Switch shirt. The hero trail is handy though. This is what mine looks like after 185 hours: It's good to get a confirmation that I was thorough exploring certain areas.. I don't think it's entirely accurate though.. I see multiple deadends eventhough I used fast travel exactly once in my canon playthough.. I suspect it also records trails of autosaves even if you don't end up permanently saving it. I've made a bunch of screencaptures again, I stopped doing those as the album doesn't allow filtering on account, so both my screenshots as well as my brothers were all there. Something Nintendo needs to fix. But as he stopped doing them as well.. Anyway, I'll post the better ones here at some point. I'll leave you with the follow up to the first image in this post (spoilered, it's the blue Lord).
  9. I'll probably be there. I may go see a film last minute, but I think I'll stay at home. Anyway, you'll see me in the lobby if I've made up my mind.
  10. I guess it's a good thing they're never making a film of this.. This does absolutely nothing for me. Can't wait for it to be ignored by the MCU.
  11. Yeah, I bought Snake Pass. Think I'm regretting it haha. Looked like a relaxing game.. But while 2D movement is intuitive, 3D (going up or down) isn't.. Plus the graphics are a blurry mess in docked mode, I can't look at it. Pacman vs is pretty cool for a short multiplayer session. As a ghost, I liked to camp near the cherry.
  12. Although nice, I'd still prefer if they made more NES classics before they started with this one. I will be there for the N64 classic though. Also, with the Switch out, those controllers should be compatible.. I dunno if these are? Missed opportunity otherwise.
  13. (ooh, my first post on the new forum) @Helmsly, we were playing a game who would hold out the longest before replying after the latest season had started.. You lost. Seriously though.. The fact it took so long is probably an indication of overall hype levels for Doctor Who nowadays. I accidentally watched the first episode of the season, and to my surprise I thought it was ok.. It's good to hear the rest seems to be ok as well. I didn't watch the rest because I either forgot or had something else planned. There was a time I would plan to stay home and watch Doctor Who, but that time has gone. The end of an era, because Doctor Who was pretty much the last show I actually still watched on traditional television, My.. I believe 20+ year-old TV was basically only used for Doctor Who in the end. So it only saw a few uses each year, before Capaldi's second season. After that I barely bothered. It's a shame, as I like Capaldi as an actor, and was actually excited by his casting announcement. With better writing (and/or perhaps directing?) I'm sure he could've been a great doctor. It would have been nice to see him in at least one other season, assuming quality would go up, but it's at least good to hear he leaves on a relative high note. I will have to see for myself some time, on Netflix. I seriously thing though, that after the next doctor, they should seriously consider another 10 year hiatus.
  14. I dunno about the regular XBone controller, but the elite one is wired.. So I'd expect the regular one to have a wired option as well?? Anyway, I haven't used it that much, but I consider it as good investment, it has served me well for those games where mouse+keyboard is not preferrable. As for the mouse.. Yeah the tip I read years ago and I'm glad I did: just try out various mice if you can. The most important thing is that a mouse feels comfortable, and only you can tell.. Different mice have different grips, and therefore feel different. I've got an old Razer Copperhead, and I specifically chose that one because I could feel some mice out in the store. If not would have gone for a more luxurious one, but I found out I actually didn't like the feel of that one so chose the Copperhead instead. Nowadays though, I don't see those mice displayed at the store anymore, so I don't know how viable it is to try out a mouse before you buy.
  15. Old Thread!
  16. Wanted to post the Game of Thrones trailer, searched for its thread, came across this one, and had a laugh. Oh how things have changed, or caught up rather.
  17. Just found out that since the last OS update you can also like newsposts. It's a bit annoying you can't immediately go to the last news post in those channels though. Followed them all except New frontiers because I don't give a shit, and Mario, because I don't want to see anything else until I put the cartridge in my Switch.
  18. [tweet]876831970839347202[/tweet] So that should be 25-09-2017 for us.
  19. Little dragon - Klapp klapp Or if you prefer the music video: I thought I've heard of them before, but I think I'm mistaken. This was the song thast made me check them out anyway, and it's my favourite track of the previous album.. But I'm really loving their latest as well. Going to see them live in November.. Banging my head as I found out I could've seen them 6 years ago, locally, and probably for free, when they weren't as big as they are now. Now I need to go to Amsterdam, but I'm looking forward to it.
  20. So.. unlike my Sega troll thread from 7 years ago, this seems to be legitimate.. But no idea what it's going to be. Maybe Atari is the one trolling, and it's going to be an Atari classic mini. I think I heard it was going to be more like a PC.. Maybe some kind of Steam box type thing. https://www.ataribox.com/
  21. Tried to post this 2 days ago.
  22. Sorry about the tracks guys.. I was assuming the host would select the tracks, I didn't bother to write them down (and I turned my computer off since I use the monitor for my Switch as well). I tried backing out once, seeing if I could reselect what everyone else was selecting, but I think that reset my score as well (not that would have mattered much).
  23. It's hard for me to get anything done here currently.
  24. Well I personally don't think it's fun to have everyone use the same set-up and look the same, and force them in set-ups they may not be familiar with, so I'd love it if you get rid of it for future races.. For now, I guess I'll stay home this night and join you guys (using the suggested set-up as far as possible). 20:00 is UK time I assume.. so in 1 hour and 20 minutes? Wasn't Glen-i the host? I have him in my friendlist. Also if I disconnect it's due to bad internet and/or wifi. I haven't set-up my old LAN adapter, I don't have a spare network cable lying around. I don't ragequit . I will do badly though.
  25. If I were to join today, what steps do I need to take? Also, totally not a fan of the "themes".. I haven't played Mario Kart all that much, so I'm only familiar with exactly one set-up (the default one). I'm not even sure if I have unlocked all that stuff.. Edit: God motherfucker.. That took 10 minutes to post.
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