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Everything posted by fex

  1. Merry Christmas Nintendo!
  2. Crickey, god damn that sucks. i didn't believe it when my brother told me this morning! What a great guy. RIP!! ________ Greenbrier
  3. Imagine if Nintendo did an apple type release. Held there event on the 14th/15th and the Wii was available from the day after Would you be ready to purchase your Wii on the 16th? ________ ALFREDO FERRARI HISTORY
  4. Yes it does say the winners will recieve there Wii on the day of launch. why lock?
  5. So for those who have picked the new ONM will know they have teamed up with Nintendo UK to be able to deliver ten Wii's to lucky people upon the launch as part of a competition. After reading the little article i noticed that the closing date for entries is the 6th of November, which means that the Wii will be getting released post the 6/11/06. So I entered the competition, and got the question right, Woohoo!!! And I find out if i have won a Wii in the 11th Issue of ONM, which is due for release on 24th of November. So surely this means a futher delay for the Wii. Why would they say find out if you've won on the 24th, if say the Wii is released at an ealier date? I wouldn't need to read ONM to find out ive won, because i'd have my Wii right here with me. Does this mean the Wii will be released after the 24th of November! I hope not!!
  6. Woolworths will soon begin PS3 pre orders and the word is that, to secure yours on launch day, you will be putting £150 deposit down
  7. I've heard about this law, don't worry your self, they will most probally bring the law in within the future, but they sure as hell are not going to make everyone buy new TV's, Computers, Consoles overnight. This will be a gradual change for example from 2008 all TV's sold must not have a standby feature on, then as everyone eventaully buys a new TV, theres no one left with a TV with standby. ________ NEVADA DISPENSARY
  8. A wee bit more obscure!
  9. Rancid ...And Out Come The Wolves Highlights - Time Bomb Old Friend ________ Lovely Wendie
  10. ok so the photoshop work was rushed but heres mine. I call it Hairoplane
  11. i would love a port ________ Gang Bang Video
  12. some good games, the closest nintendo have come to failure with there home consoles ex. Virtual Boy ________ Wendie 99
  13. Marball Madness ________ Free gift card
  14. i want the Wii to be released in sept ________ THE CIGAR BOSS
  15. FF7 :P WoW? if not then a HL the ammount of people that play that online is crazy ________ Medical Cannabis
  16. Jimmy Eat World are one of the most solid bands out there, have you ever heard a bad JEW alb? I wouldn't class them as emo myself, but each to their own. What i hate atm, it Sandi freaking Thom, the ammount of chavs that buy her song does my head in. Ok, i know its a pop song, but i feel like hammering them with my knowledge. I just want to ask them what kinda punk bands there into, old stuff like SexP, TClash etc., or newer stuff like Rancid etc. Then have a good old political rant with them. If only...
  17. Ok but star wars and super monkey ball only appeal to a certain audiance, look at the wii launch window titles mario, excite truck, project hammer, zelda, waroi ware, wii sports, SSB:B. Theres certainly more diversity now than there ever has been on a nintendo console Nintendo have admitted their selves that the GC didn't have the titles to fully take off, not just launch games but the second wave of games ________ Lovely Wendie
  18. There are so many launch titles because Nintendo is scared of the Wii doing a Gamecube. The GC had a poor launch titles and it took ages to get some good games, therefore everyone went PS2/Xbox. Nintendo is living and learning. ________ Marijuana card
  19. A program called after effects by Adobe, quite a steep learning curve but theres so much to it, and it works in a very similar way to photoshop. Theres also a program called Shake, which im going to start using, kinda of the same but more powerfull i think. ________ Anal Webcams
  20. I just tied to see if i could do the light sabre effect. Sorry its short and quite pants but it was only a test. Gimmie some feedback I might do a longer more fancy version if i get the urge! Argh i need 15 posts to post a link, i'll try some thing w w w dot youtube dot com/watch?v=ZoU314ic58w ________ WWW.VAPORIZERS
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