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Everything posted by fex

  1. Steer clear of Trust their products are cheap shit... I've played on a cheap tablet, and its frustrating. I'd rather have no tablet than a cheap tablet.
  2. Mr Muscle was that in the ingredients? Did you think by adding some you would turn in to a Superhero? We've all been there, its not big and its not clever
  3. Forget the question mark. Thrust it upon him. Use and abuse him. Point your finger and demand it.
  4. hmmm.......proceed...........
  5. Sign me up but don't take my anal virginity, that was never in the offering
  6. When is the Palm Pre getting released? And how much will it be? Also is there a way of upgrading to an iPhone? Last time I upgraded my phone with O2 (PAYG) they give so much off the cost of the handset. Alternatively is there any way of getting it cheaper than the advertised prices? Can I ring you up and you can pretend to have an unsatisfied customer who you have to give a great deal on an iphone?
  7. Get the Dell 2209WA 22 incher but it has a IPS panel rather than a cheap TN panel, meaning much better viewing angles and colour reproduction. At £185 is amazing value.
  8. I didn't even know I had the free Apple Care. My Laptop was just over two years old and it kept kernal panicing. I got a quote from around £400 to replace the logic board (without labor) I said I'd rather put the money to towards a new machine as its not worth spending so much on an aging laptop. Then the guy was looking through my details and he told me I bought it whilst I was a student and 3 years apple care was included. So they fixed it for free. I got a receipt and in total the bill came £600 odd pound. Which is ridiculous. But anyway it got fixed and didn't cost a penny and Apples service was brilliant.
  9. I bought a Mac as a student and the Apple care came free. I had my Airport and my Logic board replaced.
  10. Western Digital Caviar Green 750 GB - £51 Hopefully this will be a nice quiet drive for my media files.
  11. I guess kids enjoy bullying
  12. This was already posted ages ago.
  13. Yeh OSX will install on PC hardware. You need to do a little bit of research on what components work, but it still perfectly possible to install a Snow Leopard from the official disc without downloading a pre-patched version (iPC, and all that jazz). It does violate the EULA from Apple. But it's perfectly possible to get a 100% working and very statable OSX workstation. The community is continuously growing in size with a large number of tutorials and guides.
  14. From what I've read it seems like a nice improvement over Leopard. Shame I can't install it on my iBook. I can't wait to build my new PC and get Snow Leopard up and running on it.
  15. fex

    Windows 7

    Run in XP mode = Win
  16. I don't think I've ever laughed so much in my life......... i was in pain, tears were running down my face!
  17. I think you'll find the definition of innovation is 'Imitate a previous game with two differences.' :P either way its an exciting time for MMO's with the WoW subscription base likely to start declining as it nears the end of its life. Although have you seen the new expansion? Azeroth looks awesome and the new alliance race is freaking sweet, still not enough to make me subscribe once again. Edit: There really should be a general MMO thread.
  18. Aion will do me for the mean while... but on the horizon we have Old Republic, FF XIV and Blizzards new MMO. I think all of these are going to be extremely high quality and have millions and million spent on development. Because they have the potential to make billions as Blizzard have shown, which leads to more innovation
  19. I agress the Star Wars IP has been overused. But I wouldn't say a waste of time, a fully voiced mmo where your choices actually make a difference (very much Mass Effect stylee) sounds good to me.
  20. 20 minutes of gameplay has been posted on IGN It is sure shaping up to be a great looking game
  21. I returned... New Category Person with the least number of Votes
  22. not a single vote... well screw you all. Im leaving these forums forever
  23. fex

    Guild Wars 2

    I love the art direction and style of those screen shots. I played through the first and whilst I enjoyed it. There were alot of flaws and down sides to the game. I hope they make some great improvements over the first.
  24. Awesome thats 90% the same as my next build. Instead of the Antec 900 I'm going for the Antec P183 and i'll be going for a smaller HD. Did you order that bundle from Overclockers?
  25. THREE CHEERS FOR TIM HOWARD! worst choice ever.........
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