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Everything posted by fex

  1. fex

    Windows 7

    You'll need a 3.5" Hard Drive. Then either SATA or IDE compatible hard drive depending on your system
  2. fex

    Windows 7

    Im guessing mircosoft want / need to shift the remaining XP user base to Windows 7, hence the low price. Nobody should be running a 9 year old OS. This applies particularly to Colleges/University and a large number of businesses which saw Vista as hassle they didn't want to deal with.
  3. fex

    Windows 7

    £89 is a great bargain for the professional. Is £89 cheaper than Home Premium @ full price? If so then I'd be very tempted :awesome:
  4. fex

    Windows 7

    I've just ordered Home Premium @ £45 its a steal.
  5. fex

    Windows 7

    Shweeeeet let us know how it goes!
  6. fex

    Windows 7

    try this program I'm sure this is the program I used a while back, super easy to use. ie say how many Gb you need your partition to be, hit apply, your computer will reboot and it will spend 5 minutes creating your new partition then boot up and its done. super easy
  7. fex

    Windows 7

    Im sure you can run files from one partition to the other but I believe programs have to be installed on the OS thats operational in order for them to work.
  8. fex

    Windows 7

    Could you not partition your hard drive and install Windows 7 on the new partition? Then once your done erase the partition and you're back to normal
  9. At my work, they bin CV's without looking at them unless they have a covering letter. Your CV states your qualifications / work experience etc. It does not tell the employer how you will benefit the company, what type of work your looking for (this may be obvious for some jobs) and all that jazz. Basically, your coving letter should help bond you to your potential employer
  10. fex

    Windows 7

    If you've got a bit of free time to install the RC then I would recommend it. It's a solid OS, with some awesome new features. A massive leap from Vista / XP which ever your running. Edit: The RC is pretty much the full version.
  11. Not being a massive windows user im probably not the best person to speak of the differences. But Windows 7 is a great upgrade from Vista. The new Dock style bar is fantastic. I found the network connectivity far superior than XP's.
  12. Try your onboard gfx and if everything loads then you know everythings a-okay apart from your GFX card, then just buy a new one.
  13. ^ That guy is this guy <
  14. The Good, The Bad And The Weird I've been wanting to watch this for ages, and it didn't disappoint. Some parts were pure cheese, but the production values and action scenes were fantastic. Very humorous in parts, but doesn't live up to Bittersweet Life. 3.5/5
  15. Aww man, I remember a friend and I downloading the Rom's for this before gold and silver got released. It was sooo hard finding one with good english and didn't crash all the time. Can't WAIT!
  16. O2 charging for tethering is just greed on their part. It all boils down to data transfer, its acceptable to unlimitedly browse whilst using the iPhone, yet if you want to display the internet, with flash on a computer they think they have the right to charge an additional £15 for 3Gb of data?!?! Unlimited rarely lives up to its definition but, surely incorporate tethering into o2's fair useage policy and your on to a winner, surpassing competition's standards and winning respect with loyal consumers.
  17. fex

    Windows 7

    I think Windows 7 will ship with IE, Firefox, Safari etc. but it will be the users choice to select which browsers they want. And I'm sure 90% of user would just install IE anyway. Unless MS ship Visual Basic and users have to build there own web browser in-order to download firefox.
  18. fex

    Windows 7

    £79.99 should be the price, but £149.99 is far too steep. Any customers who paid for Vista shouldn't be paying £79.99 for an upgrade. I think £30-£40 is reasonable considering.
  19. fex

    Windows 7

    Microsoft have just released the prices for Windows 7 WINDOWS 7 UPGRADE PRICES Home Premium - £79.99 Professional - £189.99 Ultimate - £199.99 WINDOWS 7 RETAIL PRICES Home Premium - £149.99 Professional - £219.99 Ultimate - £229.99 Whilst thinking £149.99 is a little too steep, £79.99 seems to hit the sweet spot, so make sure if your buying Windows 7 that you get it early.
  20. Bad news. Think about the people who bought there tickets on ebay, you're never recuperating your costs. RIP Jacko!
  21. I think employers discriminate against graduates, particularly for low skilled jobs. Generally thinking you're not committed to the job. Its your job to convince them from the start, ensure your CV and Covering Letter are tailored to each job you apply for and talk about where your want to take your experience (though it will be a lie). The key is persistence and confidence. Nobody wants to employ an un-socialble person. I find chatting to the most talkative of friends before my interview it helps get me into that talkative mindset.
  22. fex

    WWDC 2009

    Agreed. Steer clear of the mini, unless you have money to burn. £500 for that is a disgrace. You could get Q6700 Quad Core @ 2.66Ghz 4Gb Ram 500Gb Hard Drive Asus P5Q Deluxe Mobo Corsair 520W HX in a sexy Antec P182 Case for £500. Then install OSX on that beast. It would walk all over a mini. Edit : Maybe £600
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